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The principle of exposure to an ultrasonic massager for face and body

Ultrasonic body massage is one of the most popular procedures in beauty clinics. It is painless, does not have side effects, it has not so many contraindications, and the effectiveness of the procedure is quite high.

That is why home appliances for ultrasonic massage are gaining more and more popularity. By their effectiveness, they are sometimes not inferior to professional devices. In order for the effect of the manipulation carried out at home to be as high as possible, you should know some features of the ultrasound effect on the skin, what problems such a massage can solve, and also familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

Ultrasound massage can be done not only by a cosmetologist, but also independently at home

Features of Ultrasonic Body Massager

Massagers for home use have compact dimensions, so you do not have to interrupt the course started because of a business trip or vacation. As a rule, only ultrasound massage functions have devices designed to treat the face. Aggregates for the body have long been released with additional functions such as myostimulation, infrared massage, electrical stimulation. This is done for the complex effect of the massager on the treated area.

Good to know: how to use an electric massager for the body.

For example, when anti-cellulite massage there is not only a breakdown of adipose tissue, but also a simultaneous muscle lift and an increase in skin elasticity. Thanks to this effect, the results become noticeable after a short period of time, and the effect of the procedure lasts a long time.

The effectiveness of the ultrasound massager for cellulite

Another feature is the use of this type of instrument. The course of procedures consists of 10-15 sessions, each of which lasts from two to 15 minutes. The exposure time of the device is increased gradually, with the appearance of unpleasant sensations, the intensity and duration of exposure are reduced.

A huge advantage of these devices is the combination of price and efficiency. Consumers who have the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of home and salon care, talk about their complete identity. Thus, the use of such a portable device will help not only find a fit figure, but also save a considerable amount of money in the family budget.

The principle of exposure to the body. Terms of use at home

During the manipulation, a pulse effect on the cells of the body occurs, as a result of which the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated, metabolic processes improve, blood flow and lymph flow are stimulated. Oxygen begins to flow faster to the cells. Cosmetics used in conjunction with the unit saturate the deeper layers of the skin with useful substances and enhance the effect of ultrasound massage. There is a soft peeling and cleansing of the skin surface, toxins are eliminated. The skin becomes more elastic and toned, imperfections such as scars and stretch marks go away.

The effect of ultrasound massage on the skin

In order for the procedure to bring as much benefit as possible, you should prepare for it. Before using the device, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Take a relaxing bath or shower.
  2. Use a body scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells and the best effects of ultrasound massage.
  3. Apply a special gel to the treated area to facilitate the procedure and achieve a pronounced effect.

When massaging any part of the body, one should remember a simple rule: the manipulation is carried out from the periphery to the center, while processing the arms and legs, the effect is from the bottom up. Do not affect the area of ​​the heart. The pace should be comfortable, and therefore selected individually. It is advisable that no one distracts during the massage, this will contribute to better muscle relaxation, and, as a result, more efficient operation of the device.

The main thing in your own ultrasound massage is a comfortable pace and compliance with simple rules

Precautions and contraindications

Although all devices are designed with human anatomy in mind and manufacturers are trying to make them as safe as possible, some precautions must be taken.

Before using the massager, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use.

First of all, each specific device must be used strictly according to the instructions and in combination with cosmetics recommended by the manufacturer. Do not forget that this procedure has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • damage to the skin - wounds, scratches;
  • oncology and autoimmune diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of pacemakers;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic ailments in the acute stage;
  • dermatitis and other skin pathologies;
  • mental disorders;
  • the presence of implants - fillers or threads for lifting.

If during the procedure there are strange or unpleasant sensations, it is better to refuse to conduct it.

Popular models of ultrasonic massagers

The massagers presented below are popular in their niche and receive numerous positive reviews from consumers:

1. US-Medica Velvet Skin

Universal device, used both for the body and for the face. Helps to combat sagging skin, removes fat deposits, cleanses and tightens the skin. Thanks to its compact size, it does not take up much space on a shelf in the traveler’s bathroom or suitcase. Available in delicate pink. Price 7500 rub.

US Medica Velvet Skin

2. Gezatone Bio-Sonic 1130

A massager that combines the benefits of ultrasound massage, RF lifting and chromotherapy. Due to the complex indispensable for the fight even with severe cellulite. It removes fatty, makes the skin of the body smooth and toned. The effect is visible after several applications. Price from 6900 rub.

Gezatone Bio-Sculptor 1130

3. Gezatone M115 Ultrasound and myostimulation

A device for complex rejuvenation of not only the body but also the face. Effectively fights with visible signs of aging and skin imperfections, making it more elastic and toned. Due to the complex effect, the muscles of the body and face are strengthened, stretch marks and scars go away, the manifestations of cellulite are reduced, the production of own collagen and elastin is activated. Price from 4500 rub.

Gezatone M115

4. Gezatone SuperSonic M350

Designed for imperfections such as cellulite and loose skin. A distinctive feature of this device is that the cosmetics used with it in the deeper layers of the skin. This enhances the positive impact of ultrasound massage. Price from 2000 rub.

Gezatone SuperSonic M350

5. Gezatone M380 Cellusage

A multifunctional massager that combines the benefits of ultrasound massage, infrared heating and electrical stimulation. Designed to eliminate body fat, as well as to improve the appearance of the skin. Price from 5600 rub.

Gezatone M380 Cellusage

Ultrasonic massage is an excellent procedure to maintain the tone and elasticity of the skin of the body. Due to its effectiveness and safety, this type of massage is one of the most comfortable and effective in the fight against body imperfections.

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