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Pros and cons of using mesoscooter for face

To preserve the beauty and youth of the face, various cosmetic procedures are used, many of which are performed with the participation of special devices. To determine whether the mesoscooter is harmful or beneficial to the face, you need to weigh all the positive and negative points associated with its use.

Mesoscooter: what is it?

The roller with small needles and a convenient handle is designed to rejuvenate the face, improve its color and increase tone. The number and size of needles, as well as the material of their manufacture, depends on the specific model and manufacturer.

The quality of the needles plays an important role and affects the effectiveness of the procedure. The simplest models can have plastic needles that do not withstand long-term operation. More durable - made of steel, medical metal or titanium. The length of the needles can be from 0.15 mm to 2.5 mm.

The mesoscooter should be stored in a case after use.

When treating the skin surface with a mesoscooter, a lot of punctures are formed. This stimulates the regenerative ability of the body - the intensive production of elastin and collagen. An additional effect is provided by the use of serums and other means to affect the deeper layers of the skin.

Advantages of using

Intensive cosmetology procedure has the following advantages:

  • promotes narrowing of pores;
  • improves complexion;
  • fights unwanted pigmentation;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration;
  • the introduction of cosmetics is becoming more effective;
  • the oval of the face is tightened;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • "Crow's feet" near the eyes become smaller.

The quality of the needles affects the effectiveness of the procedure

Varieties of mesoscooters depending on the length of the needles

In addition to the design and exterior features, dermatollers differ in the length of the needles. Depending on what kind of problem needs to be fixed, a device with long, medium or short needles is selected. Mesotherapy is beneficial for the face with a correctly selected mesoscooter with the right length of needles.


Needles having a length of up to 2.5 mm are long. Their use is possible to solve the following defects, which serve as indications for use:

  • after acne
  • colloidal scars;
  • flabby condition of the skin.

Long needles

This length of needles (1-2.5 mm) can be in medical scooters. Their use is best entrusted to an experienced cosmetologist in the salon. The use of local anesthesia in this case is often practiced and can reduce pain.


Recommended for patients with oily skin of medium thickness. Medium needles can narrow pores on the face and cope with fine wrinkles. But such needles are not suitable for use on thin and sensitive skin.

Needles 0.5-1 mm long are considered cosmetic. A device equipped with needles with such a length can often be found in beauty salons.


The short length of the working needles allows better cosmetic or medicinal products applied to the skin.

Short needles are effective when used in conjunction with hyaluronic acid.

Short needles

The mesoscooter can be used for the following purpose:

  • increased skin tone;
  • elimination of small wrinkles;
  • improvement of blood circulation of the skin and complexion.

A device with a working needle length of up to 0.5 mm is recommended for home use. At the same time, you can be sure that small needles will not cause harm or significant pain.

Short and medium needles are effective enough to combat age-related changes in facial skin, including small wrinkles.

Varieties of mesoscooters depending on the number of needles

Dermarollers with removable rollers with various number of needles are produced

Mesoscooters can have up to 1,200 needles per roller. But such an amount is needed only for body treatment, for example, as a means of combating cellulite.

For the face area, fewer needles are needed:

  • about 200 pieces located on the roller can be useful for processing the area near the eyes;
  • 540 pieces - most often found on standard-sized scooters that treat the face, décolleté area, skin near the eyes and neck.

Eye area treatment

Models with such characteristics will allow mesotherapy to be carried out even at home.

Instructions for use

Proper use of the mesoscooter will rejuvenate the face and cope with many problems. Violation of technology can lead to unpleasant consequences and harm the body.

The duration of one session is approximately a quarter of an hour.

Standard mesoscooter

Tool processing

Before starting the manipulation, you need to prepare the tool itself. The mesoscooter must be disinfected with chlorhexidine or alcohol. To do this, the roller is placed for several minutes in a disinfection solution.

After that, the apparatus is taken out to dry and positioned so that it does not touch foreign objects with its needles. When the roller has dried, it can be used for cosmetic procedures.

When immersing the roller in a disinfection solution, it is advisable to avoid contact of the needles with the walls of the vessel so that they do not become dull.


Roller operation must be carried out without the use of force

Order of conduct:

  1. Skin cleansing and makeup removal.
  2. Treatment of the face with an antiseptic.
  3. If needles from 0.1 cm are used to perform the procedure, the skin is treated with an anesthetic.
  4. Applying a cosmetic product for the procedure in an even layer.
  5. Scooter performs movements in various directions (longitudinal, transverse and at an angle), and the device must pass five times in each direction.
  6. After the procedure, the face is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  7. A moisturizing or active cream is applied.
  8. The mesoscooter is cleaned and disinfected.
  9. After processing, the device is placed in a case.

For mesotherapy, only special cosmetic cocktails that are designed directly for this procedure are suitable.


Mesotherapy using a roller is prohibited in some situations.

Hard contraindications for use in cosmetic purposes of the mesoscooter are:

  • the presence of skin lesions in the form of unhealed wounds or burns;
  • dermatological diseases of the skin of the face;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • pregnancy;
  • viral and other infections;
  • feeling unwell;
  • recovery period after injuries and illnesses.

Recommendations for use

So that the procedure does not cause negative emotions and side effects, you must follow certain recommendations:

  • do not use a roller if there are contraindications;
  • Do not use the same roller for more than six months;
  • a device that has been damaged or has experienced a fall is not to be used;
  • for mesotherapy, you can not use ordinary face creams that contain oils, preservatives and other substances that are not intended to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin;
  • perform manipulations without the use of force, avoiding the appearance of blood;
  • can not be carried out by the device on sensitive areas of the face (lips, eyelids, mucous membranes).

Even a small needle machine is highly efficient.

You can increase the efficiency of the work of the roller by selecting a specific drug for the procedure.

The entry of active substancesAction taken
ChamomileElimination of rashes and irritation
Vitamin CElimination of pigmentation (freckles, spots), bleaching after tanning
Hyaluronic acidAnti-wrinkle and good hydration
Aloe veraRelief of inflammation
CollagenStrengthening the elasticity of the skin

The course of mesotherapy should be about 10 sessions with breaks between them. The interval between procedures can be from 5 days to a week.

In order for the skin to regenerate faster and respond actively to the cosmetic procedure after undergoing a course of procedures, it is recommended to undergo 10 treatment sessions no more than a couple of times a year. More frequent passage may adversely affect the condition of the skin, which will get used to mesotherapy and will not regenerate on its own.

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