home-For health-Mesoscooter-Mesoscooter for hair at home - how to use against hair loss

Mesoscooter for hair at home - how to use against hair loss

Hair loss is a problem that can be experienced by both men and women of any age. A mesoscooter for hair can help solve the problem at home. This device allows you to effectively act on the scalp, stimulating the hair follicles.

What is a mesoscooter?

The mesoscooter for hair is a device that consists of a roller with very small needles and a convenient ergonomic handle.

For needles use such materials:

  • titanium;
  • steel;
  • alloys of metals.

In addition to design, scooters have a difference in the length of the needles and their number on the roller. When purchasing a device, it must be borne in mind that long needles (about 2.5 mm) are installed only on professional devices. Only scooters with a needle length of 1 to 1.5 mm can be used on their own.

Roller size may vary

Depending on what areas the scooter is intended for, they are divided into the following types:

  • for body;
  • for hair;
  • for face.

In addition to the roller device, there are mesostamps. With their help, the procedure lasts longer, but it is more convenient to bypass moles, scars and lesions on the skin.

Operating principle

Dermaroller, or scalproller, which is carried out along the scalp, leaves after passing a puncture. At the same time, stimulation of active points on the head is performed.

Such an effect gives the following effect:

  • normalized sebum on the head;
  • regeneration processes are stimulated;
  • hair follicles get better nutrition;
  • hair follicles in an inactive state go into an active state;
  • collagen production increases;
  • blood supply improves;
  • stagnation is eliminated.

In the complex, all this leads to an increase in the density of the strands and contributes to their strengthening. The use of a scooter can have two ways: independent use and in conjunction with the application of therapeutic agents.

Medical formulations previously applied to the scalp will penetrate the skin layers through punctures and act much more effectively than when applied externally and without using the device.

Indications for use

Mesotherapy of the head can be carried out both for medicinal purposes and as a prophylaxis.

The procedure is effective for men and women

The following conditions can serve as indications for the appointment:

  • to stimulate hair growth;
  • with a tendency to active hair loss;
  • to improve the condition of the scalp at the location of the scars;
  • dry skin;
  • with thinness and weakness of the strands.

Scalproller treatment of the head does not give a quick result, since it takes time to start the natural recovery processes. A visible effect can be noticeable only after a few weeks of regular procedures.

How to use mesoscooter: instructions for use

Treatment of the head with a mesoscooter includes several steps that are mandatory.

Stage 1: preparation

The roller must be treated with an antiseptic before the procedure. To do this, the working roller is immersed in a disinfectant solution for five to ten minutes.

For this, one of the following tools can be used:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • miramistin;
  • chlorhexidine.

Devices for mesotherapy should be individual. It’s not possible for several people to use a single roller at home.

After the roller lay in solution, it is removed and allowed to dry. To do this, the device should be placed so that it does not come in contact with any needles on any surfaces.

The head should be washed with shampoo and dried. You can proceed directly to the procedure of mesotherapy only after the hair has completely dried.

Stage 2: procedure

There are several options for the use of a therapeutic cosmetic product with mesotherapy:

  1. Application of funds before the procedure.
  2. Application after roller treatment.

Store the device in a special case

Experts advise to adhere to this recommendation: if the strands are long, then special products on the scalp are distributed before the procedure, and if short, then after.

The procedure for the manipulation:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. Divide them into strands.
  3. Start working with the roller in the direction from the top of the head, avoiding diagonal actions.
  4. On each site you can spend from half a minute to 50 seconds.

Stage 3: completion

After the procedure, the mesoscooter is washed with water and treated with an antiseptic solution. After the device has dried, it is put into packaging.

The frequency of the sessions is once every seven days as a prophylaxis, and once every two days with significant hair loss.

Features of use and recommendations for the procedure

Before and after the course

The scalproller has nuances of application, which are desirable to consider:

  • for a section of the scalp with baldness or short hair, a roller with small needles of a standard sample is used;
  • Roller processing can only be done on a clean head;
  • in order not to miss the sections during processing, they need to be conditionally divided into zones;
  • so that the strands are not confused, the roller must be driven in only one direction;
  • the procedure is performed without the use of effort;
  • the procedure is not carried out before going out;
  • it is advisable to give preference to those means for the procedure that are recommended by the cosmetologist;
  • it is desirable to store the roller in a special case in compliance with all safety measures;
  • only regular procedures will yield results;
  • for long strands, choose a device with a narrow roller and a needle length of about 0.1 cm so that the hair does not get tangled.

If hair loss is significant and lasts a long time, it is necessary to establish the cause of hair loss and, if necessary, pay attention to the treatment of the disease, which gives such an effect.

Side effects and contraindications

Mesotherapy has proven effectiveness and safety in properly conducted procedures. But it is not allowed to everyone.

The following diseases belong to the list of contraindications:

  • dermatological inflammation and infection, psoriasis;
  • open wounds;
  • unhealed burns;
  • fungal infection;
  • moles and other neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • intolerance to the material of which the apparatus is made;
  • rosacea;
  • with reduced immunity.

With proper use and consideration of contraindications, the mesoscooter rarely causes adverse reactions. The reddening of the skin that occurred immediately after the procedure and the sensation of a rush of heat to the head are a normal reaction of the body.

Before and after the course

If the scooter was not used solo, but in combination with therapeutic agents, then there may be an allergic reaction to the components of the composition applied to the skin. In this case, a person will feel such unpleasant symptoms as burning, itching, redness.

With a similar reaction, the procedure is stopped, the applied agent is no longer used. After recovery, you can try another drug that will not cause a negative reaction.

When using a mesoscooter, it is important to remember about the disinfection of the device and not to use devices with long needles at home that are intended for cosmetology salons.

Choosing a skater: what to look for

How well and efficiently the procedure will go is largely dependent on the choice of the mesoscooter itself. When buying, you should pay attention to important points and characteristics of the device itself.

The device must be for individual use.

Needle length

The length of the needles when choosing a device is of great importance. For starters, it is advisable to use a roller with needles 0.3 mm long. Their action will be better tolerated and will prepare the scalp for the use of needles more authentic.

Long needles - for use by cosmetologists

If the scalp is sensitive and thin enough, then you can limit the needle length to 0.5 mm. Rollers with working needles 1.5 mm long are more suitable for salon manipulations.

Number of needles

Needles can be densely located on the roller or rarely. The thicker, the more effective the procedure will be. Their number is usually in the range of 192-1000 pieces. From 200 to 600 needles are optimal for treating the scalp.

Production material

This is one of the important parameters when choosing a device. Depending on the material of manufacture, the service life of the device depends.

Needle material is especially important

Plastic is an undesirable option, as it does not last long and quickly loses its performance. Steel is the best option. But such needles also become dull with time and become worthless. The best option is titanium. In this case, the roller can serve up to six months.

If you are allergic to titanium and steel, you can choose a device with hypoallergenic alloy needles.

Popular models

The result gives only a course of procedures

The brandManufacturer countryprice, rub.Number of needlesProduction material
AlmeaEnglandFrom 1,400540Medical steel
MESODERMSpainFrom 1,250190
DRSSouth KoreaFrom 950600Diamond sharpened titanium
DNS BIOGENESISKoreaFrom 40075 (narrow roller)Titanium Coated Medical Steel
BEAUTY SHINEChinaFrom 1,000540Medical steel

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