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Is it possible to use a mesoscooter at home and how to do it correctly

Not only women but also men strive to look young. Homemade mesoscooter will make your skin beautiful, well-groomed and healthy. It will help to get rid of many imperfections that precede aging without excessive efforts.

Mesoscooter for home use

What is a mesoscooter

The device has another name - dermaroller. Its device is simple, like all the most useful and ingenious: the roller has a special design with a convenient handle and a large number of the thinnest needles from special alloys. Manufacturers offer customers an assortment of these cosmetic clips in a different price range, which depends on the material of the needles. They can be made not only from conventional anti-corrosion alloys, but also from silver, gold and platinum.

At its core, the device is a massage roller whose effect on the skin is comparable to expensive laser procedures, chemical skin peeling, mesotherapy, and dermabrasion. The task of this massager is to rejuvenate the skin, improve blood circulation, increase the ability of dermal cells to regenerate.

Such a mechanical apparatus is used in professional cosmetology, but it is quite affordable for use at home. It is a reliable alternative to the popular "beauty injections", does not cause allergic reactions, fights well with wrinkles and skin sagging age.

Mesoscooter: to whom and why is it needed?

This cosmetic device is needed for every woman who has crossed the thirty-year threshold. As mentioned above, men are no exception and can also extend their youth with the help of accessible procedures. With age, the human body is faced with signs of aging: metabolism worsens, wrinkles appear on the cheekbones, around the mouth and eyes, the skin acquires an unhealthy shade, and looks tired. Due to hormonal disruptions, age spots, subcutaneous eruptions, and deep acne form on the body.

If a few years ago, in the presence of signs of fatigue on the face, it was only necessary to get enough sleep and change the diet, then with age such tricks no longer help. However, regular visits to a cosmetologist and the use of expensive procedures are not affordable for everyone. In addition, many modern methods of quickly correcting skin imperfections are fraught with negative consequences.

The mesoscooter can be used independently, but you need to do it correctly

Proper use of the mesoscooter will provide the skin with full care, the result of which is not inferior to salon procedures. A correctly made massage with this device will prolong youthfulness and will allow you to get rid of many external defects.

Problems that the device easily fixes:

  • smoothes wrinkles, including deep ones (on the forehead and cheekbones, under the nose);
  • increases skin tone, increases turgor;
  • aligns color;
  • relieves scars, acne;
  • promotes narrowing of pores.

The device helps to get rid of post-acne in a short time.

The principle of the massager is based on the stimulation of cell functions. Numerous punctures provided by the procedure help to achieve enhanced body work in this direction.Such "stress" has a positive effect on the body, which is trying to quickly heal the resulting microtrauma and begins to intensively produce natural collagen.

So, a mesoscooter is needed for everyone who wants to remain attractive, regardless of age.

The French like to say that ugly women do not exist, there are only women with well-groomed skin. Nowadays, not only the fair sex, but also men tend to stay young as long as possible, and the first step in this direction, of course, is adequate care for the appearance.

Photos before and after applying the mesoscooter

How to use the mesoscooter at home?

These massage devices are usually divided into 3 types:

  • those that are allowed to be used independently, at home;
  • professional - for beauty salons;
  • medical requiring local anesthesia when used.

In home dermarollers, the length of the needles does not exceed 0.5 mm. However, even with the help of such videos, a number of cosmetic defects can be eliminated, the presence of which can significantly reduce self-esteem and worsen the quality of life. The massager solves not only skin problems, but also is useful for scalp hair. It promotes their growth and prevents their excessive loss.

When choosing a device, it is important to remember that the more needles on it, the more effective it is.

540 microneedle mesoscooter

Manufacturers produce apparatus for the body of different strengths. Some mesoscooters are designed for the face, others for delicate skin around the eyes, and others for the buttocks and thighs or décolleté. When making a purchase, it is important to understand which particular problem will need to be solved with the help of a particular product.

The assortment of offers is large. In addition to conventional devices, there are devices on sale that combine acupuncture and phototherapy. Mesoscooters cannot be used rashly, because their positive effect is due to strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions in conjunction with additional therapeutic cosmetics: masks, mesococtails, lotions.

Mode of application

The instruction for use implies the independent use (without specialist supervision) of the mesoscooter, it must also be combined with mesotherapy. To do this, formulations are applied to the skin, suitable for it in type, having a directed action to solve a specific aesthetic problem. The presence of contraindications must be taken into account, otherwise instead of beautiful skin, you can provide yourself with many additional problems.

Compliance with step-by-step instructions for use, the correct direction of movements during the use of the mesoscooter, preliminary skin preparation is a guarantee of a positive result.

Mesoscooters are recommended for people of all ages. They help fight teenage skin rashes, age wrinkles, various aesthetic imperfections.

Most well-known manufacturers produce not only massage devices, but also a line of related products. When buying a dermatroller, it is important to be guided not by considerations of austerity, but by common sense: the better the device, the more reliable and durable it is.

Additional funds

Fixed assets for mesotherapy:

  • individual cocktails;
  • finished concentrates by type of skin.

An individual cocktail suitable for a particular person can only be made by a specialist. Without the necessary education, it is difficult to select the optimal means, and even more so to mix them in the correct proportions. That is why a visit to a beautician before starting the use of a mesoscooter is welcome, because an experienced master will help with advice, provide practical help.

Cocktails can be against striae, have anti-cellulite properties. Some contribute to hair growth, so their composition and purpose should be carefully studied before use.Serum cocktails help even out skin tone, eliminate ugly pigmentation, straighten wrinkles and provide hydration. Some preparations contain herbal extracts, such as chamomile extract. Their purpose is to soothe the skin, eliminate inflammation and allergic rashes.

For those who do not suffer from obvious skin imperfections, you can recommend ready-made treatment mixes that are sold in specialized online stores, pharmacies. These remedies “work” on one or two problems and are recommended for people with skin that does not need radical changes.

Popular compositions:

  • anti-aging gels containing hyaluronic acid;
  • hyaluronic acids (Herbamine with celandine and collagen);
  • concentrates with dexpanthenol;
  • serum for the face (LORA-Mesoeffect).

The use of anti-aging gels during the procedures will provide an effective fight against age wrinkles

At the same time as the mesoscooter, the following cosmetics are used:

  • sterilization solutions;
  • sunscreen;
  • masks alginate with collagen and soothing.

Special tools for simultaneous use with a mesoscooter improve the result of the procedure at times

Step-by-step instruction

Before the procedure, it is necessary to process the device (needles). The working area is necessarily cleaned with special means, and then dried according to the attached instructions. For disinfection, you can use ordinary alcohol.

The skin area is pre-processed: the face is completely removed cosmetics, other areas are also subjected to cleaning procedures. The skin must be washed with warm water and pat dry with a rag. At the next stage, the selected products are applied, which are allowed for simultaneous use with the mesoscooter.

Now it remains to take the device in hand and begin the procedure. Driving on the skin with a roller should be easy, without pressure. The movements should be vertical, oblique and horizontal, according to the location of the muscles in a specific area of ​​the body. Massage movements during one procedure should not be long. It is allowed to carry out the mesoscooter no more than 5 times in one area.

The direction of the dermaroller in the face should be correct, not arbitrary

At the last stage, the skin is soothing with special masks, and then treated with nourishing and UV protective creams. Within 2 days after the procedure, direct sunlight should be avoided, and a tanning bed should be discarded.

The device is cleaned and disinfected after work. It should be stored in a special case or in a clean bag. Naturally, care must be taken to ensure that it does not fall into the hands of children.

Recommended Course of Procedures

It is believed that to evaluate the effectiveness of the massager can be a day after the first use. The validity period of most devices is limited, so the instructions should not be neglected and continue to use the device, which must be disposed of.

As a rule, two courses are recommended for home use, the first of which is repeated often: every 2 days. In total, no more than 10 sessions are done at this stage. The second course is no longer focused on the activation of biochemical processes, but on maintaining the result, so 1 session per week is enough. The duration of one procedure is no more than 15 minutes.

Indications and contraindications

The device is shown in solving the following problems:

  • to reduce senile and facial wrinkles;
  • for the correction of facial contours, increased lymphatic drainage;
  • to narrow the pores;
  • to improve the skin structure;
  • to activate the synthesis of new cells.

Despite the fact that it is undoubtedly effective, there are a number of contraindications for its use.

Dermaroller is not recommended:

  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • suffering rosacea, varicose veins;
  • those who have infectious skin lesions;
  • in the presence of signs of inflammation in the treated area;
  • patients with endocrine disorders;
  • those who have many moles on their skin or have papillomas, warts;
  • those who have found skin neoplasms of any genesis;
  • in case of blood coagulation.

Good to know: use of the Darsonval apparatus for varicose veins.

In the absence of contraindications, dermaroller is an effective alternative to expensive procedures in beauty salons

Popular models

ZGTS Gold dermatroller with titanium needles, corrosion resistant and laser sharpened. The device provides maximum protection against skin damage, minimizes the possibility of irritation. The golden coating of the needles guarantees the absence of conditions for the growth of bacteria. Compliance with the requirements for storage and operation will ensure the long operation of the mesoscooter and an excellent result of its application. Sizes of needles for home procedures - from 0.3 to 0.5 mm.

The Bioroll mesoscooter immediately has 340 thin needles 0.5 mm long. Such a device will help the nutritional components of special products to quickly penetrate the skin, which at times will improve its elasticity, firmness, color. The main purpose is to get rid of traces of acne, deep pores. It helps to quickly smooth wrinkles, strengthens the bulbs of the scalp. The term of operation is unlimited.

The massager in the DSS tube is represented by a line of devices for all areas of the body, including for especially delicate skin around the eyes. Depending on the chosen model, the massager can work on a variety of problems.

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