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How to choose an air conditioner for an apartment and a house, the principle of the air conditioner

Buying air conditioning is not a problem. But the choice of an air conditioner is a serious matter: you need to carefully monitor the market, read reviews on interested models, and weigh financial possibilities. In general, approach the issue with all responsibility.

What is air conditioning? Air conditioner classification

Air conditioning - a device that maintains a balanced temperature microclimate in the house, cleansing the air of negative inclusions. Its main purpose is to reduce the temperature in the house in the summer heat, or, conversely, increase it in cold weather.

There are three types of devices:

  • industrial;
  • semi-industrial;
  • household.

Industrial air conditioners

Industrial high power systems, they are installed on large facilities. They are operated continuously and without interruption.

Types of industrial ventilation systems:

  • Multizone - up to thirty internal ones can be connected to the outdoor unit. Each indoor unit can operate in its own parameters. You will find such systems in hotels, shopping and entertainment centers, their efficiency is as high as possible. Following the emergence of multisystems on the market, refnet-splitters appeared. Refnet is a connecting device that is used in pipes of climate systems. The splitter is designed in such a way that when moving through the pipeline, freon does not meet any resistance. Due to this, noise pollution is significantly reduced. Streams are distributed evenly across all indoor units, regardless of distance. Splitters come in different sizes, which are written on the label of each, to avoid connection errors. Thanks to the convenient design of refnets, installation of any complexity has ceased to be a problem.

Reflectors-splitters of different sizes

Central. It consists of sections that cool, heat, purify and moisturize the air. They need a chiller or a freon unit.

  • Roof Monoblock, which is installed on the roof of the room.
  • Cupboard, precision. It is installed in the room, made in the form of a floor-mounted monoblock.

Semi-industrial and domestic air conditioners

Semi-industrial and domestic systems are used in apartments, cottages and office premises of medium size.

In European hotels, air conditioning systems with ejection closers, which are installed under the windows of the premises, are widespread. Ejector closers do not have moving parts. Air comes from fan of the main air conditionergets into the camera with nozzles. Leaving the nozzle, the primary stream ejects the stream from the building. After the mixed air goes through the heat exchangers and enters the building.

Due to the absence of moving parts there is no noise from the fan, the heating systems are reliable and durable. Ejection closers are connected to the air ducts with 10 cm hoses.

Work of ejector closers

Semi-industrial and domestic air conditioners - what are they:

  • monoblock - represent a single building;
  • split systems - they are represented by external and internal blocks that connect the electrical cable and copper tube;
  • multi split systems - an external unit can connect up to 5 internal ones.

Monoblock conditioners are:

  1. Mobile does not require installation of a specialist. To install it, it is enough to independently enter the duct into the window.
  2. Window independently installed in a window or wall.

Split systems are divided into:

  • wall-mounted air conditioners - the indoor unit is placed at the top of the wall, the external - on the street side of the wall, under the window;
  • channel - the indoor unit is mounted in the inter-ceiling space;
  • cassette air conditioners - are placed in a niche of a suspended ceiling, only a decorative lattice is visible;
  • floor-to-ceiling devices - are installed at the bottom of the wall or on the ceiling;
  • columned - they look like a refrigerator, heavy and bulky devices.

In apartments, wall split systems are most often installed.

Types of air conditioners for an apartment

How is air conditioning

The air conditioner operates on the principle of evaporation and condensation. It is a closed loop with a coolant inside.

The main components of the device:

  • outdoor unit;
  • indoor unit.

Outdoor unit

What the outdoor unit of the air conditioner consists of:

  1. Fan. Its task is to blow around the internal parts.
  2. Radiator-condenser, freon is cooled in it.
  3. The compressor is responsible for compressing the freon and its circulation between the blocks.
  4. The electronic control board is located only on inverter systems, the rest is located inside.
  5. The valve is installed only on models with the "heat / cold" function.
  6. A cover that protects the fittings.
  7. The filter catches foreign particles, protecting the system from penetration.
  8. Body.

Indoor unit

What the internal block consists of:

  1. A protective plastic grill allows air to enter the device.
  2. The filter delays large fractions of negative inclusions. It must be cleaned periodically.
  3. The evaporator cools the air before it "arrives" in the apartment.
  4. Horizontal blinds direct the air flow evenly over the entire area.
  5. Informative panel with indicators.
  6. A delicate cleaning system consisting of a carbon filter that traps odors, fine dust, etc.
  7. Due to the fan, there is continuous air circulation in the room.
  8. Vertical blinds regulate the flow of air.

The external and internal units are two pillars of all air conditioners, other components can vary depending on the model.

The principle of operation of a domestic air conditioner

The main components of the device:

  • compressor - is responsible for compressing freon and its circulation in a closed system;
  • the capacitor is responsible for the condensation process;
  • the evaporator transfers the refrigerant from liquid to gaseous;
  • a thermostatic expansion valve reduces the pressure of the coolant before it enters the evaporator;
  • fans - blow the evaporator and condenser with air currents.

A closed cooling circuit is formed of a compressor, condenser, valve and evaporator, interconnected by copper tubes. A coolant circulates inside the circuit with part of the compressor oil.

The operation of the air conditioner is such a process:

  • Freon in the form of gas enters the compressor from the evaporator with a temperature of 10-20 degrees.
  • The compressor compresses the gas, which increases its temperature to 70-90 degrees and follows the condenser.
  • In the condenser, the substance cools and becomes liquid, while generating heat. Leaving their condenser, liquid freon has a temperature of 10-20 above the external temperature.
  • From the condenser, freon enters the thermostatic valve and cools in it, evaporating.
  • A mixture of liquid and gaseous freon enters the evaporator, passing into a gaseous state, choosing heat from the air. As a result, the air in the room is cooled.
  • Gaseous freon enters the compressor, and this cycle repeats endlessly.

This cycle is the basis of any air conditioner, regardless of its model. In the heat / cold devices, an additional four-way valve is installed, which changes the direction of the freon path, and swaps the evaporator with condenser. In this case, the indoor unit heats the room air, and the outdoor unit cools.

The scheme of the device

Dimensions of the indoor unit

As a rule, the size of the indoor unit of the air conditioner is directly proportional to the size of the heat exchanger. The smaller their size, the lower the productivity.

The indoor unit of the unit is selected based on the area and free space of the room.

Dimensions of the indoor unit are concepts:

  • height;
  • width;
  • depth.

The height of the device can be from 24 to 32 cm, width from 70 to 120 cm, depth from 18 to 30 cm.

Some manufacturers produce powerful devices with small dimensions due to the increased fan speed. These devices are very noisy, which is unlikely to please users.

Recently, manufacturers have added originality to the design of parting, and produce indoor units of square, vertical and even angular type.

Indoor unit

Instrument Operation Modes

Air conditioning - what operating modes are available to him? The modes of operation of the device determine the range of its capabilities and responsibilities. Each model is equipped with a set of basic functions, but there are additional features.

Explanation of device mode icons

The device is controlled by the remote control, however, window models have a button control panel.

The main modes:

  • cool - cooling;
  • turbo - maximum power flow;
  • heat - heating;
  • dry - drying;
  • fan - ventilation;
  • sleep - night mode;
  • timer - timer;
  • swing - changes the direction of the curtains;
  • lock - lock;
  • reset - reset settings;
  • led - backlight on the remote.

Management is via remote control

Additional features are not in every model. However, some of them are very interesting and useful during operation:

Additional device features

  1. Comfort settings help you calculate the optimal temperature balance. The device will make the necessary settings and give the optimal result.
  2. Street dust is cleaned by means of coarse and fine air filters.
  3. 3D flow deflects airflow vertically. Some models “find” the remote control and direct air currents in its direction.
  4. Ionization saturates the room with ions with a negative charge, which positively affects the well-being of users.
  5. Defrosting the outdoor unit during low temperatures. Freon "collects" cold from street flows.
  6. Self-diagnosis will allow the device to determine the malfunction, eliminating further problems.

Additional features of the air conditioner

How air conditioning works on heat

The air conditioner can also work as a heater. When the refrigerant evaporates, it takes away heat (when a person with a high temperature is wiped with alcohol, alcohol evaporates, and the temperature drops). Conversely, when condensed, the refrigerant gives off heat. In heating mode, refrigerant condensation occurs in the heat exchanger of the indoor unit. So, with the help of electricity, heat is transferred from one medium to another. However, the device transfers 3 times more energy than it consumes.

The principle of operation of the device for heat

Note that operating the air conditioner as a heater is economically profitable: receiving 1 kW of electricity, the device brings about 3 kW of heat into the room and does not allow the air to dry out.

How to use air conditioning in an apartment

There are several simple rules for using the device:

  1. You cannot set the device to a temperature that differs from the street temperature by more than 10 degrees. Optimal - 5 degrees. Manufacturers do not recommend lowering the temperature below 24 degrees, since it is considered comfortable, and excess load on the device is fraught with extra electricity bills.
  2. During intense heat, it is recommended to lower the temperature gradually, by a couple of degrees per hour.
  3. The room in which the air conditioner is operating must be aired periodically, every 5 hours. If your air conditioner supplies fresh air, this is not necessary.

Seasonal prophylaxis, diagnostics and preventive maintenance should be mandatory and ongoing.

Productivity of the device should correspond to the volume of the room.

Setting the air conditioner

On the remote control from any model of air conditioner there are five main buttons:

  • “on / off” key - enable and disable the device;
  • “up / down” or “+, -” key - increase and decrease the temperature;
  • “fan / fan speed” key - the air supply speed is regulated;
  • “swing” key - change the position of the blinds;
  • “mode” key - change programs: cold, heat, drying, ventilation, automation;

How to set up the device for cooling:

  1. Connect the device to the network.
  2. Use the on / off button.
  3. Press the mode button several times until the cooling mode indicator on the remote control lights up.
  4. Using the “up / down” or “+, -” keys, we achieve the required temperature, which we ultimately want to get in the room.
  5. If necessary, change the air flow rate using the “fan / fan speed” button.
  6. The direction of air flow can be changed using the “swing” button.

By setting the optimum temperature, the air conditioner can not be turned off at night. The manufacturers minimum cooling temperature is programmed in the region of 16-18 degrees of heat. The higher the temperature in the room, the warmer the flow from the device will be. Starting up, the device cools less, while accelerating - more. For 1 kW spent, the device produces up to 5 kW of chilled air.

How to set up the appliance for heating:

  1. Connect the device to the network.
  2. Use the on / off button.
  3. Press the mode button several times until the heating mode indicator on the remote control lights up.
  4. Using the up / down or +, - keys, we achieve the required temperature, which we ultimately want to get in the room.
  5. If necessary, change the air flow rate using the “fan / fan speed” button.
  6. The direction of air flow can be changed using the “swing” button.

The device will not heat the room in the winter season if the temperature in it reaches the temperature indicated on the remote control.

The air conditioner can also work as a heater

How to turn off and restart the air conditioner

This simple process has its own nuances.

The concept of "turning off the air conditioner" includes three points:

  1. disconnecting the device from the power source;
  2. turning it off from a working state;
  3. complete dismantling of the device.

To disconnect the air conditioner from the power source, you need:

  • pull out the plug;
  • turn off the autonomous “automatic machine” of the air conditioner;
  • completely disconnect the "automatic" power supply.

To disable a working device, you need to:

  • Use the on / off button. If the remote control is not available, the internal unit of the device is equipped with an on / off button. Sometimes after a few minutes the device may continue to work, it is normal.

Instrument disassembly

If you have to move, and specialists do not want to pay for dismantling, try to do it yourself:

  • unscrew the nuts on the fittings;
  • turn on the cooling to the maximum limit and shut off the flow of refrigerant;
  • disconnect the device from the power source;
  • to have a bite of copper pipes of the highway;
  • cut and hammer the copper pipe on the indoor unit;
  • to open latches of fastening of the internal block to a wall;
  • remove the block;
  • remove the mount from the wall;
  • remove the outdoor unit from the wall.

Dismantling the device

There is such a situation when the device needs to be returned to the factory settings.There is a “Reset” button on the remote control, there is a small hole near this inscription. Putting a thin object such as a pin or a needle into it, you can reset all the settings to factory settings. If the remote control is currently unavailable or lacks such a function, you can just remove the batteries from it for a while. After the batteries are put in place and the device is turned on, it will reset all settings to the factory settings.

The “Reset” function is one of the additional functions of the device, which allows the device to resume the previous process after a pause in the power operation.

Drainage mode in the air conditioner

All modern air conditioners have a dehumidification mode in their arsenal. This mode can be used in conditions of excessive dampness of the room. It does not affect the temperature in the apartment either one way or the other. The cooling circuit helps the heat exchanger of the indoor unit to reach the lowest temperature. In this case, the fan rotates to a minimum. Thus, the greatest efficiency of the condensation process occurs. The device can easily remove from the area entrusted to it in one hour up to 2 liters of moisture, working both autonomously in the drainage mode and in pair with the cooling mode.

This mode has maximum efficiency in wet rooms, not giving fungi and bacteria the slightest chance of reproduction and harm to human health.

Drainage mode in the air conditioner

Ventilation mode in the air conditioner

When you turn on the “ventilation” mode, the air does not heat up, does not cool, it simply circulates evenly in the room, simultaneously being cleaned, with filters. The operation of the compressor and the outdoor fan is not required, only the indoor unit fan works. Thanks to this mode, the air throughout the room reaches complete uniformity. However, fresh air does not enter the room unless you open for ventilation, for example, a window.

Recently, supply and exhaust ventilation systems have appeared on the home appliance market, which can supply fresh air from the outside and remove exhaust air.

Anion generator in the air conditioner what is it?

The anion generator is located under the fan of the indoor unit. Its function is to generate negative ions (anions) due to high discharges between the electrodes of the generator through which air flows.

The average number of produced anions ranges from 20 thousand per 1 cubic cm of air. The composition of such air is close in composition to forest. In 2-3 minutes, ionization copes with the smell of cigarette smoke, and in 2 hours it saves the room from pathogens.

The benefits of ionization are obvious:

  • spreading in air currents, anions collide with spores and bacteria and destroy their membranes and purify the air, thereby preventing a host of diseases of their host;
  • anions eliminate unpleasant odors and cigarette smoke by colliding with their molecules and splitting into neutral substances;
  • anions eliminate traces of household chemicals.

Conclusion: the ionization function is an extremely useful thing.

Air conditioner ionizer

Air conditioning filtration system

In the bowels of the indoor unit, air flows pass through several degrees of purification. The more expensive the device, the more filters you can find in it. Filters in the air conditioner are as follows:

  1. The mesh filter dust collector is made in the form of a metal mesh, the purpose of which is to catch particles of garbage falling into the device, and thereby protect the device itself. From time to time, the filter must be rinsed with water.
  2. An antibacterial filter removes viruses and bacteria from the air, destroying their membranes. Antibacterial filters are catechin, enzyme, photocatalytic. The problem of the antibacterial filter is that it destroys the beneficial bacteria necessary for a full human life.
  3. Deodorizing filters purify the air of most harmful odors: tobacco smoke, chemical compounds, pet odors are easily filtered.These filters are most often made on the basis of a carbon sorbent. Every six months, the filter must be replaced with a new one.
  4. The plasma filter, thanks to the electric field, retains the smallest particles of dust, animal hair, viruses and unwanted odors. Once in an electric field, they become positively charged. Moving deep into the filter, the “dirty” air goes through the filter element, negatively charged. When they interact, more than 95% of harmful impurities are removed from the air stream. The plasma filter needs to be cleaned every 3 months.

    Plasma Filter - How It Works

  5. The antioxidant filter is theoretically capable of slowing down the aging process of a person, slowing down the oxidation processes.

Even if the dust, spores, bacteria and viruses contained in the air do not have a serious detrimental effect on human health, however, the optimal microclimate created by the air conditioner will make the owner's life much more pleasant.

Air conditioner efficiency

The efficiency of a device is understood to mean the efficiency of its operation, that is, the ratio of consumed and useful power.

The power required by the device is three times less than the cooling power (a device with a power of 2.5 kW will consume 0.8 kW of electricity). This is normal since the appliance does not produce cold, but takes it outside.

When used for heating, this coefficient is called S.O.R. (Coefficient of Performance) and shows the ratio of heating power to energy consumption:

COP = Qheat/ Nrub

When used in cold weather, this coefficient is called E.E.R. (Energy Efficiency Ratio) and shows the ratio of the power of the refrigerating capacity to the energy consumed:

EER = Qcold / Ncons.

The higher the EER or COP, the more efficient the instrument.

Energy Efficiency Classification

It can be seen from the illustration that the COP value is slightly higher than the EER indicator, because during operation the compressor heats up and gives off heat to the refrigerant.

As a result, we can say that the air conditioner is efficient and economical both in the cooling process and in the heating process.

But the device cannot be operated year-round. At an external temperature below -15 degrees, the operation of the device is not recommended, as it leads to premature wear and failure of the compressor.

Where is the air conditioner fuse

It so happens that a fuse has blown in the air conditioner. This can happen if there was a voltage drop, a thunderstorm with lightning, a short circuit, one of the elements of the power supply unit of the device failed.

The fuse is a consumable item, you can try to replace it with your own hands. If you decide to replace the fuse yourself, you should look into the circuit of the internal and external units - it is there, on the electronic circuit boards, that the fuses are located. The purpose of the fuse is to protect the electronic board from fatal overload, accidents and fire caused by a power surge. Inside its capsule of glass or ceramic is a wire designed for a voltage of a certain value. If the voltage exceeds a reasonable limit, the wire melts and the electrical circuit is interrupted.

It should be borne in mind that replacing a failed consumable with a new one, but not eliminating the cause of what happened, you risk damaging not only the new fuse, but also the device itself.

Electronic circuit board, fuse on it

Air conditioning: its advantages and disadvantages

This device has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • When it’s cool, the device will warm the room, in hot weather it will cool it.
  • The device will clean the air in the room from unpleasant odors, chemical compounds, pet hair, allergens, pathogens, fungal spores and more.
  • The ionization mode will not only purify the air in the apartment, but also fill it with negative ions, thereby making it useful and even healing.
  • The drainage mode prevents the spread of dampness and fungus, creating an optimal microclimate.
  • The fan distributes the converted air evenly throughout the room.
  • The efficiency of the device is 300 percent!
  • The service package allows cleaning without dismantling the indoor unit.


  • The purchase of the device, its maintenance, and electricity charges are an additional expense item.
  • If the device is used incorrectly, you can constantly catch a cold.
  • Forgetting to change filters in time, the user risks getting microbes, viruses, and dirt with the air flow.
  • Some models may dry the air.
  • Having saved on the device, the user dooms itself to excessive noise during operation of the device.

Choosing a high-quality air conditioner and operating it correctly, you can minimize the drawbacks of the device.

The air conditioner will create an optimal microclimate in the room

Can I control the air conditioning from the phone?

Sometimes the remote control from the air conditioner may get lost or the batteries just run out, which brings a lot of inconvenience to the user's life. A smartphone, as a rule, is always at hand. Manufacturers of split systems decided to combine business with pleasure, and make it possible to control the air conditioning using a smartphone or tablet. For this we need:

  1. A device model that supports the connection of an on-line controller or is equipped with a controller built into the internal unit.
  2. Pluggable controller (in the absence of built-in).
  3. A smartphone or tablet on which the necessary software is installed.

The controller, mounted on the wall and connected to a power source, sends commands to the air conditioner via wireless channels (Wi-fi, IR). The signal scale is up to 8 meters.

Next, you need to download and run an application suitable for the OS (Airpatrol, IR Universal Remot, etc.) and follow the further instructions.

Through control from a smartphone, a person can use the following functions:

  • turn on / off the device;
  • modes of use;
  • adjust the temperature;
  • fan speed.

What can the application inform:

  • about the operating mode;
  • fan speed
  • temperature and humidity in the room;
  • weather forecast.

Managing a device from a smartphone

Comparative characteristics of the most popular models of air conditioners

Let us compare several of the most popular models of different manufacturing companies according to the characteristics that have the greatest weight when choosing a device.

ModelPanasonic CS / CU-E12PKDWBallu BSE-07HN1Electrolux EACS-07HAT / N3Daikin FTXB20C / RXB20CToshiba RAS-10N3KV-E / RAS-10N3AV-E
Price46 900 rubles12 740 rubles16 790 rubles42 800 rubles30 740 rubles
Area35 m²20 m²20 m²20 m²25 m²

Power consumption

cooling / heating

905/1090 W660/610 W684/645 W510/600 W750/860 W
Power in cooling mode3,500 watts2100 watts2200 watts2000 watts2500 W
Power in heating mode4400 W2200 watts2340 watts2500 W3200 watts
Noise level42/21 dB53/38 dB28 dB39/21 dB40/26 dB




with vitamin C




anti formaldehyde

titanium-apatite photocatalytic

fine filter



air IAQ


automatic mode selection


inverter control

night mode

automatic restart


automatic mode selection


night mode

automatic restart

I Feel (remote control with temperature sensor)

ventilation mode (without cooling and heating), automatic maintenance of temperature, self-diagnosis of malfunctions, night mode, drainageventilation mode (without cooling and heating), automatic temperature maintenance, self-diagnosis of malfunctions, night modeventilation mode (without cooling and heating), automatic temperature maintenance, self-diagnosis of malfunctions, night mode

How to choose a conditioner for a house by its area

The easiest method for selecting an air conditioning system is to seek help from a specialist in the selection and installation of a device. If for some reason this is not possible, you should turn to our help:

  • if the area of ​​the room does not exceed 23 m², and the ceiling height is within 350 cm, a device with a power of 2000 W in cooling mode is useful;
  • indoors up to 29 m², with ceiling heights within 350 cm, a device with a power of 2500 W in cooling mode will be successful;
  • in an apartment of up to 39 m² with a ceiling height within 350 cm, a device with a power of 3500 W in cooling mode is suitable;
  • in a house with an area of ​​56 m² and a ceiling height of not more than 350 cm, a device with a power of 5000 watts in cooling mode will be an excellent choice.

The technical data sheet of the device indicates the area for which the device is most suitable.

Power conditioner for air conditioner

In summer, the voltage in the network decreases significantly, that is, it does not correspond to the indicator for which the air conditioner is designed. As a result, after some time the device simply burns out. Add here the likelihood of a summer thunderstorm, construction and welding work nearby - all this leads to unstable operation of the device. Exit - installation of a voltage stabilizer for air conditioners. With it, the processor and compressor will be protected from power surges.

To choose a stabilizer:

  • we focus on the power of the device: 850 W - class 7, 1050 W - class 9, 1150 W - class 12;
  • we find cosφ in the instrument passport;

Suppose the device’s power is 1700 watts, the compressor consumes 1400 watts, cosφ is 0.85. Do not forget that during the startup of the device, the power increases 3 times:

1700 ÷ 0.85 = 2000 watts.

2000 + 3 × (1400 ÷ 0.85) = 6930 watts.

Bottom line: for an air conditioner of such power, a stabilizer with a minimum power of 7.0 kW is needed. Do not forget about the power reserve of 10 to 30%.

Power conditioner for air conditioner

Air conditioning in the car

The Climatic semi-automatic system is designed to maintain an optimal microclimate in a car using a single-zone system. The device is connected to the ventilation and heating system and configured through the control panel. Depending on the set mode, the cabin is filled with cold or hot air. The temperature is set by the controller, the signal from which is fed to the control unit. When the temperature in the cabin reaches the set, the air conditioner turns off. By changing the position of the recirculation flap, the Climatic system takes either outside air or from a car dealership. 4 sensors regulate temperature.

In the “recirculation” mode, air is not supplied from the outside, only salon air is supplied through the air conditioner. In this mode, car windows may sweat. When operating the Climatic system, all windows and hatches must be closed.

The climate system provides not only the convenience of passengers, but also the safety of the driver.

Climatic Climate System

Car air compressor

The compressor is the main element of the climate system. Its purpose is to compress freon and pump it through the climate system. The compressor selects the freon vapor from the evaporator and sends it to the condenser. In some climate systems, the compressor is the only moving mechanism.

The compressor separates the circuits with high (discharge) and low (suction) pressure due to the presence of a plate valve.

The compressor is the most complex and expensive mechanism of the climate system. If it fails, the motorist will have a lot of trouble to repair, so it is important to prevent its breakdown.

The air conditioning system controls the clutch according to the needs of the system itself. An electromagnetic clutch is part of the compressor and is responsible for disconnecting it with the drive pulley, which is necessary in some cases, for example, turning off the air conditioner.

Electromagnetic clutch operation

Everyone sees the ideal air conditioning in different ways: for someone design is important, for someone an abundance of modes and functions, or quiet operation. To choose the best option, pay attention to all the information about the device, so you won’t be disappointed later.

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