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What is a mobile air conditioner, device and principle of operation

With the onset of summer, and sometimes early spring, residents of private houses and apartments begin to think about acquiring devices that can normalize the atmosphere in the room. And to put it simply - about buying an air conditioner.

Compact representative of mobile air conditioners

The pricing policy for stationary devices is quite high, as is the cost of their maintenance. Therefore, the ideal solution for a room with a small area will be the acquisition of a mobile air conditioner - a device that is particularly compact, simple in functionality, and also at an affordable price.

What is a mobile air conditioner

Before you understand the device of this household appliance, it is worth recalling the stationary split-systems. Standard air conditioning consists of two units: internal and external. The indoor unit creates the desired atmosphere by transporting air cooled or heated by the external unit into the room. More expensive models may have several indoor units available, such devices are able to control the temperature in several rooms at once.

Device with two exhaust ducts

A mobile air conditioner combines all the components that are in the external and internal blocks of a standard split system. Its structural components are as follows:

  • Compressor.
  • Capacitor.
  • Evaporator.
  • Filter element.
  • Air duct

All elements of the device are located in a metal or plastic case. Such a device can work in cooling or heating mode, very often manufacturers try to combine these two operating modes in one model. The device can be freely moved around the entire area in the house, which is very convenient, for example, when you need to cool the air in two different rooms.

For the device to work, it is necessary to remove the duct outside the room. This procedure is carried out with the aim of transporting heated air to the outside. The most convenient option for the duct is an open window, less often - a ventilation hole, if any, in the room. Of course, if necessary, ventilation can be done independently using a hammer drill.

The latest models are equipped with a sufficiently long hose, which allows you to freely pick up and operate a mobile device in any part of the room. Also, new models have structural elements mounted for greater convenience: wheels for transportation and a remote control.

The principle of operation of a mobile air conditioner

There are no special differences in comparison with stationary devices in mobile models. The main feature is the combination of two work units in one housing.

Mobile air conditioning has the following working principle:

  1. Through one of the working openings in the housing, air enters the device.
  2. Passing through the compressor, the air flow is heated or cooled, depending on the selected operating mode.
  3. Further, the heated or cooled air stream passes through the filter, which allows it to be partially cleaned of harmful impurities and dust.
  4. Through a second hole in the housing, the cleaned and brought to the required temperature air enters the room.
  5. Air that receives excess heat from the engine after conditioning is vented through a hose.

The first models were equipped with containers for collecting condensate, which periodically had to be poured manually.In modern devices, this problem has been eliminated - heated air is removed from the housing in the form of steam.

Mobile air conditioning with a simple but practical design

An important structural element of any given device is a filter. The filter element in modern devices is able to perform fine cleaning of the air flow, as well as moisturize it or make it drier. Floor devices with such a filter have a special mode of operation, in which they do not heat or cool the air, but simply drive it through the filter.

Very convenient additional automation in the air conditioner. For example, the user can set the required temperature threshold in the room, which will be maintained automatically by the device. When the set temperature is reached, the air conditioner automatically switches to ventilation mode or decreases fan speed.

And the last - the presence of night mode, in which the device can function at night with minimal noise effect. The rate of change of the air flow temperature decreases (in a few hours, the air conditioner heats or cools the air by only a few degrees), but the operation of the device is almost inaudible, which does not disturb users' sleep.

Mobile air conditioning device

Mobile air conditioning resembles a miniature room ventilation system. His device is as follows:

  1. On the body of the device there are 2 holes. The first hole is for air intake to cool it, the second - for heating it. In addition, there is also a flexible sleeve for venting hot air outside the room. As mentioned above, it is most often displayed on the street through a window.
  2. The lower air intake serves to transport the air flow to the condenser for the purpose of its further cooling. After passing through the condenser, heated air is discharged into the street. It is for this purpose that a flexible sleeve is provided.
  3. The upper air intake directs the air flow to the evaporator, in which it cools or heats up to the set temperature. Further, the cooled or heated air passes through the filter element and through the discharge hole enters the room.
  4. On the case of the mobile air conditioner there are special movable blinds, which can be used to control the air flow direction. To quickly heat the room, the blinds should be set to the lower position, for cooling - to the upper.

The layout of the mobile air conditioner

Devices without a duct cannot be classified as mobile air temperature controllers. The cost of such humidifiers is not too different from mobile devices, but in reality they simply saturate the air with moisture, while not sufficiently lowering its temperature. A real mobile air conditioner must have an air duct without fail, only then can there be a qualitative decrease or increase in air temperature in the room.

Pros and cons of such devices

One of the modern models

Mobile air conditioners have a number of pluses and minuses relative to standard split systems:

  • Mobility. The main plus of mobile air conditioners, the design of which provides for their rapid movement throughout the entire area of ​​the room or from one room to another.
  • Affordable price. The cost of mobile devices is much lower than standard split systems, and they are also cheaper in terms of maintenance.
  • Lack of any installation. The question arises: how to connect a mobile air conditioner correctly and quickly? It is enough to install the device on the floor, put the duct in the window and connect it to the network, it will do the rest on its own.
  • Compact size. They allow you to transport the device anywhere, for example, in a country house or in the country.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • Not enough power. Mobile devices will not be able to cope with a large area, which is inferior to stationary split-systems.
  • Increased noise during operation.It is provided by fan operation. In modern models, a night mode of operation is provided, in which the air conditioner operates almost silently.
  • The need to remove condensate that accumulates in a tank specially provided for this.

Most popular models

To learn more about the capabilities of these devices, as well as understand how to choose the right mobile air conditioner, you should take a look at the functionality and pricing policy of the most popular models.

Delonghi PAC C80

A standard representative of the family of mobile air conditioners, created exclusively to lower the temperature in the room (there is no heating function in this model). There is a mode that allows the device to work like a standard fan, simply cleaning the air flow and directing it in one direction.

Delonghi PAC C80

Features of the Delonghi PAC C80 model:

  • The presence of an automatic operating mode, which allows you to free the user from the need to constantly monitor and adjust the operation of the device.
  • The presence of a remote control. Now you can just sit on the couch and control the air conditioner remotely. Just press a few keys.
  • There is a timer that both turns on and off the air conditioner at a time specified by the user.

The pricing policy for the model is 12175 rubles.

Electrolux EACM-14EM

The popular company Electrolux represents a high-quality and reliable model of the mobile air temperature controller - Electrolux EACM-14EM. There are 2 operating modes: cooling and heating. Also, the device can work as a standard fan or dehumidifier.

Electrolux EACM-14EM

Brief technical specifications:

  • The maximum power in cooling mode is 4.1 kW.
  • The maximum power in heating mode is 1.8 kW.
  • Auto mode.
  • The ability to adjust the temperature in increments of 1 degree.

The pricing policy is 9989 rubles.

AirSonic COMFORT PC 12

A common and popular model with a long service life, the representative of China and South Korea. It has numerous positive reviews and the necessary functionality.

AirSonic COMFORT PC 12

Brief technical specifications:

  • The maximum power in cooling mode is 3.5 kW.
  • The maximum power in heating mode is 3.5 kW.
  • Auto mode.
  • Night mode.
  • Noise threshold - 40 dB.

The pricing policy is 19,500 rubles.

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