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What is precision air conditioning, how it works

With modern climatic conditions it is very difficult to do without air conditioning. The temperature in summer reaches extraordinary values, so it is problematic to be in a stuffy room, whether it is an office, apartment or house.

Reliable stationary air conditioners

But we will talk about climate equipment for technical premises. This category includes precision air conditioners - devices that can maintain not only the set room temperature, but also control humidity. These air conditioners differ from household models in higher accuracy, and accordingly in pricing.

What is precision air conditioning

So what is a stationary precision air conditioner? Externally, this device looks like an ordinary cabinet or box, and consists of one working unit. In some models, a capacitor can be added to it, but most often manufacturers try to hide this element inside the device.

Modern precision cabinets for server rooms

Recently, many designers of HVAC equipment are switching to a standard system consisting of two units. At the same time, in one of them the main elements of the cooling system are located: compressor, fan and a separate automatic control module. And in the second, a condenser and a fan are installed, which cools it.

Precision air conditioners produce three types:

  • Cooling. They have limited air conditioning functionality, designed exclusively for lowering the temperature in the room.
  • Cooling with an additional humidifier. An additionally provided humidifier in the design of the device allows you to make the air more pleasant and refreshing.
  • Combined devices, which include both the function of cooling by temperature and heating.

The principle of operation of a precision air conditioner

The main element that provides lowering the temperature is the refrigerant, which is pumped into the device in a gaseous state. To better understand the operation of a precision air conditioner, the sequence of cooling the air flow should be disassembled.

  1. At the first working stage, the refrigerant enters the section where it is compressed by the compressor to a certain volume.
  2. Then this substance enters the condenser, where excess heat is removed. When heat is removed, the refrigerant from the gaseous state passes into the liquid. It should be recalled that in some devices the capacitor is carried out as a separate unit.
  3. After the condenser, the refrigerant in the liquid state enters the throttle assembly, where its temperature decreases. In addition, the fluid pressure also drops, for more convenient transportation through the system.
  4. At the final stage, the liquid refrigerant enters the evaporator, where it is again converted into a gaseous state.

Device operation diagram

How is the cooling of the air in the room? Simple enough: air, with the help of a fan, is taken from the room, and then passes through the evaporator, in which its temperature drops. After cooling, the air stream is re-transported into the room by an external fan.

Of course, with the increase in functionality, the need for installing additional parts of the system, such as heating elements, humidifiers, filtering devices, etc., also increases. In addition to the above nodes, the air conditioner also provides a unit for automatic control and adjustment of the temperature level of the air flow, shutoff valves, and ventilation devices.

Areas of use

Where are precision air conditioners most often used? In technological areas, since installing such devices in a domestic environment is not relevant. Too much energy consumption, as well as more power, which is more suitable for solid areas.

Carrying out maintenance of a stationary device

The most common applications of precision air conditioners:

  • Medical centers, hospitals, hospitals, as well as diagnostic centers, in which special equipment is constantly operating, requiring cooling.
  • Pharmaceutical companies and laboratories. It is very important to maintain a certain temperature for reagents and other chemically active substances.
  • Telecommunication centers (mobile operators, information technology nodes, server centers, cryptocurrency operating companies). Equipment companies associated with computer technology requires low temperatures in the premises of data processing, as well as constant air exhaust.
  • Conveyor production of microelectronics elements.
  • Manufacture of devices related to the space industry.

Precision technology has gained wide application due to the progressive development of modern devices. Technical rooms and technological workshops require reliable and high-quality maintenance of temperature conditions. The installation of precision air conditioners and reliable components provide this device with a long service life, which always suits users.

Advantages and disadvantages of precision air conditioners

Precision air conditioners belong to the category of high-precision equipment, and more precisely - reliable and durable devices with high power. The purchase of such a unit will definitely solve the problem of controlling the temperature regime in the room.

Advantages of precision devices:

  • The ability to maintain an accurate temperature threshold. In average conditioners of this type, the step of change is 0.5 degrees.
  • Humidity control within 3%. Exclusively for appliances with integrated humidifier.
  • The ability to run smoothly without the need for a shutdown or any kind of reboot.
  • Many models have an additional backup unit, which begins to function after a main shutdown.

Modern server room and a number of precision devices

These devices also have their drawbacks, which include:

  • Too high pricing policy. Precision air conditioners are difficult to manufacture, require a lot of components and relevant specialists in assembly and configuration. Therefore, each device has a high cost.
  • Sophisticated installation. To connect precision devices, you should call specialists who not only deliver the air conditioner and install it, but also configure its operation.
  • They have large dimensions. Which implies appropriate transportation and delivery to the installation site.
  • Not designed for domestic use. Relevance of use only as a cooling source for technical or technological premises.

Popular models and a brief technical description

Consider the most popular models of precision air conditioners.

Hiref JREF 0060

Brief technical specifications:

  • The power source is a three-phase network with an operating voltage of at least 380 V.
  • Weight - 150 kg.
  • Power - 1.7 kW.
  • The average air flow rate is 1785 m3 / h.
  • Noise level at maximum work - 46 dB.

Air conditioning control panel Hiref JREF 0060


  • The power source is a three-phase network with an operating voltage of at least 380 V.
  • Weight - 175 kg.
  • Power - 2.3 kW.
  • 1 compressor.
  • 1 freon circuit.
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