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Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

The classical heating system in the modern world has outlived itself. And this happened in connection with the presence of a lot of shortcomings in it: significant heat loss, slow heating, stratification of air masses and so on. It is these factors that influenced the emergence of special interest of users in infrared heaters.

Feature of infrared heaters

Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

Infrared heater can be attached to a wooden surface

Infrared heaters are a unique opportunity to make life comfortable in summer cottages, apartments, private houses. Today, such devices are also very popular in offices and other similar institutions where a regulatory heating system is needed.

Can I use an infrared heater as a single heating system? A very interesting question, which can definitely be answered in the affirmative. This type of heating is elegantly suitable, as for the main heating system, and as an addition. The difference will be expressed solely in the design capacity.

This type of heating has several advantages:

  1. It does not require huge expenses, neither monetary nor labor, to establish powerful structures.
  2. It is characterized by silent operation and automation.
  3. It guarantees safety and environmental friendliness.
  4. Provides the ability to zone heating. At the same time, it can maintain different temperatures in two different zones.
Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

The device can be installed for zone heating

The infrared heater is easy to install, attach and use. He as quickly as possible begins to fulfill his functions, providing a high level of comfort in the zone of his actions. A huge advantage of using this type of heating is a small percentage reduction in moisture in the room. That is, there is no problem of dry air.

To get the most out of using such a useful installation, you should correctly install it.

Installation of a ceiling heater

Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

Installation of an infrared heater is carried out on different surfaces

Users are looking for additional sources of heat that maximize their functions, while being practical and economical. The above advantages of infrared heaters are just suited to the qualities of economy, practicality and profitability.

To date, the topic is of great relevance: "How to properly install and connect an infrared heater." Indeed, the final result depends on the correctness of the procedure. Any error can lead to unwanted events.

Types of infrared heater:

  • as a separate device;
  • as a film.

Mounting an infrared ceiling heater is much easier than working with film. In this case, the implementation of general principles is only required. Firstly, there should be a good fastener that will not bend under the weight of the heat unit. It is better to use brackets to install the device.

Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

The most reliable way to mount devices on metal brackets

They provide the ability to mount the device at a horizontal angle. What does it mean? This means that with their help, installation is possible not only on the ceiling, but also directly on the wall.

Instrument installation rules:

  1. Electrical cables should only be laid on a non-combustible surface.
  2. The fastening elements must not touch the heating part.
  3. When installing a thermal structure, possible contact with a flammable surface should be excluded and complete insulation of the wiring should be carried out.
  4. Fasten products at a height of 2.5 to 3.5 meters.

To install the device in a residential area, you should purchase those devices whose power does not exceed 800 watts.

Always remember the fire safety rules. In this case, you can not ignore them, as this can lead to a fire in the room.

Installation of a film heater

Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

Installation of a film heater is carried out on a prepared surface

Installation of the film also requires a number of nuances. For example, ceilings should not be lower than 230 cm. If this condition is not met, discomfort associated with overheating will be observed.

Installation Rules:

  1. Laying of the film should be carried out on a perfectly prepared surface, on which finishing work will already be fully completed.
  2. Cloths are mounted on a moisture-proof material.
  3. If the installation site borders on the attic, you should first deal with its insulation. Only in this case there will be a guaranteed result from use.
  4. Film cutting should be carried out exclusively on the specified manufacturer's marks.
  5. For maximum efficiency, the length of one strip piece should be considered when laying. It should not exceed eight meters.
  6. As for the location of neighboring elements, there should be a distance of more than 5 mm between them.
  7. It is forbidden to bend the film heater by more than 900.
  8. Mounting should only be done with brackets.
  9. Carry out installation work only at positive air temperature. If to lay a film at indicators from -50C and below, then after warming up the room, wrinkles may form.
Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

The film is fixed using staples

A huge and irreplaceable role in the operation of an infrared heater is played by the temperature controller. Let's talk about what it is and what is its relationship with the heating facility in question? His most important task is to monitor the regulation of the operation of the device. It should also be noted that thermostats exist to save energy. Periodically measure the air temperature, then during the test, regulate the operation of the infrared heater, turning it on or vice versa, stopping the work.

Types of temperature regulators

Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

Using a temperature controller, it is easy to control the air temperature

The current construction market presents a large selection of various parts that serve to save energy. Among their many, temperature regulators should be noted. Before you connect the thermostat to any type of infrared heater, you need to know what types are. It is also necessary to take into account their feature and method of attachment.

The main types:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.
Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

Mechanical temperature controller

The mechanical thermostat is a box, the top of which is equipped with a special switching device. The case also has a light indicator of the activity of this device.

It should be noted that mechanical models are best left unattended. Since there are no remote control functions in such a device. Of course there are models more modern, but still they are not produced in huge quantities.

Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

Electronic temperature controller

Electronic temperature controllers have a number of advantages. First of all, their wide functionality and ability to control is noted. Control can be carried out using buttons or the touch method. The design and their appearance are characterized by a huge variety. And even, despite a decent level of aesthetics, they are further improved.

The option under consideration also makes it possible to control using a mobile phone, which is accordingly very convenient and practical. The only negative is its high cost.

Both types require two installation rules: avoid moisture, which can damage the device and avoid sunlight and heat. Otherwise, the operation of the thermostat will be incorrect and, of course, there is a probability of failure of both devices.

Ways to connect the thermostat to the heater

Installation of infrared heaters and thermostat connection

Thermostat connection

There are several methods for connecting the thermostat to an infrared heater. The first of them is the simplest, is to connect one thermostat and one electric heater.

The second indicates the possibility of parallel connection. That is, one thermostat can simultaneously control several heaters. This happens as follows: from the machine, one pair of wires is connected to the thermostat, from which two directions to heating devices already go.

Operating one thermostat on a plurality of heaters is an ideal use case. In this case, maximum practicality, convenience and economy are traced. An assistant in this matter should be a magnetic starter. Mandatory in this case is the use of a specially designed, individual wiring diagram. There is an option to use a similar scheme, but this is only for those who, as they say, do not protect themselves. Carefully thought out work is the key to your own safety. It should be remembered that even a small inaccuracy and breakdown can cause a fire hazard with disastrous consequences.

Some manufacturers in the initial kit, along with a heater, provide a magnetic type starter. Also, wires go to it to make the necessary connection scheme. You can start to work if you have such knowledge or consult a specialist for advice.

So, we can summarize the above and note that any man can correctly install an infrared ceiling heater. There is nothing supernatural in this. It is only necessary to prepare correctly and informatively in order to complete everything correctly.

The obligatory rule of a good installation should be the use of a thermostat, which will help to implement the most necessary control over the operation of the heat heater. Infrared heater - it saves energy. Connecting such a device through a thermostat is already a double saving, which is never superfluous anywhere. This is especially true for a summer house or agricultural premises.

Each for himself decides the level of comfort. Choosing to use an infrared heater means choosing maximum comfort.

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