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How to drain water from a boiler - step by step instructions

Very often people have to dismantle, clean or simply disassemble a broken device, but before that everyone needs to empty the boiler. People are faced with the task of how to drain all the water from one boiler or another. This operation can be problematic, since the first time water does not flow out of the tank completely, and to drain it to the end, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Cases when it is necessary to drain the water:

  • Cleaning the insides. It must be carried out at least every 5 years so that the scale does not destroy the device from the inside.
  • The onset of the cold season. The device must be emptied if it is in a private house, in some unheated room.

Accumulated deposits inside

Tools required for surgery

All water heaters are similar to each other, so they have the same drainage system and for this procedure you will need an adjustable wrench, a rubber hose and access to the bathtub into which water will drain. If the water does not merge into the bath, then it is necessary to prepare several large containers so as not to flood the neighbors and just to avoid any tricky situations.

Emptying the boiler

In the case of the Ariston water heater, you will need various screwdrivers, a hexagon and adjustable wrenches of different sizes.

A person who reads the instructions and adheres to a clear algorithm will have no difficulty emptying the boiler correctly.

Preparation for the operation

Before draining, several important steps must be taken. The essence of the preparation is as follows:

  • Disconnect the boiler to prevent electric current from flowing. It is not enough just to pull the plug out of the socket, check the presence of electric current in the wires using an indicator screwdriver.
  • Next, turn off the general apartment taps, which will stop the water supply.

General-purpose cranes

  • The most important point is that you can only empty the boiler in which the water has cooled down or is warm. Therefore, after pulling the plug from the outlet, you should wait a while for the water to cool.
  • After all the items completed, remove the tubes from the heater, with which hot and cold are supplied.

Important! When the appliance is cleaned, repaired and everything that was required is done with it, do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to turn on an empty boiler and plug in a power outlet. This may cause a fire. Before switching on, you need to make sure that the fresh water has accumulated completely, only in this case the water heater is ready for operation.

Operation of draining water heaters

Although water heaters are similar to each other, each model still has an individual instruction manual, a different assembly and drain algorithm.

Emptying the Termex boiler

This process consists of several stages, they must be performed with a clear sequence in order to leave the boiler in full safety:

  • The very first point is the preparation of all the necessary tools. Turn off the tap, which is needed to supply cold water to the device itself.
  • The next step is to normalize the pressure inside the boiler itself. To do this, you need to open the hot water tap, then air will circulate inside the tank.

Standard tee

  • Next, you need to find the hole into which the pipe is connected, through which cold water circulates into the tank. Unscrew the nut that is needed for the check valve. This can be done using an adjustable wrench.
  • Connect the hose to the tube and direct it into the prepared container.

Emptying the boiler Electrolux

Accumulative boiler of the Electrolux brand


  • Stop the boiler from accessing cold water, i.e. close the valve that is responsible for cold water.
  • At the level of the drain valve, you need to attach a pipe through which water will flow. Direct it to the bathroom or special container.

The emptying of the boiler Ariston


  • Stop the flow of cold water into the boiler.
  • You need to adjust the boiler to the correct pressure, for this you need to open the faucet, which supplies hot water.
  • The next step is to let air into the boiler. There is a special faucet on the pipe that supplies hot water, which should be opened.
  • Next, connect the hose and open the drain valve. When the water has completely merged, any operation can be performed with the water heater.

Cleaning the inside of the boiler

Gorenje boiler emptying

The drainage procedure for this brand of water heater is similar to the previous algorithms:

  • Disconnect the boiler by pulling the plug out of the socket. Next, open the faucet that discharges hot water.
  • After the full flow of warm water from the tap, put a hose on the cold water pipe and bring it into the container where the water will merge.
  • Open the cold water tap, thereby driving air into the boiler so that all remaining water flows out. It does not take more than 10 minutes.

Water from such a water heater can be drained by a safety valve, although this method is very simple, it takes a long time, so in most cases people are inclined to drain the water normally.

Safety valve

Important! On some water heaters, a safety valve is installed, on which there is no special flag. In this case, proceed as follows: find the spring inside the valve, which must be pressed using the tube. Never unscrew the safety valve.

Standard connection via a tee

This type of connection is recommended by all manufacturers of boilers, because thanks to it, you can drain the water from the water heater in 10 minutes. If everything is connected correctly, no tools or complex operations are required.

The essence of the tee

The essence of this connection is that in the pipe section a tee with a valve is connected to the safety valve, by turning which you can drain the boiler.

The algorithm for draining water according to this scheme is as follows:

  • The device must be turned off and the power supply cut off. Next, limit the flow of cold water into the water heater.
  • Open the valve, which is responsible for hot water, and through the mixer start draining the liquid from the pipe. At the same time, the tap must be open so that air enters the water heater.
  • Put on the hose and open the tap to drain the water.
  • Once the tank is empty, you must close the shut-off valve.

You can also upgrade the system to the maximum and connect the drain pipe directly to the sewer. Then the process of draining the water will pass without any effort and not a single drop will be spilled by. This method is very convenient and experienced plumbers advise you to choose it so that even a woman can independently perform an operation to drain the water from the water heater.

How to remove a boiler and what to do if water needs to be drained urgently

There are cases when you need to drain the water very urgently, so in this case, a method using a tee is suitable. Thanks to him, when connected correctly, you can drain the water in 10 minutes, which is the fastest way.

There are times when people act irrationally and remove the water heater from the wall along with water, while its weight becomes very large.Therefore, before dismantling the water heater, it must be drained, so as not to damage. It will be very easy to drop a heavy boiler; it can explode from a sharp increase in pressure.

It is not difficult to dismantle the water heater, because it simply hangs on hooks and is easily removed from them. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the device, since any breakdown may require repairs, for which you will have to pay out not a small amount of money.

It is very easy to empty the water heater if you follow clear instructions. The main point is that it is necessary to prepare all the tools in advance so that there are no tricky situations. The water heater must be cleaned at least once every 5 years, so the procedure for draining the water will be impossible to avoid. Pollution in the boiler accumulate a large number of bacteria, which can lead to various diseases.

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