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How it works and how to choose a storage water heater

Negligent communal services are a major problem for many modern people. The lack of hot water is still half the problem, the second is their constant excuses. They only improve every year, and it makes no sense to struggle with the system. It’s much easier to just get around and get it. boiler. Here, many buyers have a new problem - how use a storage water heater at home?

Choosing a boiler can take a lot of time. After all, you need to take into account many nuances that are not indicated in any video like “how to choose the right model”. Each buyer needs to think in advance about which wall he will install the model on. If the tank in it is very large, then problems may arise. The boiler can fall off the wall and even overwhelm it.

The sizes, the volume of the storage water heater, the operation scheme, the varieties of form, power, fuel used - all this must be taken into account. For this reason, a review of water heaters turns into a lengthy and meticulous process. Choosing the right model will help a professional seller. If the buyer decided to do everything himself, then you need to familiarize yourself with this material.

Choose a water heater in the form

How it works and how to choose a storage water heater

A variety of forms will lead to a dead end for any esthete

The final price directly depends on this parameter. Surprisingly, it is. The fact is that there are the most popular models that can easily fit into almost any interior. On the other side are large and inconvenient to install devices. Hence the difference in price, as well as demand. The compact water heater will give the buyer more options for use and installation.

So, the main varieties of boilers:

  • Round shape. The cheapest due to inconvenience during installation and use. The principle of operation is similar to that of other models. But the convex shape takes up a lot of space, so this design is difficult to put in a limited space. Need a large room or a separate one, only for a boiler.
  • Cylindrical shape. Ideal for those who are constantly fighting for an extra centimeter in their kitchen. Such devices take up a minimum of space, install faster, but cost more. In diameter, such a boiler is approximately half a meter. This is the average for the most popular models.
  • Narrow boilers. Usually they are cylindrical or round, but they are specially narrowed. If you look from the side, the models seem to have pulled out. Such a model is arranged on the same principle, but everything is done so as to save space in the room. In such boilers, the water heats up faster, but it cannot contain a large tank, therefore it is suitable for one or two people.
  • Flat and rectangular. This option will allow the buyer not only to save space in the room, but also to make technical solutions unprecedented in other models. An ideal example is two water tanks in one competition. At the same time, the design remains quite compact. And water can be heated much more, a great option for large families. But such models are the most expensive. For example, an excellent Termex boiler with a rectangular shape will cost the buyer several thousand.

Basic selection tips from experts

How it works and how to choose a storage water heater

Here is the filling of the storage water heater

Most potential buyers spend the whole day on the Internet to find the answer to the question - how to choose the right water heater? But rarely, someone stumbles upon the opinion of real experts and manufacturers. Namely, they can suggest a truly competent solution. This material contains the basic selection rules that have been created by specialists in this field:

  • The case may be made of steel or high-quality plastic. The popularity of the manufacturer does not matter. The main thing is that the material should be one of the above. Steel and high-quality plastic have everything necessary for the boiler to work for at least 10 years, while not wearing out, it is reliable and strong.
  • The ideal amount of displacement in the tank is 50 liters. That is exactly what most experts think. The storage water heater simply does not make sense to do more. In rare cases, the tanks combine and bring even up to 200 liters. But such designs are suitable only for giving.
  • The best color scheme is light. The most popular and used color is white. A silver shade and stainless steel are also good options. It is she who is advised to acquire specialists.
  • The style itself and ergonomic parameters should be selected for a specific case. Boilers are purchased not only for residential apartments, but also for hotels, cottages and cottages. The description of the conditions for installation is different, so they need to be taken into account and the model should be selected responsibly. She must work harmoniously and fulfill her main function.

Choose a storage water heater by material

How it works and how to choose a storage water heater

From left to right - stainless steel and enameled steel

Speaking material, it is not an external design that is meant, but the tank itself. It is he who represents the most important element in the entire structure. There are not many options, there are only two. Stainless steel is the first option. According to most buyers, this is ideal, but such a thought is erroneous. The stainless steel has a large number of minuses that you do not notice the first time.

Stainless steel storage water heater can be durable, but only on one condition - if the seams are made very high quality. If the situation is the opposite, then this option will not be able to last even five years. But it resists corrosion well, this is the main advantage of stainless steel. Enamelled steel It is more durable and does not depend on the quality of the seams as the first option.

Both varieties have a very weak spot - intergranular corrosion. It strikes any material and makes it unusable. Enamelled steel looks more attractive and in many ways better than stainless steel. On the other hand, it is highly susceptible to corrosion, so it all depends on the installation location. If there is increased dampness, then you need to choose a stainless steel that is not afraid of moisture.

Both materials are good in their own way, so you need to consider a large number of nuances. The main one is the place where the storage water heater will be installed.

What tips will help you not make a mistake during the acquisition

How it works and how to choose a storage water heater

Installation can be done on any surface

Accumulative water heaters are very different, so it is worth taking a closer look at models and manufacturers. A large number of positive reviews do not yet guarantee high-quality and uninterrupted operation of the equipment. It is necessary to take into account a large number of nuances. In fact, this advice extends to the choice of any water heater, not just a storage one. What will help to make the right choice:

  • No need to look at the low price. Most potential buyers immediately turn their attention to the cheapest options. They attract the opportunity to save. But often, behind a nice price, there is one important minus - poor quality.Cheap storage water heaters are made from low-quality materials, have very poor seams, power. Also, among cheap boilers, a common phenomenon is various flaws that are not immediately detected, but after purchase and use. The guarantee for such products is not given or it is very short. Therefore, do not immediately be seduced by the low price.
  • The mass of the boiler is an important nuance. If the design is impressive, then the steel is thicker, and the seams are more reliable. But there is another side to the coin, which is the mass. Installing a large boiler is not so easy, the wall may simply not stand it. Therefore, you need to think in advance and understand how a storage water heater is needed.
  • Carefully look at models with a short warranty period. Such models show that the manufacturer made a mistake. He made not very high-quality equipment and wants to sell it faster. But the buyer can take it back, so what to do? It's simple, to make the warranty period very short. For example, a month or even six months. In this case, the boiler is unlikely to have time to break. And he will do it in a year, when it will be too late for the buyer. Often in models with a low warranty period you can meet certain patterns - bad seams, low-quality stainless steel or enamel, thin and fragile.
  • A magnesium anode, which can be made of titanium or electronic. A very important detail, you should immediately pay attention to it. Such an element has any good boiler. What will happen if it is not in the design? The absence of a magnesium anode does not provide protection. As a result, the equipment instantly corrodes on the inner surface of the tank. You should always pay attention to the presence of a magnesium anode in the storage water heater, this will help get rid of a large number of possible problems.

Using these tips, a potential buyer will be able to purchase a truly high-quality storage water heater. The list may grow depending on the needs and other nuances. In order not to make mistakes, it is advisable to contact a specialist. It is recommended that you make a purchase in a quality store of heating equipment and use the services of a consultant.

Reliability of TENA and some facts

How it works and how to choose a storage water heater

Dry ten and its visual characteristics

Accumulative water heaters have a complex structure, which can not do without a heating element. To understand what this element is, you need to consider an example. Imagine that a boiler is a human body. Then the tank will be the stomach, and the TEN, that is, the heating element, will be the liver. These elements are in direct contact with water and heat it directly.

Sometimes the process is carried out using other parts, such as a protective capsule or flask. The first option is also called wet. The heater is operated and functions as a boiler familiar to a common person. The element, which is a heater, becomes incredibly hot and thereby increases the temperature of the liquid. The temperature level is set manually.

If a flask or protective capsule is used, such a heating element is called dry. Accumulative water heaters with such an element are more popular, but also cost more. The main difference in life. Wet heaters wear out very quickly due to their strong susceptibility to corrosion. This not only destroys the element itself, but also makes the owner pay more for the light - a lot of electricity is absorbed.

When choosing a heater, many factors must be taken into account. The main one is the hardness of the water in the place where storage water heater installed. The fluid should be non-rigid, and best of all soft.

If the water quality is very deplorable, then you need to purchase heating elements with a dry version of operation. In this case, the heater will be coated with a special material for protection. Often this special steel or stainless steel.The second option is more common and popular, perfectly copes with its tasks. Yes, and there is a dry variation of the heating element is not much more expensive.

Consider the fact that dry tena lasts much longer. Their heat transfer is very effective, therefore, the device will bring more benefits and will be able to perform all tasks. If the heater is made of ceramic, then you need to remember that they heat up and cool down more slowly, but do not produce any sounds. Therefore, this option is the most convenient, no need to drain the water.

Electrical part and type of control - how to understand the assortment?

How it works and how to choose a storage water heater

It looks like a boiler with a display

When choosing a storage water heater that runs on electricity, a large number of questions arise. For most of them, this article has already answered. But there are those that have not been affected. The electronic filling of the boiler must be reliable, so the choice of components should be made responsible and scrupulous. What does the electronic part of a storage water heater consist of?

  • From the thermostat.
  • Control module.
  • Temperature sensor.
  • Power board.
  • Display boards.

Here are the main details, there are not many of them. Storage water heaters have several basic control systems. The most popular is mechanical, but every year, it loses its position. Practical and simple, such a system begins to fade into the background due to limitations. It uses the simplest elements and it works as follows.

A special thermostat makes it possible to adjust the temperature inside the tank, all this is done with the help of a special regulator. It is enough just to turn it. The accuracy is quite limited, the temperature can vary by 3 or even five degrees, this is the maximum possible limit. The rotary control must be installed under the cover or in a place where children cannot climb. After all, the temperature of most elements is increased.

Modern boilers have special displays and electronic control systems. Some of the models can not only be observed from afar, but also managed. Thanks to the remote control. Such boilers are more economical, they use electricity as accurately and correctly as possible. The difference with the temperature on the screen and inside the tank is a maximum of 1 degree.

The main advantage of such an electronic system is that the boiler is automatically protected from voltage drops. But this option is not available in all models, it is worth considering this when buying. If protection is available, then the reliability and service life of the storage boiler increases several times. In extreme cases, experts offer to buy a stabilizer, it will be cheaper compared to the complete replacement of a failed model.

Storage boiler manufacturers

Talking about each one for too long. Moreover - to discuss individual models. The buyer should be self-interested in everything from the consultant, this will significantly increase the chance to purchase a really high-quality device. All these “tips on the Internet” often only harm.

But still, there are manufacturers who have an excellent reputation in the niche of water heaters. Most of them sell expensive, but very high-quality models of all sizes and with different functionality. A short list is as follows:

  1. Gorenje
  3. ELDOM;
  5. RODA;

By purchasing a storage water heater of one of these brands, the buyer makes a really high-quality investment in his future.

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