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Mounting the water heater to the wall - features and installation rules

A boiler is a very useful option in a modern apartment or house. That is why the demand for this technique is growing every year. How to hang a water heater is the most popular question that worries all potential buyers. Indeed, when the storage boiler is already at home, the man begins to think about how to connect it and attach it to the wall.

How to hang and fix a water heater on different types of walls: wooden, foam blocks, drywall and others

How to hang a water heater - this is the most popular question that worries all potential buyers

Fixing the water heater at home to the wall can cause certain difficulties. There are a large number of factors, each must be taken into account. For example, the weight of the boiler itself is an important criterion. Often the water heater is selected carefully, taking into account the material of the wall itself. Try to work with drywall or attach the boiler to a wooden wall - it's not so simple.

Design feature

Water heaters can be of different sizes and dimensions, so you need to take into account the design features before you start hanging the structure on the wall. Storage devices may also vary in weight. Large size is not an indicator. For example, Ariston boilers have compact visual characteristics, but always have impressive weight.

Therefore, you need to separate the boilers by type, in the end it turns out:

  • Gas water heater, which is always connected to the main or cylinder. A popular option, but not very practical because of its requirements. The main thing is the presence of a chimney that can go outside the house.
  • An electric water heater that can operate from a home electrical outlet. Often it is installed in apartments because of this advantage. A chimney is not required, because there are no combustion products, which is another plus.
  • Indirect heaters. They are always equipped with heat exchangers, which must be connected directly to their heating system.

What do all these models have in common? There is one detail - storage capacity. It looks like a tank, but is significantly superior in weight to this item. When it is filled with water, it becomes really unbearable. Therefore, the dimensions of the tank are an important nuance before attaching the structure to the wall. It is necessary to take into account the dimensions, weight, visual characteristics and features of the tank.

As for the mounting elements, a large number of questions arise, but do not worry. Any model, any brand, is immediately sold with them in the kit. If the appliance is floor-mounted, it is very easy to install. If wall mounted, a lot of problems arise. You need a solid wall that can support weight. If you hang a heavy boiler on a very thin wall, it may simply not stand it.

Each wall-mounted boiler has a feature - it is equipped in advance with special mounting eyes. This is done so that the device is installed correctly. In the kit you can find special steel hooks. Sometimes they are not, you have to buy the missing part in the market. The main feature - the diameter of the hole in the eye should correspond to the diameter of the hook itself.

How to hang and fix a water heater on different types of walls: wooden, foam blocks, drywall and others

Special hook and hole for fixing it

When the boiler is in the living room, and the wall for installation is already selected - you need to understand a little about the design itself.This can be done even by a person without experience; you do not need to be a professional installer of water heaters. Despite the differences in size and design, most boilers look almost the same. So, you need to understand the options for fastenings:

  1. The first is more difficult, but also reliable. You need to purchase several dowels that are driven into the walls using a special construction gun. The main difficulty is that not everyone has the necessary tools. He will have to borrow, to buy a construction gun for the sake of one process is stupid, because it costs a lot.
  2. The second option is not so strong, but much easier. You need to purchase a dowel, but with plastic tips. We drill several holes of the required diameter, insert the dowels there and screw in the steel hooks. Simple and reliable.

Remember that these options are only suitable for sturdy walls. If the house has foam blocks, then you need to take into account their strength and condition. Any loose material and structure may break. For example, frame houses often do not have cladding of internal walls, the owners leave the tree. Wood can not withstand heavy loads, so you need to think about similar mounting options.

Walls from different materials - how to fix

Since there are a lot of materials that walls can consist of, you need to discuss each of them. The quality of the boiler mounting depends on this. And this nuance significantly improves its performance. And there is no chance that the wall will simply collapse with time. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of material, and calculate what capacity the tank has.

If the tank is huge, for example, 100 liters, this is not a problem. But only if the walls are made of solid concrete or stone foundation. Only these materials can withstand such a load. In another case, it is necessary to apply additional tools and methods. In this article we will consider situations with each of the possible options.

Foam concrete

A material popular in recent years, which many use. Durable, reliable, but with its own characteristics. There is no need to understand for a long time if the tank does not exceed a volume of 50 liters. In this case, it will be enough to prepare simple nylon dowels of a spiral shape. But what if the tank volume ranges from 80 to 100 liters? This is already a very heavy construction and can not do without additional tools.

  • You can use the mounting plate, which is fixed with long steel dowels. It must be clarified that the stud and thread are passed through the wall, and then the washer linings must be tightened with nuts.
  • A special anchor, which is made specifically for foam concrete, can also be an excellent option. It is created specifically for such cases when you need to attach the device to the wall. But not the fact that they can withstand a load of 100 kilograms.
  • You can use an anchor with glue, which is also called chemical. He sits very firmly in foam concrete and looks neat.

We have listed all the options that can be used with materials such as foam concrete. But the best of them is the third. Such dowels do an excellent job of temperature changes and are environmentally friendly, using special glue.

How to attach chemical anchors to the wall and make the right basis for future boiler installation? Need to make a few holes. Place the drill bit at an angle and rotate it axis. A niche will appear inside the material, which will look like a pocket. First you need to fill it with glue, and then enter it inside the anchor. They freeze quickly, become incredibly durable.


Saman is another interesting option that the modern market offers. The material can be very durable, it all depends on its quality. But even in the best case, one cannot do without additional tools; simple anchors are not enough here.Savvy is the main weapon, it will help you come up with a way out of the situation. The easiest option is to make a special shield.

It looks like a simple metal plate, which in its shape, allows you to distribute the load correctly, across the wall. The shield itself contains several elements. A couple of mounting hooks need to be welded to it, they can be replaced with an eyelet that will help to fix the boiler with bolts. The shield itself is fastened with very long anchors, and studs and pads for wide washers can also be used.

Ceramic tile

How to hang and fix a water heater on different types of walls: wooden, foam blocks, drywall and others

Ceramic water heater

How often do you use ceramic tiles in your home? In the kitchen - almost always. It is an excellent material that is ideal for such purposes. In turn, I must say that the boiler is also often installed in the kitchen. Therefore, this subtitle is ideal for such cases. A water heater can be hung on this material only if two conditions are met:

  • Voids are often left under the lining during the installation process. The boiler will simply not be able to hold onto such flimsy material. Therefore, they should not be, immediately behind the tile - the main material of the wall.
  • The main material of the wall must be durable.
  • The tile should be fastened as tightly as possible, without any deformation and so on.

If at least one of these rules is not followed, then problems will surely arise. The first concerns the complete disruption of the structure from the wall. In this case, the ceramic tile will be very badly damaged. There may also be a problem when the wall can withstand the load, but the tile is not. As a result, it begins to crack and push into the structure. This occurs in the softest areas, as well as where voids are formed.

Plasterboard partitions

How to hang and fix a water heater on different types of walls: wooden, foam blocks, drywall and others

A special hairpin with a mesh sleeve will help to install the boiler on drywall

Drywall has never been considered a reliable and sturdy material. Therefore, hanging a boiler on such a wall is a dangerous and adventurous undertaking. In any case, this can be done in the place where mortgages are provided. Often they are created during the construction of the wall itself. It is this design that allows you to fix the boiler of almost any size, the anchors will not fall out.

The area of ​​the bookmark should be almost the same as the boiler itself. It can be more, but certainly not less, the design will not withstand the load.

There is also another option - the supporting structure immediately behind the plasterboard partition. In this case, you just need to drill a hole in both materials. And insert standard anchors there, screw them in the typical way. When drilling, the thickness of drywall is not taken into account. The design will turn out to be strong and reliable, the boiler will be able to hang for years and not even heel on either side.


How to hang and fix a water heater on different types of walls: wooden, foam blocks, drywall and others

A special shield that is installed through the wall

Buildings made of wood have excellent visual characteristics. But wood has never been able to work as a reliable supporting structure. Therefore, she simply can not hold a heavy boiler. But this is not the most important thing, you still need to think about security. Wood can easily ignite, therefore, when installing a boiler, any of non-combustible materials is always used as a lining.

If your load-bearing wall is a wooden beam or log, then it will be able to withstand the largest water heater. Just screw in the L-shaped bracket and you're done. But it is worthwhile to understand that the wood wears out very quickly. When it loses its properties, the structure will begin to roll, it may fall out. Therefore, experts advise using an additional shield.

It looks like a simple steel plate that can distribute the load over its entire area. Also, such a shield works as a lining to avoid fire. This option is ideal when it comes to interior wooden partitions.Piers are very often made from a pillar, which is covered with shingles and filled with clay and straw. In this case, you need to use a stud with a nut, we pass the tool through the partitions.


Lining is one of the most capricious materials and in this case, it makes no exceptions. Here you need to create a non-combustible lining, as in the previous version. But how to choose a mount, it is too difficult to give any advice. It is necessary to solve this issue individually, examining the circumstances.

The most optimal option, if you can securely and tenaciously fasten, the installation of racks of timber. You can also use a profile pipe. The design itself is usually painted in the color of the lining, so as not to spoil the overall style. Wall paneling is the worst option for mounting a water heater. If there is no choice, then you need to think and decide, and if there is, then it is better to reconsider other options.


Another material that is a very bad option. The wall will not be able to withstand a large boiler, no fastening will help. Therefore, you often need to use the ceiling as an additional support. You need to get two metal tires. The first is attached to the floor beam and the concrete slab of the ceiling. The second needs to be attached to the material itself, do it with dowels.

Brick and cinder block

How to hang and fix a water heater on different types of walls: wooden, foam blocks, drywall and others

A mount that is ideal when using cinder blocks

If the wall is made of cinder block, then an anchor screw would be an ideal option. It will not help only if the material is of poor quality. If the blocks are porous, then they will not withstand the load. A pair of studs or bolts that need to be passed through the entire wall will help. Brick also has its own characteristics. If it is a silicate variety, then it is better to use an anchor screw or a stud with a collet. The design will be very sturdy.

In this case, the supporting structure must be strong. The minimum wall thickness is measured very simply - no less than brick. If we are talking about red brick, then everything is much more complicated. The material is weak, it needs a welded frame or shield. Without this, the structure will simply fail, ruining the entire brick when it falls.

If you have a thin wall, then you need to use additional shields or frames from the profile pipe. Often, anchors or studs are passed through to hold the structure as securely as possible. If the wall is concrete, then you need to build on opportunities. There are simply thousands of fasteners and the material gives the advantage of choice.

Features of installation work

How to hang and fix a water heater on different types of walls: wooden, foam blocks, drywall and others

Perfect fit - dowels with plastic lugs

First you need to choose the right installation location. Consideration should be given to the fact that water taps and an electrical panel should be nearby, this will increase usability. Also, the design itself should not take up too much space, it should look harmonious and not interfere with movement around the room. The first step is to test the strength. On the wall you need to draw a markup.

After that, the creation of holes begins, plastic dowels are driven in, a makeshift shield is installed to improve strength. Each boiler model has several mounting plates with eyelets. They are at the back. Inside the hole you need to insert the anchor and screw it into the dowel made of plastic. It is also recommended to use hooks, it is easier with them. Just hung the structure through the eyes and that's it.

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