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Which water heater to choose - flow or storage?

A person cannot imagine life without hot water in the house. When it is turned off, for example, for maintenance work in the boiler room, it causes enormous discomfort. Eliminating the problem of lack of hot water, a person decides to purchase his own boiler. And here the question arises, which is better - cumulative water heater or instantaneous water heater? Since the device is bought for long-term and daily use, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem with full responsibility.

The advantages of water heaters

Previously, it was quite simple to choose, only gas columns of domestic production were sold on the market. Now the range has increased significantly, in addition to the columns, flowing and storage water heaters have appeared.

You should not rush with the purchase, it is better to first study the information about each type of equipment, learn about the principles of operation and the advantages of installing these devices. Surely, there are also disadvantages about which there is information in customer reviews. This will help to make the right choice during your own boiler.

An electric water heater can be placed in any home

Advantages of such equipment:

  1. Water heaters are operated both in apartment buildings, and in private, including suburban.
  2. Difficulties in installing and connecting these devices do not arise, so they are in demand. Installing such equipment is easy on your own without the involvement of a specialist.
  3. You can purchase a device at an affordable cost.
  4. To install a water heater, design documentation is not required.

Types of Water Heaters

Water heaters come in two types - storage and flow. When installing a boiler of any type, a person reliably solves the problem of lack of hot water. Of course, these varieties have similarities and differences that you need to know about.

Accumulative and flowing water heaters

Accumulative action water heater

The main function of the storage device is to bring the water filling the tank to the set temperature. This action allows a person to get the right amount of water at the right temperature.

Externally, the equipment looks like a tank, designed for a certain amount of liters. It receives water from a central water supply system. These boilers include heating elements. These are electrical elements designed to heat water to the required temperature.

Another necessary element of the boiler is a thermostat. It controls the heating process. To set the desired temperature, turn the knob on the case. When the water heats up, the thermostat turns off the power. As soon as the water begins to cool, automatic switching on occurs, and the heating elements reheat the liquid to a predetermined level. In modern water heaters, insulated containers are installed, so the water in them holds the temperature. a long time.

The device of the storage water heater

The main advantages of the storage water heater:

  1. To connect the device, only one working electrical outlet is required, which must be grounded.
  2. Water maintains temperature for a long time, this is achieved due to thermal insulation on the walls of storage tanks.
  3. Hot water from the water heater is distributed simultaneously at several points.
  4. The amount of heated water is enough to take a bath or bathe in the shower.

The difference in the models of equipment of the storage type relates to design and forms. Stores offer a huge range of heating appliances, which greatly facilitates the choice.

You also need to know about the disadvantages of the equipment:

  1. In order not to inconvenience due to lack of hot water, the volume of the storage tank is taken into account. For example, for a family of two people, the optimal capacity is at least 80 liters, for a family with a large number of members it is advisable to install an instrument with an even larger tank volume.
  2. When installing a water heater, its dimensions are taken into account, the larger and heavier the equipment, the more reliable it needs to be fixed.
  3. The minus is that when the water cools, the heating elements are automatically turned on for heating, this increases the energy consumption.
  4. To increase the service life of the storage water heater, it must be cleaned at a certain frequency. This procedure is necessary, because with constant heating of the water, precipitation occurs at the bottom of the tank, scale forms on the walls. Because of this, the device starts to work worse and the service life is reduced. Also, a magnesium anode is installed in the configuration of the device, which during the cleaning process changes to a new one.

Instantaneous water heater

Heating processes in flow and storage water heaters occur in different ways. In the first, the heating elements are more powerful, so the temperature of the water increases in them instantly. A couple of minutes after turning on, hot water already flows. This is achieved thanks to sensors that monitor the number of simultaneously operating heating elements.

The more water pressure becomes, the greater the number of heating elements is turned on. With this mode of operation of the heating equipment, a large amount of electricity is consumed. Flow-type devices heat water strictly to a predetermined temperature, overheating is excluded. Therefore, there is no risk of scalding yourself with hot water.

On modern models of water heaters, additional control is installed - electronic.

During the operation of the device, the display shows:

  • power consumption
  • power of heating elements,
  • water temperature.

Also, flow-through heaters have a security system that warns of equipment malfunctions and displays information on the display, highlighting a specific indicator.

Flow type water heater

Advantages of instantaneous water heater:

  1. Hot water comes without restrictions in terms of volume or duration of use. It is heated continuously for an unlimited time.
  2. Modern flow-through devices are small in size, so they can be installed in any convenient place.
  3. Due to the lack of capacity for accumulating and heating water, it is possible to install such a device even in a boiler room.
  4. Flow-type heaters are lightweight, so you can mount them on any wall.
  5. There is no need to clean the equipment, as there is no tank.

Flow-type equipment also has disadvantages:

  1. High power (most often 8 - 10 kW). When using such a water heater in everyday life, the cost of electricity increases.
  2. At installation of instantaneous water heater reinforced cable is carried. It is also desirable to strengthen the wiring throughout the living room so that the cable can withstand the load when all electrical appliances are turned on.
  3. It is better to install machines that will turn off in case of power outages.
  4. If the power of the device is more than 10 kW, then you need to connect it only to a three-phase network.

The difference between instantaneous and storage water heaters

Consider the differences between the two types of water heaters:

  1. Dimensions of devices. The flow type heater is smaller in size, weighs little, so it is compact and takes up little space. The storage heater is modest in size with a volume of 10 liters, and can reach impressive dimensions with a tank of 200 liters.
  2. Power. They differ in this parameter most of all. Here, the boiler undoubtedly outperforms the flow heater. Its power is from 2 to 3.5 kW, and the average power of the flow device is about 8 kW. If the house has old and weak wiring, then with the installation of a flowing heater it is better not to risk it.
  3. Water pressure. When using a flow apparatus, a good pressure of water is required. In apartment buildings there is a slight pressure on the upper floors. Therefore, in such apartments such a device is pointless to install. But the boiler works with any pressure.
  4. Installation For the installation of instantaneous water heater special skills are not required, it can be installed independently. The exception is gas heaters and those models that are installed directly in the riser. But the boiler is not easy to install, so it is better to invite a specialist.
  5. Cost. In this, flow heaters are more profitable, the price depends on the power of the device. Savings are more expensive.

Water heaters are different

Which water heater is more economical to use?

Having analyzed the advantages of heaters, it is easier to make the right choice when buying. Which device will be more economical to use? If you approach this issue in terms of price, then it is flowing power water heater no more than 6 kW. But in the case when a more powerful device is needed, it is better to opt for a more functional boiler.

The following indicators affect the price of the storage device:

  • material of which the tank is made;
  • displacement;
  • design.

The amount of energy used by flow and storage type water heaters is approximately the same. In flow-type heaters, water heats up much faster thanks to powerful heating elements, as soon as the tap was closed, electricity stopped being consumed. In storage-type installations, water is heated slowly, since the heating elements are less powerful, but the heating process continues continuously, even when hot water is not required. At the same time, people who have installed a flow heater use hot water for an unlimited time. The conclusion is: to heat the same amount of water to a predetermined temperature, all heating devices consume equal amounts of electricity.

You can set the desired temperature

Flowing and storage gas water heaters: which is better?

Consider storage and instantaneous gas water heaters.

Cumulative gas boiler

This is a device in which water is heated by burning gas.

The complete set of gas storage water heaters includes:

  • gas combustion system in the form of a burner;
  • tank for water.

The tank is equipped with thermal insulation, this allows you to save gas consumption by half. The heat-insulating pillow is multi-layered, so water maintains the temperature for up to seven days. Tanks in gas storage boilers are of different sizes. For a family of two, a tank with a capacity of up to 80 liters is enough. If the family is large, you often have to use the bathroom, in which case it is advisable to use a tank of up to 100 liters.

There are also boilers for working in production, the size of such a tank reaches 200 liters, for example, a gas boiler Ariston.

The advantage is that storage boilers work regardless of power, even with a weak gas flow they heat the water and hold the temperature for a long time.


  • Gas-fired heaters of accumulative type are large, so in a living room they look ugly.They try to install such boilers either in the attic or in the basement, so as not to spoil the interior of the bathroom. Hot water is not available constantly. As soon as the liquid in the tank is over, you have to wait until the next portion is heated, it takes at least an hour.
  • In gas boilers installed power regulators. They control the temperature of the water. Additionally, you can see how much hot water has already been consumed and how much is left in the tank. If water is consumed for a certain time without stopping, then the heater automatically turns on, starts to replenish the boiler and heat up to the set temperature. After the flow of water stops, the heater does not turn off immediately, it heats the water to the desired temperature and switches to the mode of its conservation.

Accumulative gas water heater

Flow type gas boiler

A gas boiler of direct heating in everyday life is called a gas column. Water passes through the pipe and is simultaneously heated. The pressure of the water affects the operation of the gas column: when the tap is opened, the column turns on.

Gas water heater


  • Outwardly, the speakers are compact, they are placed both in the kitchen and in the bathroom, they do not spoil the interior of the room.
  • The products are equipped with a power temperature controller, so it is possible to set the desired water temperature at the outlet.

The disadvantage is that a gas pressure of at least 12 mbar is necessary for the operation of a flowing gas heater.

Geysers are produced in various configurations, the power regulator is of two types:

  • It looks like a handle and is mechanically adjustable;
  • automatic, in this case, the stronger the pressure of the water, the greater the flame of the gas burner.

When choosing, you also need to consider the useful power. For example, with a power of 12 kW, the boiler will supply about 10 liters of water heated to 50 degrees.

It can be concluded that a flow heater is necessary in such rooms where hot water with good pressure is constantly required. In modern models, a second heating element is installed to accelerate the heating of the liquid. For a city apartment, it is preferable to install a flowing water heater, for a summer residence, a non-pressure one will be the best option.

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