home-Air conditioning equipment-Water heater-Why does the water from the heater smell like hydrogen sulfide and what to do

Why does the water from the heater smell like hydrogen sulfide and what to do

Water heaters are unique devices with good technical indicators. Designed to ensure that in an apartment or private house there is always a supply of hot water. This benefit has been known to people for a long time, many successfully use the device without even thinking about how it is arranged inside. This happens until the water from the boiler starts to stink, and the device itself emit suspicious sounds. An unpleasant smell quickly penetrates into each room, and the owners can not get rid of it in any way. In this case, the cause of the malfunction must be immediately eliminated, otherwise all water procedures, including shower and dishwashing, will no longer be available.

Unpleasant smell from the boiler: causes and remedies

The smell of rotten eggs may come from the boiler - this is hydrogen sulfide. It is the result of a number of reasons.

The unpleasant smell of water causes the presence of hydrogen sulfide

Why there is an unpleasant smell of water from the boiler:

  1. Chemical processes are taking place. In the water that is supplied through the water supply, there are sulfides. The boiler has a magnesium anode, in conjunction with which water produces hydrogen sulfide and begins to go out.
  2. If the water heater is turned on very rarely. It happens that the boiler was installed in the country or even at home, but it is almost never used. Then the water stagnates and becomes an excellent environment for the development of legionella bacteria. Bad smell is the product of their life.
  3. Heating water to a low temperature. Water that is heated to only 40 degrees becomes an excellent habitat for microorganisms that cause a rotten smell.
  4. If hydrogen sulfide is already present in the water from the pipes, then this smell will remain in the water heater. You can test: collect cold water from a tap into a container, shake it. If there is a smell of rotten eggs, then there is already hydrogen sulfide in the water.
  5. The cause of the appearance of microorganisms is scale inside the device.

Scale inside the boiler

To avoid such an unpleasant moment, experts advise draining the water from the tank if you rarely use the device.

From time to time it is necessary to heat water to one hundred degrees in order to kill all microorganisms that can become a source of unpleasant odor.

In the event that you performed the manipulations described above, and the stench did not pass, then you should do the descaling of the body parts and the tank walls.

In order to get rid of the problem you need:

  1. First of all, turn off the device from the network.
  2. Next, drain the water from the tank.
  3. We disconnect the fastening elements of the heating element flange.
  4. We get the heater and clean it. If the coating is strong, then you need a knife to clean. Next, you need to hold the mechanism in a solution of citric acid until the nakin completely disappears.
  5. Now proceed to cleaning the case. To do this, wash the walls with a soft sponge, and wash off the dirt with a shower. If a very thick coating forms, then a special descaling agent will help. Following the instructions for use, apply the mixture on the inside and rinse off after the proper time.

For the correct operation of the water heater, the magnesium anode should be replaced on time. The models of boilers that are currently being produced have an indicator that lights up when it is necessary to replace the part. If your boiler does not have such a device, then once every six months you need to open the tank cap and check the condition of the anode.

Replacing the old anode with a new one

Also, to achieve high quality water, you need to use filters. A mildew can be placed in the flask for complete disinfection.Thus, both the pipes and the boiler will be cleaned. After filtering, the boiler needs to be rinsed several times with warm water.


Now it’s worth talking about measures to prevent unpleasant odors from a water heater. They will help you prevent a similar problem.

Water discharge from the boiler


  1. If the boiler is not used for a long time, do not leave water inside. Even if you are leaving for just a week, you should drain the liquid from the tank. To do this, turn off the boiler tap on the cold water hose, and in the bathroom, open the hot water tap.
  2. Regularly descale the boiler tank. In the event that you yourself can not or do not want to do this, contact a specialist.
  3. Do not save on filtering. It is recommended to install a unit in which two filters are mechanical and absorption. They will extend the life of the tank and improve water quality. Replace devices according to the instructions.
  4. Keep your water quality under control. If there are any suspicions regarding the purity or the presence of impurities in it, contact the sanitary and epidemiological station. After all, you pay for the supply of water, and therefore have the right to demand compliance with the standards.

Replacing the water filter

These rules are very simple, and if you follow them regularly, then in your house it will always be pleasant to smell. A water heater will work well and for a long time, providing high quality water.

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