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Which blanket is the best

Full sleep is one of the basic human needs. In a dream, he spends a third of his life. According to scientists, quality bedding, pillows and blankets are important for normal restorative sleep. Therefore, choosing a good blanket, you need to consider its quality characteristics.

What are the criteria for choosing a blanket?

Choosing the best blanket, you can ensure a healthy and comfortable sleep for many years to come. Knowledge of the indicators characterizing this subject for sleep from different angles will simplify the choice.

Sewing method

Sewing blankets with filler is done in two ways:

  1. Stitch method. This method of sewing consists in performing parallel vertical and horizontal quilting seams across the entire product area connecting several layers of fabric and filler. At the quilt, a perimeter rim is made.
  2. Cassette method. Sewing by this method consists in sewing between the two layers of fabric partitions, forming separate sections-cassettes, which are filled with downy mixture. The cassette blanket cannot “go astray,” and thanks to the dense fabrics used to sew it, the filler does not migrate outward.

Cassette sewing


The composition of the Russian size range of blankets is expanded by the size of products of foreign manufacturers, which are produced for special types of beds with the prefix "Euro". Today in the Russian size range there are six parameters of blankets for adults and children, which allows you to choose the best option, taking into account the size of the existing bed and the features of the person’s physique. To simplify the selection, the set parameters are divided into several groups:

  • for one and a half;
  • double;
  • children’s;
  • for euro sizes.

Quilt Size Chart:

Group1,5 sleeping2 bedroomchildren’schildren +EuroEuro +
dimensions in cm140x202170x205110x110110x140200x220220x220

Case Material

For many, it is not so important what material the quilt cover is sewn from. More importantly, what is in the case itself. But with a good filler, a blanket can quickly disappoint if it is uncomfortable to take cover. For example, fluff constantly crawling out of a thin cover will create a lot of inconvenience.

Cotton covers are quite popular largely because of their versatility. With them, the blankets become breathable, very soft to the touch and hygroscopic. To improve the deterrent characteristics of the cotton fabric is impregnated with a composition that prevents the fluff from crawling out.

Heat degree

A comfortable blanket should warm in the cold and create coolness in the heat. The warming qualities depend not only on the cover, but also on the thickness of the filler and its density. The degree of warmth of blankets with different filling density is as follows:

  • products are especially warm at a filler density of 420 g \ m²;
  • warm at a filler density of more than 350 g \ m²;
  • standard (off-season) 300-345 g \ m²;
  • lightweight 200-295 g \ m²;
  • light (for summer) 150 g \ m².

The degree of heat of a particular product can be found by marking the labels. It is indicated by a number from 1 to 5 or the corresponding number of points.

Antiallergenic properties

Popular downy and natural wool beddings today are recognized as sources of various allergic reactions, since dust mites start and breed in them.

For lovers of all natural things, prone to allergies, it is better to prefer silk blankets and vegetable fillers. Most modern synthetic fibers have the advantages of natural analogues, but are spared from their shortcomings. According to allergists, people who have no health problems, it is advisable to opt for blankets with synthetic fillers.

Popular Fillers Pros and Cons

The leaders in the market of sleep accessories are the usual fillers for blankets made of fluff, feather, wool and silk. But products from bamboo and flax fibers are becoming more and more popular with buyers. There is a high demand for synthetics, in particular, holofiber, sintepon, siliconized fibers due to their hypoallergenicity. Each of them has many pros and cons, knowledge of which will help you choose a blanket with the best filler.

Bird fluff

The most valuable filler is fluff of waterfowl. Producers prefer to work mainly with goose down. The advantages of down geese include:

  • the volume and elasticity of the fluffs that prevent felting of the fluffy mass;
  • fantastic lightness;
  • heat-shielding properties;
  • high hygroscopicity and guaranteed air exchange.


The main disadvantage of goose down is its property of a potential catalyst for the development of allergies due to the presence of tiny mites in the fluffy mass. Another disadvantage is the high price of down products.

Sheep’s blanket

Sheep's wool has many qualities that make it a unique blanket filler. Due to the low thermal conductivity, wool is used as the basis of a warm blanket. Due to the air conduction of the sheep’s wool, the body breathes under them. The fleece perfectly absorbs moisture, while it feels dry to the touch. This valuable quality of sheep’s wool gives woolen blankets healing properties.

Dry heat allows you to accelerate the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, reduce pain, restore the functionality of the musculoskeletal system.

Advantages and disadvantages of a camel wool blanket

In the ranking of the popularity of natural accessories for sleeping, a camel blanket takes first place. The use of new technologies for processing camel hair has improved the texture of products. They became softer, more pleasant for the body. A camel wool blanket has advantages and disadvantages.


  • Products for sleeping from the wool of camels create “dry” heat, thanks to which the sleeping person does not overheat and does not sweat. Low heat conductivity contributes to the creation of thermal comfort for the sleeping person under the covers.
  • Good breathability of the hair mass.
  • Camel hair is very light.
  • Due to the special structure of the hair, moisture is quickly absorbed and evaporates back.

Camel Wool Model


  • High allergenicity, since a dust mite is often wound up in a natural hair composition.

Polyester fiber as a filler in a blanket

Polyester fiber formed from a melt of polyethylene terephthalate is used in the manufacture of various fillers for sleeping accessories.

The advantages of using polyester fiber are:

  • possession of zero allergenicity;
  • high elasticity;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • polyester fiber mass is much lighter than natural wool;

Polyester fiber is very light

  • The material is designed for long-term operation.

The disadvantages of using polyester fiber are:

  • close to zero breathability;
  • low level of hygroscopicity.

Bamboo Fiber Blankets

This type of pulp is obtained by processing a bamboo stem. It is widely used in the textile industry. Fillers for blankets are made from it.

Bamboo fibers have many advantages:

  • zero allergenicity of the fiber due to the natural antibacterial properties of the plant;
  • excellent breathability due to voids and notches formed on the surface of the fiber;
  • hygroscopicity, the fiber mass absorbs water well and quickly evaporates it, so even in the heat there is a coolness;
  • Bamboo fiber blankets are heavier than just downy items.

Winter model from bamboo fiber

The disadvantages of bamboo filler include the fact that due to the high hygroscopicity of bamboo products can not be considered the best for continuous use at high humidity. In addition, the bamboo filler is short-lived.

Eucalyptus fiber

Cellulose fiber (tensel) is extracted from a eucalyptus tree. This pleasant to the touch material is suitable for stuffing accessories for sleeping. A filler made of eucalyptus fibers has many advantages over other materials:

  • lack of allergenicity;
  • natural antibacterial properties;
  • the beneficial properties of the pulp remain unchanged for 10 years or more;
  • the porous structure of the fibers provides good air circulation;
  • The healing effect of the essential oils with which the eucalyptus fibers are impregnated is also important.

Eucalyptus Fiber Model

A minus of the eucalyptus filler, some consider its high cost. Such products are actually very expensive. Some do not like the characteristic of eucalyptus sleep accessories, like the persistent aroma of essential oil.

Cotton blanket

The fibers that make up the cotton blanket are made from cotton. The advantages of cotton blankets usually include:

  • zero allergenicity of the product;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • natural origin;
  • good thermoregulation and low price of the blanket.

Cotton blanket

The disadvantages of cotton bedding include:

  • heavy weight;
  • slow evaporation of moisture absorbed by cotton fiber;
  • items filled with cotton need frequent ventilation and drying;
  • The rapid loss of consumer qualities limits the product's service life to two seasons.

Hemp fiber

People call hemp fiber raw materials from cannabis. The fiber mass of non-narcotic hemp is used as a blanket filler. The advantages of using hemp fiber include:

  • antibacterial properties and the absence of allergenicity in hemp bedding;
  • hemp fiber perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • hemp fillers provide natural air circulation.

The only drawback is the natural stiffness of the fiber, so hemp filler is placed in a soft cotton case.

Colibri Wellness Cannabis Filler Model

Silk quilt

Silkworm cocoon fibers are used as a filler for blankets. Of the advantages of silk products, it is worth noting:

  • lack of allergenicity;
  • silk bedding is not electrified;
  • light pulp freely passes air;
  • hygroscopicity while they dry quickly.

Kingsilk Silk Model

The disadvantages of silk blankets are the high price and thermal conductivity, which makes them not the best choice for winter.


In the ranking of the best blankets, linen products will certainly be present. The advantages include:

  • natural antibacterial properties of flax;
  • lack of allergenicity;
  • good breathability and moisture absorption;
  • durability.

Deficiencies in flax products have not yet been identified.

Season selection

Of course, it is important to choose sleeping accessories that are hypoallergenic, heat-absorbing, hygroscopic, with good air permeability. But in addition to this, there are nuances that should be considered when choosing a blanket for a particular season.

For winter

Among bedding with different fillers, there are many that you can choose for a cold winter.By marking in the form of dots on the product label, you can find out about the degree of its heat transfer. Many people doubt choosing a blanket for sleeping, which is better in terms of warmth for the cold season. It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question. The choice depends on individual preferences. But in any case, the degree of heat should be at least 4.

For winter, the best duvet made with a cassette is the best. A woolen or polyester product with a cover made of cotton, teak or satin is also suitable. These materials can provide maximum thermal insulation.

For summer

For warm summer nights, light quilts with silk or one of the plant fillers are best. Covers are better to choose from natural fabrics. Do not count on a good rest in the summer under a woolen blanket or on a synthetic winterizer. But a downy product with a degree of warmth up to 2 is quite suitable for summer.

For all seasons

When deciding which blanket it is better to choose for all seasons, you should focus on products with vegetable filler. Although woolen, downy or synthetic fillers of low density are also suitable. Optimal third degree of warmth. Under such a blanket it will be warm in cool weather, and not too hot in summer. A silk cover will create a slight feeling of coolness, from cotton or teak will help to warm up.

  • Ascona Calipso. A quilted quilt made of synthetic materials designed for all seasons. The cover is sewn of polyester. The fabric holds its shape well. Polyester is often called "decorative silk." The filler composition is 100% polyester. Lightweight, hypoallergenic material with a springy structure, due to its elasticity is able to recover quickly.

Ascon Calipso Quilt

  • Green Line Linen. A quilt of their linen and cotton provides comfortable sleeping conditions. 90% of the filler consists of flax fibers, which cool the body well in the heat and keep warm in the winter. The antiseptic properties of flax protect the product from harmful insects, making it hypoallergenic. 10% polyester helps the filler keep fit. A filler density of 300 g / m2 makes the blanket off-season. Good air permeability contributes to the creation of thermal comfort for sleep. The dense cotton cover with good moisture absorption does not lose shape even after washing.

Green Line Quilt

  • NESADEN Light. Incredibly light quilt with a synthetic filler that does not cause allergic reactions. It consists of 100% siliconized fiber. Due to the hollow structure of the fibers there is no caking of the filler. The unique Air Flex stitch method increases the volume of filler and improves heat retention. The cover is sewn of microfiber. The material is not demanding in care, does not crease, can withstand repeated washing.

NesaDen Light Model

  • AlViTek (AlViTek) Tradition 172x205. The light blanket is made of high-quality natural materials that ensure a restful sleep in any season. Soft bamboo filler does not cause allergies. Its fiber mass provides good breathability and moisture absorption, which evaporates quickly. The 100% microfiber cover does not deform even when washed.

AlViTek model

  • Tensel model in Tensel (made in China). Summer quilt made from natural materials. 100% eucalyptus filler creates thermal comfort during sleep, so that when you wake up, a person feels truly rested. A unique property of Tensel products is the ability to create a natural defense against bacteria, which is why they are suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Tensel Model in Tensel (China)

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