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6 best stun guns

Self-defense is a hot topic in our time for all people. High crime is dangerous for people. There are many means to protect, but stun guns will be considered in this article. They have been used for quite a long time by civilians in order to ensure their own security, and during this time they have established themselves well.

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
The best stun gunsJANA-57500The stun gun is equipped with remote electrodes, so it can even be used to immobilize the enemy at a distance.
THUNDER KD 11111800It is equipped with a flashlight and a laser designator, so getting out of it at the target will be easier even in the dark.
SCORPION-350-AC14100Suitable for protection against any opponent due to high power.
The most powerful and inexpensive stun gunsLightning 13201690Inexpensive stun gun with flashlight function.
Wasp-1100 Police890Suitable for protection against dogs and for psychological effects on people.
Kick-704 Pro2400The stun gun of the second class, can be used as a disorientator to neutralize the enemy for a short time.

The principle of action of the stun gun

When struck by electricity, a person experiences several negative effects at once - pain, burn, paralysis of movements. It was on the effect of such damaging factors that the principle of the operation of stun guns was created. In contact with electricity, a person’s muscles contract sharply, causing pain. Also, the nervous system stops working correctly and signals from the body to the brain do not enter. In some cases, loss of consciousness is possible.

Main characteristics

The appearance of the stun gun

Self-defense means can be grouped according to different characteristics - appearance, power, effect from exposure, method of exposure. Given this, it can be argued that they differ:

  • Appearance. Some are made in the form of household appliances, such as a flashlight. Others have a completely ordinary and standard design. In general, one can distinguish the following types: classic, lantern, baton, hidden (masked).
  • The effect of exposure. Some cause severe pain, others have a paralyzing effect. The latter are more effective, since they completely deprive the enemy of the ability to move and resist. There are power averages that provoke a loss of orientation in space. There are paralyzers, disorientators and causing psychological pressure. We will consider this item in more detail in the next part of the article. To understand which stun gun is reliable, you need to study the main types.
  • The method of exposure. Here the choice is great. Devices are near and far. The former work when they are used near the enemy, by pressing them against his body, and the latter from a distance. Long-range stun guns make a shot with special electrodes, which then bite into open areas of the enemy’s body.
  • Classes. This is a legally described framework for the power of stun guns of all classes 3, class 1 - the most powerful and efficient. Class 3 has a power of 0.3 to 1 W, 20-45 kV. Power class 2 - 1-2 watts, 45-75 kV. The most powerful, class 1 has a working power of 2-3 kV and 70-90 kV.

Additional functions

There are additional functions

Some are also equipped with LEDs, so they can work as flashlights.Separate inventions are supplied with a laser pointer (laser designator). There are also products in the form of batons. And recently, devices are presented on the market that are not only stun guns, but also powebanks. They can be used to charge phones, laptops and other portable equipment.

With laser

Classes of electrical devices

Electrode Shooting

There are a lot of species, but it is better to choose not the first one, but one that is most needed in a particular situation. Since they fundamentally differ in power and type of action, it is worth considering each of the types in more detail, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each, and choosing a useful, convenient one. Below will be described the classes of stun guns.

With knockout action

Powerful class 1 product

Called to completely immobilize the attacker and rob him of the opportunity to actively act. They are the most effective, they are also the most powerful. Their characteristics reach a power of 10 watts or more. Such power allows you to effectively influence the attacker's nervous and muscle system, which is why the immobilization effect is achieved.

Attention! In Russia, this type is prohibited for purchase and carrying by civilians, since only law enforcement officers have the right to wear stun guns of increased power.

Another problem - despite the general safety, in some cases, weapons lead to serious injuries in people - burns, paralysis. The second problem is that people with a weak heart can die due to its stop, if an electroshock device is used on them. Such models are almost impossible to find in free sale, so the most affordable way to get them is to make them yourself at home.

Important! Do not forget that in case of loss of consciousness the attacker can hit the body with a solid object, including his head, which will entail health consequences.


Probably the most useful price-quality plan listed. It combines security for both the defender and the attacker. The essence of the work of the disorientator is that upon contact with him the attacker ceases to clearly perceive reality, immerses the enemy in a shock state for a short time. This stun gun allows you to escape from the attacker, while he will not be fatally injured.

This type can be used without fear for any person or animal manifesting aggression. Another plus is compactness. Unlike the previous one, it will be much smaller. It can be made in the form of a flashlight, a telephone.

Psychological impact

These stun guns are more likely to not scare the enemy, but scare them. When turned on, they emit a loud sound (crackling), which easily scares an unprepared enemy or wild dogs. It is not suitable for protection against a strong striker, because it does not have a stopping effect. Upon contact with the human body, it inflicts severe, sharp pain, but almost every person can withstand it if desired. At the same time, the ability to conduct active actions still remains.

Suitable for scaring away dogs and other animals, as well as psychological suppression of criminals. Such a shocker can be quite small, for example in the form of lipstick.

Shocker baton


Everything here is clear from the name. Such a shocker can be of different power, but usually it is of the second or first class - paralyzing or disorienting. The benefit of such shockers is that they can be used as a baton. This is especially true in the winter, when civilian developments are not able to stop the criminal due to the thick layer of clothing, as well as in cases where the battery is discharged and it is not possible to use the device for its intended purpose.

Important! Not all shockers that are produced in the form of batons are made of quality material. Because of this, you need to make sure that in case of an impact it will not break.Perfect for people with enough physical force to use.

They are often made of metal, so you should be careful when using them and not hit the enemy on the head and other points of the body, a hit on which will cause serious consequences.

Types of stun guns

Stun guns are also distinguished by the mode of action. There are two subspecies, each with its own pros and cons. Given this, you need to choose the best for yourself.

Contact stun guns

Such can only be used in close combat. The advantage of this type in ease of use, power. They are represented on the Russian market in the majority. Although they do not have the advantages of remote, they are still effective as a means of self-defense.

The disadvantage of this type is that you need to be close to the target in order to use the device. This is dangerous if the enemy is armed or stronger in close combat.

Remote Contact Stun Guns

Type of remote devices

This is a more interesting subspecies of devices. They are made in the form of shooting devices, so they can be used at a distance. The electrodes that are produced can be wired and without wires. Wired ones allow you to turn on electricity several times, while wireless ones work only once. Shooters are effective for remote use, making self-defense even safer. Unfortunately, in Russia it is very difficult to find a high-quality remote stun gun. A lot of them are fakes, they will not help in a real situation.

Domestic analogues are not always effective because of the way they work - some of them are made in the form of a nozzle on a conventional contact stun gun, and not in the form of a gun with electrodes. Because of this, it is best for experts to buy a remote stun gun. You need to be able to get out of this, you also need to buy consumables in the form of wires and electrodes after each application.

Shocker application

Power on appearance

The principle of using a shocker is very simple - in the case of a contact, hit the active body on the opponent’s body. Remote need to hit the enemy and press the trigger to activate the electric shock. Since only contact contacts are allowed in Russia and neighboring states, it is better to acquire such a stun gun. They must be carried on the street and in other potentially dangerous places.

The stun gun should be in a convenient place, for example - in your pocket. If he is lying in a bag, then in case of danger it will be difficult to quickly remove it, which makes it useless. One must be prepared to apply it, including to an aggressive person. Do not forget to charge the stun battery. It is necessary to use a stun gun in case of obvious aggression by an animal or a person.

Rating of the best stun guns

How to easily choose the best weapon? This rating includes stun guns of different classes and forms, this is done in order to decide which is better. The best stun guns below.


This stun gun is made in the form of an umbrella, has useful functions: a flashlight, an ultrasonic generator to scare away animals.

The stun gun is equipped with remote electrodes, so it can even be used to immobilize the enemy at a distance. The power of the stun gun is quite serious, it is suitable for protection against criminals. Voltage - 75-90 kV, power - up to 3 watts.

Price - 7500 p.


A good stun gun, made in the shape of a gun. It is equipped with a flashlight and a laser target designator, so getting out of it at the target will be easier even in the dark.

The stun gun is suitable for experienced people who have previously used similar means of self-defense. Power - up to 3 W, up to 90 kV.

Price - 11800 p.


It is made in the form of a baton with a length of 35 centimeters. Like the previous ones, it has contact-remote application capabilities. Suitable for protection against any opponent due to high power. Like the previous model, there is a laser with which it is much easier to hit the target.Power up to 3 W, voltage - 90,000 V.

Price - 14100 p.

The most powerful stun guns

Here is a list of budget stun guns, which at the same time have good characteristics.

Lightning 1320

Inexpensive stun gun with flashlight function. The size allows you to carry it with you constantly, there is a fuse. Enough power to hurt a criminal or scare away an animal. Punches clothes up to 60 mm thick.

Cost - 1690 p.

Appearance and functions of OSA-1100

Wasp-1100 Police

This stun gun has not too high power, it can be attributed to class 3 shockers. Suitable for protection against dogs and for psychological effects on people. It has a flashlight.

Cost - 890 p.

Kick-704 Pro

Inexpensive, made in the form of a standard contact stun gun. Punches clothing up to 4 cm thick. The second-class stun gun can be used as a disorientator to neutralize the enemy for a short time.

Cost - 2400 p.


Stun guns are a useful device for self-defense. Depending on your own needs, you need to choose different models of stun guns. Experts recommend buying certified models, with a capacity of at least a second class. They will be safe, completely legal to buy and wear.

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