home-Ratings-10 best pepper sprays for self-defense

10 best pepper sprays for self-defense

What is happening in life is often beyond control, but you can use various tools to prepare for difficult situations. The most unpleasant may be the attack of aggressive citizens in an inadequate state or wild dogs - in these cases only a means for self-defense will help. One of the best for self-defense is pepper spray - let's figure out which one is better to choose, and what types of this universal remedy exist.

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
The best gas pepper cans for self-defenseSword355Three-meter spraying range and effective composition allowed the tool to become a leader among analogues.
Torch435The substance sprayed with a gas spray has both a burning and tear effect.
Black515One of the rare varieties of spray cans with two types of spraying implemented - jet and aerosol.
Shock535The use of this agent against the aggressor will lead him into a state of shock due to a powerful burning of pepper extract on the mucous membrane and skin, which causes a loss of orientation in space.
C360855The substance strikes from the product in a thick stream and has a burning effect, the effect is instant.
Pepper425The device is more convenient than its counterparts, and the irritant has high power, surpassing most competitors.
PA-2855In appearance, the canister resembles an ordinary gun, but it has a small mass, which allows you to carry the product even in your pocket.
Ko jet1300German tool used by police in Germany.
Fighter320The balloon can be used in any climate and conditions.
Keychain Control-AU400The main advantage is the miniature size - the product is distributed in the form of a keychain.

What is it and when it is applied

In difficult conflict situations, the use of self-defense tools cannot be avoided. The most affordable, common and inexpensive weapon for self-defense is pepper or gas spray. To purchase and use these funds do not need any licenses, certificates or training at special courses.

Using spray can

There is a wide selection on the market, but among the whole assortment the most famous: aerosol, gel and inkjet products. Also, the cartridges differ in the type of active substances:

  1. Tear (CS) - effective against aggressive people in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication.
  2. Choking (CZ) - able to stop the enemy and help to avoid assault on his part.
  3. Hot Pepper Extract (OC) is effective against both humans and wild animals.

Unlike the latter type of poisonous substance, a suffocating or tear gas spray for self-defense is not able to help fight rabid dogs or inappropriate wild animals. Therefore, if you decide to buy this product in order to protect against aggressive dogs, ask in advance whether the active substance acts on animal receptors. Usually this information is indicated on the packaging.

Spray can device

By construction, gas cartridges may vary depending on the manufacturer and the type of spray. In this we will understand in more detail, we also consider the rating of gas cartridges according to user reviews and expert opinion.

Varieties of spraying their strengths and weaknesses

Self-defense cartridges are separated not only by size and type of active substance, but also by spray method.It is difficult to determine which is better - in different cases, the effectiveness varies.


Convenient gas cartridges with the possibility of simultaneous use to several aggressive-minded individuals. Aerosol spraying is the best way, without harming the enemy, to avoid a collision with him - the jet can be directed towards an enemy-minded citizen, thus creating a kind of “wall” of annoying substance. That it is not necessary to aim at the enemy is considered the main advantage of this device for self-defense

It is forbidden to use the aerosol gas cylinder indoors, automobiles, elevators, against the wind. It is also sprayed at a relatively close distance, so you have to admit the enemy to yourself - the length of the stream is not more than 150 centimeters, but it does this in the form of a cloud of toxic substance.

Aerosol spray can


Unlike aerosol spraying, gel cartridges are sprayed onto the enemy with a layer of gel-like substance. Once on the face, the gel adheres to the skin and begins to have an irritating effect. Quickly rinse or erase such a substance will not work. The gel closes the view of the adversary and interferes with his respiratory process - which is also effective, but you need to get such a means directly into the eye area.

Gel spray

Gel aerosols have many advantages for self-defense:

  • Range of action - 300 centimeters.
  • High efficiency against aggressive citizens in glasses or a mask.
  • Use in strong winds and in confined spaces.
  • It does not poison the air, irritating exclusively the skin of the enemy.
  • Effective even upside down or upside down.

The only drawback of the gel balloon is that you can hit only one enemy, it is not applicable against several citizens. Also, this type of self-defense product can be used against animals - it is effective even if the poisonous substance is not made on the basis of pepper.


Unlike aerosol sprays, jet cans for self-defense do not throw out a cloud of irritants, but a thin stream, which makes it possible to deliver a targeted strike. This increases overall effectiveness against one adversary, but complicates the resolution of a conflict with several. This type of spray cans does not poison the surrounding air and the room, and, therefore, is applicable in enclosed spaces. Unlike gel self-defense products, which also release a jet, this type uses not sticky, but the same effective toxic substances. But that is precisely why they do not help in the event of an attack by aggressive citizens wearing a mask or glasses. Otherwise, they are similar:

  1. The same range of use is up to 300 centimeters.
  2. Applied in wind and rain, as well as in enclosed spaces.
  3. In case of contact with eyes, it is more effective than other means.
  4. Cannot be used against a large number of opponents - spray cans must be sprayed on each aggressive citizen individually.
  5. If you do not get into the eyes, as in the case of a gel tool, the effectiveness decreases.

Ink cans

Inkjet self-defense has the same big drawback as gel - they can not be used against several opponents. If you are attacked by inappropriate or aggressive mood criminals, you will have to pull yourself together and pointwise send several jets into the eyes of each enemy. An aerosol can also create a wall of gases and escape from aggressive individuals.

The best gas pepper cans for self-defense

If it is difficult to decide which gas canister to buy, then you can use our prepared rating, which contains a list of the 10 best and most effective cans. This includes tools that are most popular and with a large number of reviews by ordinary users.In addition, the rating includes means for self-defense of this category in unusual versions, for example, aerosol pistols and key rings for spraying the damaging substance.

For convenience, the rating is from 1st to 10th place, for each position the features of the funds and the average price on the market are indicated.


Pepper spray can

Nice for the price and at the same time optimal in quality jet spray for self-defense. The composition of the active substance is irritant capsaicin, which is used by the military and police. Three-meter spraying range and effective composition allowed the tool to become a leader among analogues.

The jet of the Sword is wider than that of other inkjet self-defense means, which makes the canister the most effective against a large number of opponents. According to the majority of users and experts, “Epee" is the best gas cylinder.

The price is 355 rubles.


Spray can torch

The optimal composition of tear gases and extracts of burning peppers, allowed manufacturers to create an effective irritant, which has a powerful lesion of the human mucous membrane.

“Fakel” surpasses all existing gel and inkjet self-defense equipment in terms of range of application - up to 350 centimeters. At the same time, the jet does not stray under the influence of wind flows or raindrops, which made the Fakel popular among citizens living in harsh climates. The substance sprayed with a gas spray has a burning and tear effect at the same time, and its amount inside the product allows you to create a stream within a few seconds, and, therefore, fight a large number of opponents.

The price is 435 rubles.


Spray Can Black

One of the rare varieties of spray cans with two types of spraying implemented - jet and aerosol. Thanks to this decision, the manufacturer was able to create an effective tool for self-defense at any distance. Two substances are also realized in the role of an irritant - pepper and tear gas. The spray range is up to 3 meters, despite the fact that at close range it is effective. Among users, the Black tool is well known, as it is recommended by many self-defense experts.

The price is 515 rubles.


Spray Shock

According to users and judging by research, the action of the Shock gas canister is the most effective among competitors. The use of this agent against the aggressor will lead him into a state of shock due to a powerful burning of pepper extract on the mucous membrane and skin, which causes a loss of orientation in space.

It costs more than analogs, but more effective than them - although in the niche of self-defense equipment all cans can cause a shocking effect, “Shock” has the most powerful effect. The product sprays a large cloud of extract, which is guaranteed to help cope with both one or several opponents.

The price is 535 rubles.


Spray can C360

The best gel spray for self-defense in many ratings, a leader in a niche. The substance strikes from the product in a thick stream and has a burning effect, the effect is instant. Of the features, the gel does not fall on the sprayer, but only on its opponent, enveloping the aggressor with a large layer of irritant. The cylinder works at any tilt. It can be used in a closed room, inside the vehicle, in windy and rainy weather.

The price is 855 rubles.


Spray Pepper

According to surveys and reviews, the pepper cylinder of this brand is effective for use both against aggressive citizens and for defense against wild animals. The device is more convenient than its counterparts, and the irritant has high power, surpassing most competitors. Of the shortcomings, probable poisoning of the spraying itself is also distinguished, since pepper inside the can has a high power. Means "Pepper" can not be used indoors and against the wind.

The price is 425 rubles.


The tool with the most powerful spray.In appearance, the canister resembles an ordinary gun, but it has a small mass, which allows you to carry the product even in your pocket. Despite the shape, this device for self-defense does not require special licenses, like other gas and pepper spray. The robber is probably scared of "PA-2" only when he sees it.


The power of the spray allows you to inflict significant damage to the enemy: in 1 second, more than 10 grams of the substance is sprayed towards the aggressor, which makes it impossible to attack the victim for at least half an hour. The substance acts directly on the nerve endings, but it does not harm health. Reusable product - the spray can in the gun can be changed if necessary or if the active substance has run out in the can.

The price is 855 rubles.

Ko jet

Ko jet

German tool used by police in Germany. The Pfeffer Ko Jet gas canister is a long-range self defense gel. The power of the atomizer allows you to shoot a charge at a distance of up to 600 centimeters - which is an absolute record among gel cylinders. Due to the fact that the burning substance is not sprayed, but shoots with gel, Ko Jet can be used indoors and indoors. The main differences from analogues:

  1. Range of defeat.
  2. Design.
  3. Convenient design.
  4. Belt clip.
  5. Large volume.

Disadvantages - the high price and the inability to carry it inside the handbag. In the Russian Federation it is difficult to find “Pfeffer Ko Jet”, therefore, the tool is most often purchased through online stores.

The price is 1300 rubles.


Spray Fighter

The budget version of the gel spray, known in the Russian Federation. Domestic production allows stores to sell this product at the lowest price. "Fighter" is the cheapest tool among all published in the ranking. Unlike analogues, the balloon can be used in any climate and conditions, the action of the substance is active from -20 to +50 Celsius. The gel used in the Fighter is made on the basis of pepper capsaicin. The jet can be sprayed at a distance of up to 300 centimeters, including in an enclosed space - a room, a car, public transport. Among the shortcomings, the need for spot spraying is highlighted - the can is not effective against several opponents, but the manufacturer has jet and aerosol analogues of the “Fighter”.

The price is 320 rubles.

Keychain Control-AU

A miniature means of self-defense. Weak irritant and small volume do not allow the use of spray can for a long time. In addition, the substance is not tested in humans, it is designed and designed to repel aggressive animals. The main advantage is the miniature size - the product is distributed in the form of a keychain. Active substances: gas, chemical and natural extracts.

The price is 400 rubles.

Keychain Control-AU

As a means of self-defense, gas cans are leaders in this niche - they are widely distributed, their price is low, their effectiveness is proven, and no permits or certificates are needed to buy them. When buying a means of self-defense, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Type of striking irritant - choose combinations, they are effective both against animals and against aggressive people.
  2. Volume - the larger the amount of substance, the more often you can use the tool, but with significant volumes, transportation is complicated.
  3. Range of application - the greater the distance at which the tool can be used, the more effective it will be to solve problems with the aggressor and the faster it will be possible to escape from the enemy.
  4. Price - you should not save if a cheap analogue of an unknown brand is on sale, not the fact that it has the necessary efficiency.
  5. Integrity - when buying, inspect the container, if there is physical damage on it, there is a danger of poisoning yourself.

It is considered important for what it is purchased spray.Some substances will not help if the enemy is wearing a mask or glasses, while others are only effective against animals. Of course, gel gas cylinders can be considered the best - they are capable of inflicting damage to the enemy at a great distance, but it is advisable to shoot them with aim. In addition, this type of self-defense can be used indoors and against dogs.

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