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6 best quadrocopters with a camera

Initially, quadrocopters were perceived as a useless children's toy, but over time they were sufficiently advanced to carry any payload. Electronic cameras became an obvious burden, which immediately allowed the use of drones in various fields of activity: photo and video shooting, inspection of hazardous areas or structures, use in business projects, for scientific purposes. A wide variety of characteristics makes the question, "which quadcopter to choose?" - a difficult task - you can easily get confused in the options that are needed exclusively for the tasks. A detailed guide on choosing the best quadrocopter in this manual.

The best quadrocopters with a camera - what should they be

The first thing you need to clearly remember that choosing a quadrocopter is an individual task, which boils down to what purposes it will be used for. A simple example is the need for aerial photography in mountainous terrain. This means that you need a drone with a good GPS transmitter and not too light so as not to blow away with a strong wind. For aerial shooting of holidays, the most important thing is the quality requirements for the captured video material - you need a clear and well-stabilized picture, and also such a quadrocopter is demanding on the battery charge.

If you do not immediately go into details and summarize the general requirements that determine the best quadrocopters, then we get:

  • It is imperative that a good camera with a good matrix and sensitivity be mounted on the quadrocopter, or you can mount your own;
  • The presence of accessories for three-axis image stabilization (to eliminate jerking);
  • The ability to mount and pair with the stabilizer standard SLR cameras (Canon, Nikon, Sony, etc.);
  • The weight of the drone should allow it to take a confident position at a low altitude, without fear of being demolished by a light wind;
  • It is advisable that the battery capacity is enough for 20-25 minutes of flight, and in the kit was a spare.


The size classification for drones is determined by the standard values ​​for the device frame. It, in turn, is measured diagonally between the axes of the rotors. For optimal video quality, the following dimensional types of quadrocopters should be considered:

  • 450-500 mm. This is the minimum frame size on which you can install video equipment;
  • 550-700 mm. This dimension is suitable for those who are going to mount small SLR cameras with a weight of not more than 500 g;
  • 700 mm and more. These are already the best quadrocopters with a professional camera, which are capable of lifting heavy equipment into the air for photo and video shooting.

Shooting quality

The first thing a high-quality picture starts with is the size of the matrix. The most popular models, for example, the Mavic Pro, are equipped with a camera with a matrix size of 1 / 2.3 inches. The best choice is this size or more. Please note that the device is able to work with * .RAW or * .DGN photo formats - these are high-definition pictures.

As for video shooting, you need to focus on a resolution of 1080 - 4K (depending on the purpose). Standard cameras usually shoot up to 30 frames per second, but choosing a device with 60 frames per second is more optimal.

Structural strength

The design should be made of composite material and be both durable and light. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to how easy it will be to find the necessary components of the frame for sale, if they are damaged.Preference should be given to those models that are as repairable as possible (where with little damage you do not need to change the entire frame, but only part of it needs to be replaced).

Autonomy, range, speed

For amateur models of quadrocopters, the indicator of being in the air on a single charge is about 11-12 minutes, and the signal to the console comes from a maximum of 100 meters. More serious drones intended for commercial use, stay in the air on a single charge for up to 20-25 minutes and can receive a signal in a radius of 500 meters. Speed ​​for these devices is not very important and manufacturers often do not even indicate this feature.


The simplest control option is most often used - the quadrocopter is equipped with a control panel that houses a small screen (the picture from the drone’s camera is broadcast there) and joysticks for controlling the rotors. For popular models, control can be implemented through a proprietary smartphone application using the Bluetooth / WiFi protocol (in this case, there may be problems with range due to the small radius of action of these protocols).

The most functional and convenient option for quadrocopter control is a helmet using FPV technology (First person view). Inside the helmet, a picture is transmitted from the camera, and the position of the drone is controlled by tilting the head.


Of course, the most exciting question is the cost of such devices. The price range for budget quadrocopters equipped with a camera is around 7000 - 12000 rubles. More serious devices of the middle price segment will cost around 35,000 - 40,000 rubles. The cost of professional drones starts at 80,000 rubles.

Budget quadrocopters with integrated video camera

The budget segment is quite attractive for obvious reasons, but this is where you can find the perfect combination of price / quality. The rating of quadrocopters with a camera was distributed as follows:

    • One of the leaders in the ranking of budget quadrocopters is Syma x8g. He earned his popularity for an excellent indicator of strength and excellent handling, which is available due to good vertical traction. The lifting power of the motors is enough to lift small action cameras (for example, GoPro) into the air. With an 8 MPx video camera, it produces pictures with a resolution of 720 / 1080P of quite good quality. The average time in the air is 12 minutes, the control radius is up to 200 meters. The cost of a drone starts at $ 150;
    • Another model worth noting is Cheerson CX-35. There are a number of higher-level options in this budget model (pricing starts at just $ 130). Firstly, it is a control panel operating at a frequency of 5.8 GHz, equipped with a 4.3-inch color screen. There is a function of returning to the take-off place. A standard camera with its 2 MPx produces photos and videos with a resolution of 480x272P. In the air can be up to 10 minutes without recharging;
    • A good inexpensive quadrocopter is JJRC JJPRO X1G. Its feature is a reinforced, shockproof housing. Management is carried out from a remote control equipped with a color display (operates at a frequency of 5.8 GHz). Flight performance - a maximum speed of 108 km / h, as well as time in the air - up to 10 minutes. The range of the remote control is up to 350 meters. The camera is only 2 MPx, but this is offset by a universal mount where you can install GoPro. Cost is only $ 170.

Professional models

Almost the entire top professional quadcopter with a camera was occupied by devices from SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd is a Chinese drone company.

    • In second place is the popular DJI Phantom 4 Pro v0. The camera’s specifications are really impressive - on board is a 20 MPx camera equipped with a 1-inch CMOS sensor. These characteristics are easily enough for shooting in 4K quality and 60 frames per second. To flight advantages, an obstacle avoidance system, automatic take-off and landing modes are added.The drone stays in the air for up to 25 minutes and can fly up to 7 kilometers from the remote control. The remote, by the way, is equipped with joysticks and a 4-inch display. Cost - $ 1,500.
    • The best quadrocopter with a camera is, of course, DJI Mavic It can be described as a very strong and compact drone. At the same time, his flight characteristics did not suffer in any way - he is able to stay in the air for 22 minutes with a flight range of up to 8 kilometers. Control is carried out with the remote control, with FPV technology. The main camera with a resolution of 12 MPx is built on a CMOS matrix with a size of 1 / 2.3 inches and is equipped with a fourfold zoom. The drone can be in the air for up to 31 minutes. Cost - 1300 US dollars.

Quadrocopters with a camera have long turned from children's toys into serious tools for large-scale tasks - whether it is aerial photography of various events or research from the air for scientific purposes. In various budget categories, each user will find what he needs.

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