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Best Bottled Drinking Water

The water that flows from the water supply does not meet safety requirements. Various impurities, salts of heavy metals and even microorganisms are found in it. And a person needs liquid constantly. It is used for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning. Of particular importance is the quality of the water we drink. The state of health depends on her. Therefore, more and more people are switching to bottled. It is believed to be clean and safe. But it is not always the case. Those who want to find quality drinking water for themselves and their family need to study the rating.

CategoryTitlePriceShort description
Bottled Water RatingEvian0.5 L - 90 rublesThis is French-made safe natural water. It is made according to the requirements of SanPiN.
Lipetsk pump room1.5 L - 34 rublesArtesian drinking water of the 1st category.
Vittel1 liter - 90 rublesThis is water made in France. There are no harmful components, nitrates, toxins in it.
Nestle pure life0.5 L - 40 rublesThe tests did not detect heavy metals, microorganisms and contaminants. Conforms to the first category and all safety requirements.
Senezhskaya0.5 L - 13 rublesSuitable for continuous use. Safe, mined from a 200 m deep source.
Arkhyz0.5 L - 40 rublesIt is a non-gas drinking water suitable for daily use. It does not have fluoride, not a lot of magnesium.
Holy spring0.5 L - 60 rublesThis artesian water is produced according to all requirements. It is full in composition, it has no pollution.
Narzan0.5 L - 35 rublesThis is magnesium-calcium medicinal-table mineral water. It is bottled in the North Caucasus, has natural gas and is useful for diseases of the digestive system.
Shishkin Forest1 liter - 45 rublesThis is artesian water that meets all safety requirements.

What does bottled water mean?

Bottled water is for drinking. There are certain compositional requirements. It is extracted in natural sources or use ordinary tap water. Before bottling is cleaned, disinfected, subjected to aeration, aeration, mineralization. Glass containers of 0.5 or 1 liter can be used. But the most popular is bottled water in plastic bottles. They are cheaper, lighter in weight, easier to dispose of, can be of different sizes.

Important! When choosing, you need to look so that the container is not made of PVC, since it is toxic.

There are several hundred species. But not everyone meets quality standards. To choose the right liquid for drinking, you need to know what it happens. Three varieties are known in Russia.

  • Mineral is extracted from natural sources. It retains natural mineralization and aeration. It is acidic, alkaline or neutral. And in terms of salt content, hydrocarbonate, chloride-sulfate-sodium, magnesium-calcium and others. Depending on the level of mineralization, there is a medical, medical-dining and dining room.
  • Artificially mineralized is obtained by adding salts of magnesium, sodium or potassium to a normal liquid. On the packaging should be the inscription "Artificially mineralized." It is not recommended to use it often.
  • The most common is purified drinking water. Usually it is obtained by cleaning with tap or artesian. Remove salts, chlorine, disinfect. Sometimes enriched with oxygen and minerals.

Bottled water

Which is better: bottled or filtered

After such a product appeared on sale, there is debate about which water is better for drinking. Sometimes it is considered that it makes no sense to pay, since the quality of the liquid from the bottles does not differ from the tap water that has passed through the filtration. Therefore, many purify drinking water on their own with a filter.

Sometimes bottled does not differ from filtered in quality. This applies to species whose labels indicate “prepared,” “conditioned,” “modified,” or “centralized water supply.” It’s better not to buy these, since there is no benefit from them.

But if the label indicates the source, number of the well or place of production, such water is living. It is good for health, it can be consumed daily. Extracted from artesian wells, wells or natural sources. Often the origin is reflected in the name: “Lipetsk”, “Santalovsky spring”, “Senezhskaya”, “Kalinov spring” and others.

Important! It is not recommended to drink filtered water for a long time. Filters remove not only harmful substances, but also useful trace elements. In such a liquid there are no salts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium.

Which is better: boiled or bottled

Previously, to clean the liquid from the tap, it was boiled. Many families still drink chilled boiling water for drinking. But recent studies have shown that after boiling, water becomes harmful to health:

  • chlorine compounds decompose to release toxic compounds;
  • mineral salts precipitate in an insoluble precipitate;
  • all oxygen is destroyed;
  • a day after boiling, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply.

Bottled water contains all the minerals necessary for health. It is safe, can be stored for a long time within the expiration date without loss of taste.

The benefits of bottled water

Bottled water rating: quality indicators

There are many manufacturers producing drinking water, the list of names may consist of several hundred. But not everyone meets quality standards. In her study, pay attention to such indicators:

  • the presence of salts of iron and potassium;
  • smell, transparency, taste;
  • degree of chlorination;
  • mineralization;
  • full information about the composition and source.

Based on these characteristics and customer reviews, you can rank the best bottled water.


This is French-made safe natural water. It is made according to the requirements of SanPiN. Its advantages:

  • a lot of calcium and magnesium in the composition;
  • no organic impurities;
  • Suitable for continuous use.

The disadvantages are the lack of fluoride and the high price. A 0.5 liter bottle costs 90 rubles.

"Lipetsk pump room"

Artesian drinking water of the 1st category. She has many advantages:

  • inexpensively - 1.5 l 34 rubles;
  • safe
  • delicious.

But it has a small level of mineralization, it does not contain fluoride.

Water Lipetsk pump room


This is water made in France. There are no harmful components, nitrates, toxins in it. It can be consumed without heat treatment. She has many advantages:

  • no microorganisms;
  • pleasant taste;
  • a lot of calcium, magnesium;
  • helps to eliminate toxins.

But studies and reviews point out flaws: it has little fluoride and sulfates, there is strontium and lithium, a lot of calcium. Because of this, it can not be boiled. The price is high - 90 rubles per 1 liter.

Nestle pure life

This is natural and tasty water produced by Nestle. The tests did not detect heavy metals, microorganisms and contaminants. Conforms to the first category and all safety requirements. She is artesian, deeply cleansed of all impurities. A 0.5 liter bottle costs 40 rubles. Advantages:

  • extracted from an artesian well;
  • useful composition;
  • no pollution;
  • no heavy metals.

There are also disadvantages: it is so purified that there are few useful minerals in it.


It is produced in the Moscow region according to the requirements of GOST and SanPiN. Suitable for continuous use.Safe, mined from a 200 m deep source. It has natural mineralization and a mild flavor. It costs from 13 rubles per small bottle. The advantages include:

  • soft taste;
  • safety;
  • full mineral composition.

Checking the composition revealed a mismatch in the fluorine content, it is too small. The lithium content was detected, although in an acceptable amount.

Water Senezhskaya


It is a non-gas drinking water suitable for daily use. It does not have fluoride, not a lot of magnesium. Extracted from a well in the mountain village of Nizhny Arkhyz. A 1.5 liter bottle costs 40 rubles. She has many advantages:

  • it tastes good;
  • safe
  • Meets all quality standards;
  • no heavy metals in the composition;
  • Available in all stores.

The disadvantages include a low content of magnesium and fluorine.

"Holy spring"

This artesian water is produced according to all requirements. It is full in composition, it has no pollution.

The advantages include:

  • safety;
  • pleasant taste;
  • convenient packaging;
  • low price - one and a half liter bottle costs 60 rubles.

But there is no fluorine and little calcium. Sometimes users do not like its taste.

Water Holy Spring


This is magnesium-calcium medicinal-table mineral water. It is bottled in the North Caucasus, has natural gas and is useful for diseases of the digestive system. There is a half-liter bottle of 35 rubles. “Narzan” has many advantages:

  • pleasant taste;
  • manufacturer's reputation;
  • healthy mineralization;
  • cleanses the body of toxins.

The disadvantages are often the presence of contraindications and a large number of low-quality fakes.

"Kalinov spring"

This is artesian water of the first category. Sometimes they note its not very pleasant taste. A study showed a small amount of minerals, almost no magnesium and calcium. After opening it is impossible to store longer than 3 days, since according to tests it has a high level of organic pollution.

But "Kalinov spring" has several advantages:

  • no heavy metals;
  • safe
  • low price - 68 rubles for 6 liters.

"Shishkin Forest"

This is artesian water that meets all safety requirements. It costs 45 rubles per 1 liter. Its advantages:

  • no taste or smell;
  • mined in ecologically clean areas;
  • Suitable for cooking.

But it is not recommended for long-term use, since it has a lot of bicarbonates, but almost no calcium and magnesium.

Water Shishkin Forest

Top 5 best water delivery services in Moscow

It is convenient to use bottled water because it is bottled in different volumes - from 0.5 to 19 liters. There are organizations involved in the delivery of such containers directly to your home or office. You can purchase a cooler that is equipped with a pump. At the same time, specialists will change the bottle to full upon delivery. Some coolers have a heating and cooling function, which is very convenient in the office.

There are many water delivery services. In Moscow, several organizations are popular.

  • Fountain Foods works not only in Moscow, but also in the suburbs. From 3 bottles delivery is free. There are many additional products.
  • “Vitarel” does not take a deposit for bottles, a lot of additional goods, there are cheap products.
  • VodaVozkin offers low prices. The company has many promotions and gifts, free delivery.
  • "Aquarius" produces its water, delivers free of charge. A wide range and many additional products.
  • Vodokachka.ru works seven days a week and delivers any additional goods.

Buying quality bottled water is essential for those who care about their health. To do this, you need to know its characteristics and study customer reviews.

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