home-Ratings-6 best cereals for the first feeding

6 best cereals for the first feeding

Kashi - complementary foods, which is introduced from the second half of the life of the child. It allows you to quickly gain weight, normalize digestion and gradually accustom yourself to the transition to adult food. The editors prepared a rating of the best cereals for the first feeding, which you can focus on when choosing food for your baby.

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
The best hypoallergenic milk-free cereals for the first feedingHipp dairy free240There are both monoslack and multi-cereal products, as well as food with additional additives.
Fleur Alpine Prebiotics Porridge339Vitamin B1, necessary for the proper development, is added to all products.
Best gluten-free dairy-free cereals for a first feedingHeinz Rice Low Allergy160Chicory fibers have been added to improve digestion. Immunity is enhanced by vitamin C.
The best cereals for the first feeding, ready to eatAgusha "Fall asleep", milk and buckwheat35The composition contains prebiotics, and no harmful preservatives. It can be consumed from 6 months.
FruityNanny oat with apples and berries210This product is authorized from 6 months. It successfully combines oatmeal, which is recommended to be given in the form of porridge in the morning, apples and healthy berries.
The best milk porridge for the first feedingClever milk with banana and oatmeal100This inexpensive domestic porridge can be given to babies from six months. It has a pleasant taste and delicate texture, brewed without lumps.

When to enter porridge

Children need to be converted to semi-liquid foods gradually. According to the recommendations of pediatricians, healthy children who ate mother’s breast milk should be transferred to cereal from 6 months of age.

At first, from 5 months, a healthy baby is recommended to give vegetable puree. It is easier to digest and saturates the body with essential vitamins. Within a month, you can offer the first buckwheat cereal or another product that does not contain gluten, artificial additives and milk.

Buckwheat porridge for feeding

Recommendations for babies on artificial feeding are different. Such children often do not receive useful trace elements, slowly gain weight. Due to the lack of calories in artificial mixtures, you have to start the first lure earlier. Manufacturers of cereals offer products that babies can eat from 4 months, but it is better to introduce the child to more mature foods at 4.5.

You need to focus not only on age, but also on the development of the baby. There are several key factors that can be followed by complementary foods:

  • the child learned to lick food from a spoon;
  • he is interested in more adult food;
  • it is noticeable that the baby is no longer full of breast or artificial milk;
  • noticeable shortage in weight;
  • the offspring confidently holds in a highchair and is ready to eat in a sitting position.

It is not necessary that all of the items listed are followed. The main thing is that the baby can already sit and eat from a spoon, the rest is optional.

Which porridge to choose

Before moving on to the ranking of the best children's cereals, you need to figure out how to choose the right nutrition for your baby.Manufacturers offer many different options: with or without cereals, with several types of cereals or one, with or without milk. It is necessary to pay attention to each factor:

  1. The presence of milk. Cow's milk in the composition can cause allergies in a baby prone to it or suffering from lactose intolerance. However, healthy children milk protein will allow you to gain weight faster. It is better to start with dairy-free cereals for the first feeding, and then gradually switch to dairy, if there are no contraindications.
  2. Gluten. The intake of gluten in the body should not exceed 14 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight. And at the beginning of feeding, it is better to completely abandon it. Gluten is found in oat and wheat gruel, absent in buckwheat, rice and corn. In some infants, the use of this substance can adversely affect the condition of the mucosa, hence the recommendation to first buy the composition without it.
  3. Vitamins and minerals. Products enriched with additional elements do not pose a danger to the child. You can safely take porridge with an enriched composition, the main thing is that it matches the baby by age.
  4. Extra cereals. A gentle childish body must adapt to each product separately - it will be easier to detect allergies, and the load on the digestive tract will decrease. Multi-cereal products can be introduced 1-2 months after the start of feeding.

Be sure to look at the mark on the package. Manufacturers specify from what age it is possible to offer a child a product - from 4, 5, 6 and so on. Pay attention to which company produced the food. In the ranking of manufacturers of baby cereals, the first places are deservedly occupied by Agusha, Heinz, Nestle, Hipp and FrutoNyanya.

We proceed directly to choosing the best porridge.

The best hypoallergenic milk-free cereals for the first feeding

Hypoallergenic products do not contain lactose and other allergens. They are suitable for the most sensitive babies. Gluten may be contained, but in limited quantities.

Hipp dairy free

Suitable for the most sensitive

This porridge comes in many variations. There are both monoslack and multi-cereal products, as well as food with additional additives. For example, a porridge with lemon balm, designed specifically for evening feeding, ensures healthy sleep for the child and rest for parents. However, such a product is not suitable for the first feeding, you need to stop your attention on a monogloss product. You can choose from three options for cereals:

  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • corn.

You can use all types from 4 months. The composition is missing sugar and milk. There are no gluten in rice and corn variations, but in buckwheat it is contained only in small quantities (in new batches there are packages completely gluten free). All foods have vitamin B1.

One pack of 200 grams (10 servings of 20 grams) will cost an average of 240 rubles. It is necessary to breed one portion of food with warm breast milk in a volume of about 100 ml.

  • diverse assortment
  • low price
  • lumps may form upon dissolution

Fleur Alpine Prebiotics Porridge

All ingredients are grown without chemistry.

This manufacturer also offers several variations of cereals. You can buy rice, buckwheat, corn and oat. The latter is recommended for older children, as it already contains gluten. Vitamin B1, necessary for the proper development, is added to all products. If it is necessary to establish the digestion of the baby, then you should purchase the corn version. It is enriched with prebiotics.

  • the product is enriched with prebiotics
  • special conditions for growing raw materials
  • perfectly soluble
  • the product is not yet sufficiently verified by domestic consumers

Best gluten-free dairy-free cereals for a first feeding

Gluten is bad for digestion.If a child after eating a regular porridge, for example, oatmeal, feels bad, then you need to abandon gluten. The editors chose the best product from a trusted manufacturer.

Heinz Rice Low Allergy

Enriched with Vitamin C

In the package - 160 grams of gluten-free porridge without preservatives, milk, palm oil, salt and sugar. You can give from 4 months. One package is enough for 8 servings of food, 20 grams of dry mix, diluted with breast milk or boiling water, at one time.

Pediatricians recommend this particular product to start feeding. It is safe, tested and tested by hundreds of customers. Chicory fibers have been added to improve digestion. Immunity is enhanced by vitamin C.

  • low price
  • no harmful additives
  • ideal for first feeding
  • not portioned packaging; measure with a spoon

The best cereals for the first feeding, ready to eat

The cereals listed above are available as dry powder. They must be additionally diluted in water, breast or cow's milk to make them suitable for consumption. However, parents cannot always prepare a formula for feeding. It is more convenient to give ready-made cereals on trips, on a walk or away, but it is not recommended to plant them in advance at home: diluted dry mixes are poorly stored in ordinary bottles and quickly deteriorate.

In order not to cause a child's digestive problems, for such cases it is recommended to buy ready-made cereals. They are stored in a refrigerator or at room temperature, delivered in special cardboard packaging, which in their properties is similar to packaging for juice or milk. Duration of storage is provided not by preservatives, but by pasteurization. There are also variations in classic glass jars.

Agusha "Fall asleep", milk and buckwheat

Agusha "Fall asleep", milk and buckwheat

This product is specifically designed for evening feeding. A child who receives the required number of calories sleeps calmer and does not wake up his parents. The combination of buckwheat and milk allows you to quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger.

The composition contains prebiotics, and no harmful preservatives. It can be consumed from 6 months. Younger children should warm the composition and give from a spoon, and those children who have already become comfortable with the straw can drink it on their own.

The cost of packaging is 35 rubles.

  • convenient, non-breakable packaging from which children can even eat on their own
  • no spoon required, comes with a tube
  • provides a good healthy sleep
  • there are traces of gluten

FruityNanny oat with apples and berries

Ideal for a daytime snack.

This product is authorized from 6 months. It successfully combines oatmeal, which is recommended to be given in the form of porridge in the morning, apples and healthy berries. The child will enjoy the sweet taste of nutrition. It comes in glass jars of 250 grams. Before using the product, the jar must be shaken.

  • low price
  • without milk
  • there is a measuring scale on the walls of the can
  • does not require heating
  • with prebiotics
  • 250 grams too big for first feeding

The best milk porridge for the first feeding

Milk is poorly tolerated by some children, but for babies without lactose intolerance this is an excellent, nutrient. Pay attention to options with milk is for parents who want to help the baby gain weight.

Clever milk with banana and oatmeal

Clever milk with banana and oatmeal

This inexpensive domestic porridge can be given to babies from six months. It has a pleasant taste and delicate texture, brewed without lumps. Economical consumption and nutrition make the product particularly popular.

Packaging 200 grams costs 100 rubles.

  • low price
  • includes 12 vitamins
  • contains fiber
  • really like children
  • contains vanillin

The choice of baby food should be treated responsibly.Before starting feeding, it is even recommended to visit a pediatrician and a pediatric nutritionist. Specialists will draw up an individual nutrition plan based on the health status of the baby.

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