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Rating 13 best wallpapers for walls

Wallpaper is often used to cover walls. Due to the variety of types and colors, you can paste over any room. To choose a wallpaper, you need to know which one is better. You must first familiarize yourself with their types, to study the properties of coatings and methods for gluing them to walls.

CategoryManufacturersPriceShort description
Paper wallpaper

In Germany, factories AS Creation, Erismann, Rasch,

in Italy - Sirpi, Zambaiti, Limonta. Saratov Wallpaper, Moscow Wallpaper Factory, Mayprint, Avant-garde are known in Russia.

Russian manufacturers - from 100 rubles, foreign - from 1000 rublesThey are inexpensive. They have a smooth or convex surface. There are single or double layer.
Vinyl wallpapers

In Germany: Rush, Erisman, Marburg.

Belgium - GranDeco

Russia - Elysium, Palette, brand Victoria Stenova.

From 300 - 500 rublesA smooth or embossed surface is covered with foamed vinyl. As a basis use paper or non-woven.
Acrylic WallpaperProduced in Italy, Germany, USA, Ukraine, England, Russia.From 3000 rublesAcrylic wallpapers are almost no different from vinyl. The front side of the canvas is covered with foamed acrylic. Acrylic is spotted on a paper base.
Non-wovenItalian (Sirpi, Limonta, Sangiorgio), Swedish (Duro, ECO, Wellton Fliz), Belgian (Calcutta), German (Marburg, Erfurt), Russian (Erismann, Palette, ART, Elysium, Loiman), Ukrainian (Sintra, Versailles, Dnepromine, Eden).From 600 rublesThe basis of non-woven wallpaper is cellulose fiber. The canvas is made non-woven. It acquires density, becomes strong.
Textile wallpaperThe main producers are Germany (Rush, KT Exclusive), Italy (Sangiorgio, Arlin).From 500 - 2000 rubles per square meter meterThe paper or non-woven backing is covered with fabric. Cotton, jute, polyester, silk, velor, linen are used as textiles.
CulletLaunched in Sweden and China under the Wellton brandFrom 1600 rublesIn the process of creating cullet use glass fiber. A method of manufacturing the canvas - weaving. This is the same fabric, high strength.
Metal wallpaperWallpaper for metal are available in Canada, Italy, Germany, Great Britain.1850 - 7000 rublesUse for hi-tech rooms. In the sun they glare beautifully.
Natural wallpaperProduced in Sweden (factories Eco Wallpaper, Eco Borastapeter), China, Italy, Great Britain, Portugal.From 690 rublesFor the manufacture of natural wallpaper using wood veneer, straw, bamboo or reed. The basis of the finishing material is paper, sometimes non-woven.
Liquid wallpaperSilk Plaster and Kasagawa are engaged in production in Russia, Bioplast in Ukraine, Leroy Merlin in France, Silkcoat in Japan, Koza in Turkey.From 150 rublesOutwardly, this coating resembles a relief plaster. When creating use cellulose.

Sweden - Mr. Perswall

Germany - Komar.

From 400 rublesRepresent a large color photograph. Reproduce absolutely any image.
Wallpaper for painting

Germany - Marburg, Rush,

China - Wellton.

From 1100 rublesFinishing material for painting is very durable, has many layers. The coating pattern can be identical with decorative plaster, be with some kind of ornament or completely smooth.
Eco wallpaper

Sweden - Eco Wallpaper,

France - Elitis.

From 1000 rublesMade from natural raw materials.The material used is different: paper, plant fibers (cane, sisal, lianas, palm trees, flax), wood fibers (cork, bamboo, coconut), textiles (satin, silk, teak).
Velor wallpaperProduced in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece, Italy (Sirpi, Portofino), Holland (Eijffinqer), Germany (Rush, KT Exclusive), France.From 500 to 18000 rublesThe basis of an elite type of coating is paper or non-woven. Velor villi no more than 1 mm long are laid on them at an angle.

Types of Wallpaper

To understand modern materials for wall covering, it is better to familiarize yourself with the rating before buying. It is based on customer reviews, expresses the opinion of online stores.

The rating of the best wallpapers for walls looks like this:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • acrylic;
  • non-woven;
  • textile;
  • cullets;
  • metal;
  • natural;
  • liquid;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • wallpaper for painting;
  • eco wallpaper;
  • velor.

Fashionable 2019 Wallpaper Choice

It is important to study the characteristics of each species.


Often used to cover walls. They are inexpensive. They have a smooth or convex surface. There are single or double layer.

  • let air through
  • environmentally friendly
  • canvases are easily glued and adjusted to each other
  • burn out under the sun
  • absorbs odors
  • afraid of moisture, difficult to clean from stains, dirt
  • short term of operation - approximately 5 years

The production is carried out in Germany by the factories of AS Creation, Erismann, Rasch, in Italy - Sirpi, Zambaiti, Limonta. Saratov Wallpaper, Moscow Wallpaper Factory, Mayprint, Avant-garde are known in Russia. In Ukraine - Slavic wallpaper factory.

The price of a roll of Russian manufacturers from 100 rubles, foreign manufacturers offer from 1000 rubles.


A smooth or embossed surface is covered with foamed vinyl. As a basis use paper or non-woven. They release silk-screened vinyl wallpapers. There are types for painting.

The advantages include:

  • resistant to moisture, wash well and clean;
  • do not fade in the sun, preserving the original color;
  • the relief of the picture visually hides a slight roughness of the walls;
  • repainted wallpaper many times.

Vinyl wallpapers

Do not let air in. This is considered a disadvantage of vinyl coatings. But they can decorate the walls of the bathroom and kitchen, if the ventilation works well.

The decorative top layer from heating emits very few harmful substances.

Produced in many countries. The following manufacturers are best known:

  1. In Germany: Rush - a roll costs from 300 rubles., Erisman - from 580 rubles., Marburg - from 660 rubles.
  2. GranDeco - Belgian production, the price of a roll - from 800 rubles.
  3. Italian manufacturers: Limonta offers for 1300rub. and higher; Zambaiti - from 850, new collections - over 2,900 rubles .; Sirpi - from 1400 rub;
  4. Manufacturers in Russia - Elysium, Palette, brand Victoria Stenova. A roll from the Palette costs from 450 rubles.
  5. Ukraine - Versailles, Sintra, Vinil, Golden Fleece, Crocus, Eden, Lanita. Cost - from 400 rubles.


Acrylic wallpapers are almost no different from vinyl. The front side of the canvas is covered with foamed acrylic. Acrylic is spotted on a paper base. The application layer is not continuous and not thick in thickness compared to the vinyl coating.

The surface after spraying becomes vapor-permeable, which is useful for living rooms.

They have a relief pattern, but the gamut is not wide. Use more often pastel colors. Wallpaper can be given a tone, but the number of stains is limited.

Produced in Italy, Germany, USA, Ukraine, England, Russia. The minimum price per roll is 3200 rubles.


The basis of non-woven wallpaper is cellulose fiber. The canvas is made non-woven. It acquires density, becomes strong.

Decorate non-woven with a layer of vinyl. They produce non-woven canvas for painting.

Beautiful non-woven wallpaper in the room

These vinyl-free wallpapers are environmentally friendly and safe.


  • there is no shrinkage when the canvas dries;
  • it is not difficult to paste over;
  • high strength when compared with paper wallpaper;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • You can decorate both walls and ceilings;
  • has good vapor permeability. Applied in living rooms;
  • apply more often for painting.

Popular brands include Italian (Sirpi, Limonta, Sangiorgio), Swedish (Duro, ECO, Wellton Fliz), Belgian (Calcutta), German (Marburg, Erfurt), Russian (Erismann, Palette, ART, Elysium, Loiman), Ukrainian ( Sintra, Versailles, Dnepromine, Eden). The minimum price per roll is 600 rubles.


The paper or non-woven backing is covered with fabric. Cotton, jute, polyester, silk, velor, linen are used as textiles.

The material is not cheap. Price and quality depend on the textiles used to decorate the wallpaper.

Antistatic agents and flame retardants are used for processing. The surface with the decor of flax is additionally treated with an antiseptic.

Textile wallpaper in the trend of 2019

  • give the room a luxury, exclusivity
  • environmentally friendly, made from natural fabrics
  • wide rolls up to 10 meters, you can paste over the walls without seams
  • do not deteriorate from ultraviolet rays
  • good level of noise and heat insulation.
  • fabric coating absorbs odors
  • cannot be cleaned with water and detergents
  • hard to paste
  • high price

The main producers are Germany (Rush, KT Exclusive), Italy (Sangiorgio, Arlin). The price per square meter is about 500 rubles, expensive - more than 2000 rubles.


In the process of creating cullet use glass fiber. A method of manufacturing the canvas - weaving. This is the same fabric, high strength.

Cullets are widely used in the construction of new houses. The elasticity of this coating protects against cracking during shrinkage of a new home.

For painting the canvas, a water-based paint based on water or latex is used.

Cullets in interior design

  • can be exploited for a long time - up to 30 years
  • wear resistance is high, refer to anti-vandal wallpaper
  • not afraid of fire and water
  • do not absorb unnecessary odors
  • mold does not develop, fungus does not appear
  • you can paint the surface a maximum of 15 times without ruining the strength of the wallpaper
  • a small selection of patterns with relief - in the form of a matting, rhombus and Christmas tree
  • the room looks dull

Produced in Sweden and China under the Wellton brand. A roll of 50 meters, a width of 1 meter costs from 3350 to 8700 rubles, depending on the texture. The Chinese Optima collection is sold for 1600-2300 rubles (length 25 meters), Decor collection - 1650 rubles for 12.5 meters.


Use for hi-tech rooms. In the sun they glare beautifully. Creating additional illumination, you can only embellish them in the form of gold, silver or bronze highlights.

Metal sheets differ in the following properties:

  • beautiful in appearance;
  • wear-resistant, since there is a layer of aluminum foil;
  • not afraid of ultraviolet, do not fade;
  • just laundered;
  • protect from noise.

The disadvantages are the high price and the need to level the wall. So that the thin metal foil is not damaged, the walls are leveled to an ideal state before gluing.

Compared with artificial materials, they have more negative characteristics. These include:

  • do not tolerate moisture at all;
  • do not tolerate exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • cannot hide when gluing joints;
  • difficult to paste over;
  • dust clogs in the bumps of the embossed canvas;
  • carry out only dry cleaning.

Wallpaper for metal are available in Canada, Italy, Germany, Great Britain. The minimum price is 1850 rubles, the maximum is 7000 rubles.


For the manufacture of natural wallpaper using wood veneer, straw, bamboo or reed. The basis of the finishing material is paper, sometimes non-woven.

The natural finish looks beautiful, cozy and comfortable. They are pleasant to the touch. The material is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergies.It looks in any interior.

Natural bamboo wallpaper

Produced in Sweden (factories Eco Wallpaper, Eco Borastapeter), China, Italy, Great Britain, Portugal. The cost is from 1000 rubles. and higher. The price of cork is 690 rubles.


Outwardly, this coating resembles a relief plaster. When creating use cellulose. To obtain decorativeness, dyes, spangles, mineral fillers, quartz are added. All additives are natural and harmless. Cellulose glue is used as a bonding element.

Outwardly look like a dry powder. Before use, the powder is diluted with water and applied in a layer of 1 mm. The price depends on the amount of added decorative substances.

Liquid wallpaper has the following positive properties:

  • joints are completely invisible;
  • create an unusual relief;
  • smooth uneven walls, working time is reduced;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • have antistatic properties, repel dust;
  • service life for 6-8 years.

Hygroscopic, they are not used in rooms with high humidity.

Silk Plaster and Kasagawa are engaged in production in Russia (150-800 rubles per pack), in Ukraine - Bioplast (200-700 rubles), in France - Leroy Merlin (800-900 rubles), in Japan - Silkcoat (1000 rubles .), in Turkey - Koza (100 rubles per 1 kg).


Represent a large color photograph. They reproduce absolutely any image (nature, animals, sea, city) on paper, vinyl and non-woven backing, even on PVC film. The basis of the photo wallpaper is self-adhesive.

They are easy to paste over, they are inexpensive. A wide selection allows you to transform any space.

But the surface for gluing should be flat. Use low-grade materials.

Photo wallpaper in the living room

The cost of 1 square. meters of Swedish mural Mr. Perswall - 3200 rubles., Russian - from 439 rubles., German brand Komar - 600 rubles.

Wallpaper for painting

Finishing material for painting is very durable, has many layers. The coating pattern can be identical with decorative plaster, be with some kind of ornament or completely smooth.

Use embossed natural linkcrust. The color of the canvas is white or cream. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose the right shade of paint. You can not paint at all, if the tone of the canvas suits.

  • you can choose the color to taste
  • serve for a long time, at any time, if desired, can be repainted
  • wide selection of colors and textures
  • you can hide irregularities and wall defects
  • cost-free pasting process
  • harmless
  • not afraid of damp
  • protect against noise
  • lack of diversity
  • the number of repaints depends on the pattern
  • it is difficult to qualitatively paste and paint an inexperienced specialist

Combined wallpaper for painting

German manufacturers (Marburg, Rush) offer products costing from 750 to 17500 rubles, Chinese (Wellton) - from 1200 to 3500, Russian - from 1100 rubles.

Eco wallpaper

Made from natural raw materials. The material used is different: paper, plant fibers (cane, sisal, lianas, palm trees, flax), wood fibers (cork, bamboo, coconut), textiles (satin, silk, teak). The adhesives and paints used are not very harmful in chemical composition.

The positive characteristics are as follows:

  • safe for humans, without harmful impurities;
  • create comfort. Vapor permeability helps breathe walls;
  • well keep heat, protect from external noise;
  • high strength, not afraid of moisture;
  • long service life, especially cork and bamboo cloths.

There are still drawbacks. Strength, stability of natural wallpaper, the use of exotic materials (palm leaves, reeds) affect their price. Absorb unnecessary odors. Additional impregnation in the form of varnish or wax is required.

Eco-friendly wallpaper in the living room

The production of this type of cloth is engaged in the Eco Wallpaper factory in Sweden, Elitis in France. The cost of a roll from Sweden is from 1,080 to 5,200 rubles, from France - from 8,800 rubles.

Velor wallpaper

The basis of an elite type of coating is paper or non-woven.Velor villi no more than 1 mm long are laid on them at an angle.

The process of creating the canvas is laborious. A glue layer is first applied to the substrate. Next, place the canvas under the press, filled with velor fibers. A press connects the villi to the base. Using glue and drying in a special way, get wallpaper with different patterns or patterns.

Dense two-layer, do not wear out for a long time, protect from noise. They are not at all afraid of the sun's rays, they do not fade.

The disadvantages include:

  • dust accumulates in the villi;
  • fabric texture from the fabric absorbs odors;
  • need care. Dry clean with a vacuum cleaner, soft brush. Heavy pollution is difficult to remove.

Produced in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece, Italy (Sirpi, Portofino), Holland (Eijffinqer), Germany (Rush, KT Exclusive), France. The minimum price varies between 500-700 rubles. depending on the country, more expensive - from 1000 rubles. Reach up to 18-19 thousand rubles.

Wallpaper selection for rooms

When choosing wall coverings, take into account:

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • place of operation;
  • price;
  • lifetime.

This will help determine which wallpaper is best for a room.

For the living room

Finishing can be done with any coatings. The best wallpaper for the living room is considered non-woven, liquid or textile. They are beautiful, practical.

Decorative and safe eco-wallpaper will transform the room. Original wallpaper in the room with a suitable image. The choice depends on the preferences and tastes of the owners.

Modern wallpaper in the hall

For bedroom

The walls of the bedroom are decorated with decorative natural wallpaper. They are safe for adults and children.

Liquid wallpaper is a good option for decorating the bedroom. They are safe, breathable. Protect from noise. Durable and beautiful.

In the hallway and corridor

The entrance hall of the apartment is a place with a large cross. For the design of the walls, they prefer to use durable coatings that are washed or painted.

Decorative vinyl and non-woven canvases decorate the entrance hall and the corridor. They are easy to wash, inexpensive.

Cullets with a long service life - an excellent option for coating the walls of the hallway. Wear-resistant, not afraid of any damage. They are washed, cleaned, painted. Their price is high.

For kitchen

Wear-resistant, durable, washable coatings with refractory properties are selected.

The best wallpaper for the kitchen space will be vinyl or non-woven. Non-woven are selected with impregnation. They are not afraid of moisture, if necessary, you can wash and clean. The service life is rather big.

Cullets are a practical refractory material. Suitable for kitchen walls.

For a children's room

Paste with eco-friendly paper wallpaper. They are inexpensive and harmless. Walls damaged by children will be easy to re-stick.

Decorate with eco wallpaper. They are suitable for children.

A good, but expensive, option for repairing a nursery is cullet. Safe, do not cause allergies. It is possible to repaint.

Liquid wallpaper is safe, the walls of the nursery “breathe”, protect against noise, retain heat. Vinyl wallpaper is not pasted.

On the door

Doors are pasted over with wall-paper which remained after pasting of walls. The door becomes invisible against the background of the walls.

Interestingly and quickly decorate the door with a self-adhesive film. Wallpaper glue is not needed.

The door decor with self-adhesive wallpaper with a 3-D effect looks spectacular.

For the bathroom

Cover with moisture-resistant wallpaper with the use of antifungal glue. Suitable vinyl, washable, liquid, glass. Fiberglass wallpapers are the most resistant to moisture. Moisture-resistant photo wallpaper will change the bathroom beyond recognition.

Cullets in the bathroom

Wallpapering Methods

There are three ways to stick wallpaper:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • combined.

Different sticker methods help visually enlarge a room, divide it into zones.

Vertical way

In the traditional vertical design of the walls, several colors are combined, but the same in texture and width. By design should be combined with each other.

Alternating stripes of different colors, you can get an interesting room in a vertical strip.

You can do otherwise: buy a wallpaper of one shade. Selected plain coatings will become the background, with a picture - a decorative element.

Vertical design of the kitchen

Horizontal way

When gluing horizontally, the wall is divided into two parts and glued with wallpaper of different color and design. Joints are decorated with borders - paper, wood, PVC or slats. The lower part must be at least one meter. Often used material with different textures. The bottom is designed for brickwork, above it - textile wallpaper. You can stick, placing companion wallpapers on top of each other. When horizontal gluing, they often combine striped wallpaper and a small pattern, with a small pattern and large flowers, with a pattern and plain.

Combined method

A combination of different colors is possible. By combining, they distinguish zones in the room, create accents and wallpaper inserts, different in size and shape. The inserts are made out with moldings, frames or borders. Stick in the form of a panel. With a patchwork combination, the walls are filled with inserts from different shreds using the patchwork technique.

Division of a room into zones

Which are better

Choosing the best wallpaper for your walls is not easy.

The options for choosing wall coverings include:

  • resistance to external factors (moisture, ultraviolet radiation, wear);
  • strength;
  • relief;
  • drawing fit;
  • roll sizes;
  • stylistics;
  • simplicity in leaving;
  • lifetime;
  • price.

Moisture-resistant coatings protect against moisture, fungal infections, mold. Depending on the degree of resistance, they are wiped, washed, even cleaned. Light fastness is important when pasting bright rooms facing the south side.

Wear-resistant coatings are used where families with small children live, there are pets. Cullets are very durable, their service life is 30 years.

The relief of the wallpaper smoothes uneven walls, hides defects. It is not necessary to putty. The relief is created on paper, vinyl and non-woven coatings. They get 3D images, imitate decoration materials (brickwork, wood). The downside is that dust builds up on the convex surface.

Due to the need to fit the pattern, you have to buy an additional roll. Monophonic cloths are glued without urging, a little waste remains. With a large pattern, the material consumption increases, repair is more expensive.

Sizes of a roll: on width make 53, 70, 106 cm; lengths are 10, 15, 25 m.

Narrow coatings are used in rooms with a small gluing area. Wide room with a large area and ceilings. Joints are less.

The correctly selected type of wallpaper, regardless of brand, color, texture, gives housing beauty, creates comfort and pleases residents. The main thing in them is quality and durability.

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