home-Ratings-The best winter tents for fishing and tourism by model

The best winter tents for fishing and tourism by model

Winter hiking or fishing is an extreme sport. Not everyone will decide on this due to weather conditions. But still there are amateurs who are ready to spend a long time in the cold. At the same time, the tent becomes the most necessary equipment for winter hiking. The comfort and safety of a tourist or a fisherman depends on her choice. Special winter options are now available, you need to know how to choose them correctly. The best tents are able to protect from snow, piercing wind and frost, provide a comfortable sleep and are easy to install.

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
Rating of the best winter tents for fishingTramp Ice fisher 18014000Two-layer polyester protects against wind and frost. Size allows you to comfortably accommodate 2 or 3 fishermen.
Maverick ICE 515000Easy to install, mounts even on ice. 2 people are accommodated.
Tramp Wild10400Protects from moisture and wind. Designed for two.
Penguin 2 Arctic9200Warm two-layer tent with good ventilation.
Nelma 39000Designed for 2 people. Effectively protects from wind, frost. There is a hook for a flashlight and ventilation.
TOTEM TEPEE 22500Moisture-resistant, protects from wind, light.
The best winter tents for fishing singleSWD "WHITE NIGHT"1700Popular with winter fishing enthusiasts, tourists, geologists. The bottom comes unfastened, so it can be installed above the hole.
COMFORTIKA3000They have the shape of an umbrella, so they are easy to fold out and resistant to gusts of wind. Available in several versions.
LOTOS 14000Lightweight and comfortable single tent for winter fishing. It is easy to install or move if necessary.
The best winter double tents for fishingMitek Nelma 25500It has the shape of an umbrella. The frame is made of durable duralumin tubes. Equipped with shelves, pockets.
Fishprofi CUBE HW-3850 BS6200The cube-shaped model is designed for winter fishing, protects from the weather.
Nelma Cube 2 Lux22000High-quality comfortable model for two. Suitable for frequent use.
World of Maverick ICE 514500The shape of the hexagon makes it very stable even with strong winds. A few stormy extensions and a wide skirt increase the weather protection.
The best winter triple tentsMitek Nelma 310600This is an umbrella tent. Strong frame made of dyurapol, outer skirt for protection against snow and frost.
Stack cube 38000Triple model in the form of a cube for winter fishing. Strong aluminum frame, material does not pass wind.
Lotus 3 station wagon13000This triple model is easy to install. It is stable even on ice.
LOTOS 5 Heat Valve39000This is a real camping tent for up to 6 people. You can install a real oven in it.
Fishing HOT CUBE315900The strong frame is resistant even to strong winds, and the thermally insulating material protects against frost.

Selection rules

Such equipment is necessary for every fisherman or tourist who often goes outdoors in the winter. It is very important to choose them correctly. To find the best tent for fishing or tourism, you need to know what parameters to pay attention to.

  • They are different in size. It depends on how many people will use it. There are single, double, triple, camping. The diameter of the smallest does not exceed 2 m.
  • They are divided into frame and automatic. The advantage of the former is that they are more stable and reliable. The second is going faster.They can be installed and assembled in a few seconds.
  • The shape may also be different. The most common cube and umbrella. The first are more convenient, as they allow you to stand up to their full height. But the dome-shaped tent better resists the wind; snow does not linger on its surface.
  • You need to choose the right tent material. Synthetic fabrics are used: nylon, polyester, nylon.

Important! So that the product can withstand moisture, wind and frost, the material must be thick, durable, coated with waterproof polyurethane or silicone.

  • For winter, it is better to choose two-layer or three-layer models. They have an additional awning. Sometimes between the layers there is a warming filler. The most important thing is to pay attention to the quality of the floor. In order to prevent penetration of cold and moisture into it, it should consist of three layers with water-repellent impregnation and isolon.
  • The frame should be strong, but light. Usually it is made from aluminum tubes or from composite compounds. They are resistant to deformation, withstand large gusts of wind. It is important to pay attention to the strength of their connection.
  • Appearance is important for winter fishing. There should be bright inserts that will allow you to notice the fisherman in a pond from afar. So that during the day you can be without lighting, it is better to choose light colors.
  • Depending on what the equipment will be used for, you need to pay attention to the presence of additional functions. It can be pockets, the ability to install heating, hooks for fixtures, the presence of windows.

Types of tents

The best winter tents: which company to buy

Of all manufacturers producing camping equipment, only a few are popular with tourists. There are tents specifically designed for winter fishing or hiking. For their production, special materials and technologies are used. The most positive reviews on the products of 5 firms.

  • "Stack" produce winter tents for fishing. They reliably protect from strong winds and frost, but provide good ventilation. Stack tents are affordable, light, warm.
  • "Lotus" produces camping equipment for any time of the year. It is reliable, convenient, easy to assemble, withstands frost and bad weather.
  • NovaTour is a well-known tourist producer of good camping tents. Its products are reliable, easy to operate. NovaTour tents are made of high quality materials, spacious, quickly assembled.
  • World of Maverick produces sturdy camping tents designed for all weather conditions. They are lightweight, reliable, created using special technologies.
  • "Nelma" is a hemispherical tent. They have reliable protection against wind, snow, frost.

Important! Products of other Russian or foreign companies are less popular. These are Trek Planet, Green Glade, Canadian Camper, Greenell, Indiana, Alaska and others.

The best winter tents

Rating of the best winter tents for fishing

To choose good equipment, you need not only to know the necessary characteristics. It is important to study also consumer reviews, recommendations of specialists. Given these parameters, you can make a rating of the best winter tents for tourism and fishing.

  • Tramp Ice fisher 180 is a premium model. Two-layer polyester protects against wind and frost. Size allows you to comfortably accommodate 2 or 3 fishermen. It costs 14,000 rubles.
  • Thanks to the hexagonal shape, the Maverick ICE 5 protects against wind. Easy to install, mounts even on ice. 2 people are accommodated. It costs 15,000 rubles.
  • Tramp Wild (TRT-047.02) is a hemispherical tent for winter fishing. Protects from moisture and wind. Designed for two. It costs 10,400 rubles.
  • “Penguin 2 Arctic” is an easy reliable shelter. Warm two-layer tent with good ventilation. She quickly gathers, can move around, and can comfortably accommodate two. It costs 9,200 rubles.
  • "Nelma 3" has an umbrella frame. Designed for 2 people. Effectively protects from wind, frost. There is a hook for a flashlight and ventilation. She is light, quickly assembled.It costs 9,000 rubles.
  • TOTEM TEPEE 2 is a two-layer tent made of high density polyester, but breathable. Moisture-resistant, protects from wind, light. It costs only 2500 rubles.


The best winter tents for fishing single

For infrequent trips to nature or winter fishing alone, simple single shelters are suitable. They are usually inexpensive, lightweight and compact.


An inexpensive model for 1700 rubles is popular with winter fishing enthusiasts, tourists, geologists. The bottom comes unfastened, so it can be installed above the hole.


  • protective coloring;
  • spring mechanism allows you to assemble it in a few seconds;
  • lightweight and compact.


They have the shape of an umbrella, so they are easy to fold out and resistant to gusts of wind. Available in several versions.

Their advantages:

  • light weight;
  • low price up to 3000 rubles;
  • good ventilation;
  • snow skirt.

Not suitable for frequent use or for too bad weather.


Lightweight and comfortable single tent for winter fishing. It is easy to install or move if necessary.


  • double thermal skirt;
  • many shelves and pockets;
  • it is steady against a wind, protects from moisture;
  • high-quality ventilation system;
  • costs 4000 rubles.


The best winter double tents for fishing

The top of good equipment for winter fishing or tourism includes products of domestic and foreign manufacturers. Double models are the most popular. They are lightweight, inexpensive, reliable.

"Mitek Nelma 2"

It has the shape of an umbrella. The frame is made of durable duralumin tubes. Equipped with shelves, pockets.


  • costs 5500 rubles;
  • the material is resistant to rain and snow;
  • there are 2 snow skirts;
  • reliability is provided by stormy extensions;
  • weight is 4 kg.

Fishprofi CUBE HW-3850 BS

The cube-shaped model is designed for winter fishing, protects from the weather. Many consider it the best inexpensive winter tent. It costs 6200 rubles. Walls and roof are assembled separately, so it can be used for installation above the hole.

She has many advantages:

  • going fast;
  • strong frame;
  • roof windows providing good ventilation;
  • windproof skirts;
  • high ceiling;
  • many pockets for inventory.

She has no hook for a flashlight. The shape of the cube may be inconvenient in strong winds.

Fishprofi CUBE HW-3850 BS

Nelma Cube 2 Lux

High-quality comfortable model for two. Suitable for frequent use. Lots of pockets securely mounted on ice. Made of breathable, waterproof material.


  • spacious;
  • modern bright design;
  • reflective elements;
  • valves and good ventilation;
  • wide entrance;
  • big windows;
  • fire resistant.

A tent is expensive - 22,000 rubles.

World of Maverick ICE 5

The shape of the hexagon makes it very stable even with strong winds. A few stormy extensions and a wide skirt increase the weather protection.


  • going fast;
  • well ventilated;
  • easy.

The disadvantages include the high cost of 14,500 rubles.

World of Maverick ICE 5

The best winter triple tents

For joint trips to nature, the company needs other equipment. In this case, you need to pay attention to the best large camping tents. They are intended for a company of 3 people. They come in various forms and costs.

"Mitek Nelma 3"

This is an umbrella tent. Strong frame made of dyurapol, outer skirt for protection against snow and frost.

Its advantages:

  • valves for efficient ventilation;
  • hook for a lamp;
  • light weight;
  • ease of assembly.

It costs 10,600 rubles. The disadvantages include the small size, three people in it can be cramped.

Stack Cube 3

Triple model in the form of a cube for winter fishing. Strong aluminum frame, material does not pass wind. Weight 10.5 kg, cost - 8000 rubles.

The advantages include:

  • it is possible to install heating;
  • strong and reliable;
  • going fast;
  • well protects from winter weather.

Despite the fact that it is designed for three, it is quite crowded.

"Lotus 3 station wagon"

This triple model is easy to install. It is stable even on ice.The modular design allows you to combine it with other similar structures.


  • light
  • going fast;
  • there are stormy streamers;
  • refractory impregnation;
  • two entrances.

It is rather bulky in size.

Lotus 3 station wagon

LOTOS 5 Heat Valve

This is a real camping tent for up to 6 people. You can install a real oven in it. Made of durable material, securely installed.


  • good ventilation ensures no condensation;
  • many pockets and shelves;
  • big windows;
  • spacious.

The tent is expensive - 39,000 rubles, quite heavy.

Fishing HOT CUBE3

The strong frame is resistant even to strong winds, and the thermally insulating material protects against frost.


  • strong, reliable;
  • many windows;
  • easy and stable to install;
  • reflective elements.

The price is quite high - 15 900 rubles

What winter fishing tent is better to buy

Not only comfort and convenience, but also the health of the tourist will depend on the correct choice of equipment. The tent should be strong, light, warm. It should not allow moisture and wind. Depending on what it will be used for, there may be compact options with the ability to quickly move to another place or convenient roomy models with insulation. The choice also depends on the budget of the fisherman, the number of people, weather conditions.

Kind of tent

Given these parameters, you can use the recommendations of specialists.

  • If you need cheap equipment, you should pay attention to the “Penguin Arctic” or TOTEM TEPEE 2 models. Despite the low price, they are reliable, well protected from the wind.
  • If you have a reasonable budget and fishing is a serious hobby, you should buy Tramp Wild or Fishing HOT CUBE3.
  • World of Maverick ICE 5 is more suitable for severe weather conditions. The model is resistant to strong gusts of wind.
  • For a large company, LOTOS 5 Heat Valve is well suited. It fits 6 people, you can even install a bathhouse.
  • For periodic trips to nature by a small company with a little frost, STEC KUB-3 or Mitek Nelma 3 are suitable.

A correctly selected tent will make winter fishing or a walk in the forest comfortable. Such equipment is designed specifically to protect a person from strong winds, frost or moisture.

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