home-Ratings-5 best gyro scooters

5 best gyro scooters

The hovercraft entered human life as one of the most convenient and most practical means of transportation. Despite the fact that the models have been on the market for a long time, not everyone knows the best gyro scooters in 2019. Also, a modest price says plus (premium class devices cost 20 thousand rubles).

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
The best gyro scooters of 2019Hiper ES 8010000Engineers emphasized operating comfort and performance.
SMART BALANCE AMG 108000Of the additional features there is the ability to connect a portable speaker.
Best Premium ScooterRazor Hovertax 2.032000The only version that can be transported in an airplane as baggage, because it does not have a lithium-ion type battery.
Best off-road scootersSmart Balance Wheel SUV 1025000The model on an electric motor is capable of speeds up to 16 km / h.
Hoverbot c-5 premium30000You can freely move on grass up to 10 cm, on asphalt with defects.

Criterias of choice

Before answering the question of which gyro scooter it is better to choose, the type and purpose are first determined.

Various gyro scooters

Wheel sizes

Wheel diameter groups:

  1. 4-4.5-inch devices that are suitable for young children under the age of 9 years.
  2. Models with 6-6.5 inch drives. They differ in speed and their dimensions, but do not please the cross.
  3. Wheels are 8-8.5 inches. Universal scooters that belong to the middle segment. Flotation and cost are consistent.
  4. A vehicle with a wheel diagonal of 10 inches and above. A model of the “all-terrain vehicle” type, which stands out for its high passability on low-quality roads and is able to cope with small obstacles.

With the increase in wheel size, the mass of the gyro scooter itself increases.

However, there are exceptions to the rules, modern engineering technologies allow you to create heavy models with a wheel diagonal of 8 inches, and at the same time lightweight scooters by 10 inches.

Age category

For children under 10 years old, there are special models in which the size of the wheels does not exceed five and a half inches. Such models are designed for the owner, whose weight does not exceed 60 kg, and have a power plant of 250 watts, which reduces the risk of falling and getting injured.

Children's models are lightweight, but in terms of running components they can keep up with adult models.

It is important that the choice should take into account not only the maximum allowable weight of the child, but also the minimum border. If the child’s weight is less than the bottom line of the allowable weight, then he simply will not be able to move on a gyro scooter.

Models with wheel sizes from 5 to 6 inches are designed for children aged 10-12 years or older. They are capable of supporting a child weighing up to 120 kg and are driven by an electrical installation with a capacity of up to 1200 W, at a maximum permissible speed of 25 km / h.

The maneuverability of the model directly depends on the dimensions of the wheels. Off-road versions are often equipped with inflatable tires.


In most devices, the battery charge is between 2200 and 4500 A / h. But you should not pay attention immediately to the numbers, because the quality and principle of operation of the battery depends directly on its manufacturer.

Chinese models lure the buyer with their availability, but the battery life in them is much shorter, as is the driver’s safety system.

It is better to buy a scooter in which a battery is installed from a world famous company, for example, Samsung or LG.

The insides of a quality model

Battery capacity also affects the cost of the device. Due to this, Chinese models stand out from the rest, because engineers are trying to save on products as much as possible. Because of this, the buyer may receive low-quality goods, which will be inconvenient and dangerous to operate.


The main indicator in the management aspect is the number of boards that control the model. The following types are divided:

  1. 2 boards. Management is carried out simultaneously by all wheels, controlling the entire system.
  2. 3 Boards. Control over each wheel and the overall system.
  3. Gyroscooters with 4 boards. They have two boards designed for motion sensors, which improves control, one for managing drives and one for controlling the battery. Despite the obvious balance of this system, such models are removed from the conveyor.

At the moment, a gyro scooter with 3 control boards is considered the best. The market leader in the issue of boards is TaoTao, whose products allow you to control the vehicle through a smartphone (using separate software).

Equipment with a similar control system is much more expensive, but the costs are justified.


Most gyro scooters have a polystyrene body.

Budget models are made of a more profitable material - PS, which deforms in the slightest collision with external objects. Models with such material often come out of the Chinese conveyor and stand out for their price.

Shockproof plastic (HIPS) increases the cost of the hoverboard, but extends its life cycle. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the HIPS building, which is being created in Europe, is more often found.

Before buying, you should definitely clarify the type of material and check it for squeaks and breakdowns.

Design and extra functionality

This is where the range of gyro scooters is really wide, so it is in appearance. Each developer is trying to win an audience with a design, sometimes forgetting about the technical performance of the model.

On the territory of Russia there are more than two dozen types of design, which differ in both shapes and colors with patterns.

Appearance is important for young people, because gyro scooters are initially developed for them. In addition, vehicles are equipped with various additional features.

Of the additional functions distinguish:

  1. LED type headlights.
  2. Connecting Bluetooth equipment.
  3. In more advanced ones - connecting a smartphone.


The most famous company for the production of jet skis, segways, etc. is AirWheel. The company's factories are located in Europe, so the quality of assembly and components is at a high level. The AirWheel versions are characterized by high performance - an electric type power plant from 2 thousand watts to 10 thousand watts, and this is only on one wheel! Most models have a diameter of 8 inches or more, which allows you to move around rough terrain. Disadvantages - dimensions, weight and cost of the model (from 45 thousand rubles).


The second popular company is the company HoverBot, which specializes in small devices, equipping them with powerful components. Power on both wheels is a thousand watts. Some versions have a special pen. The average price is 30 thousand rubles. Plus - a wide range in terms of design.


Novelty Electronics also produces quality products. The main specialization is versions with handles. The range is designed more for people of age, because it is easier to manage with a pen.

Novelty Electronics

Recently, SMART Holding has managed to take a leading position in the global market. The company is very popular, releasing inexpensive versions with decent components. The company was the first to launch the production of children's scooters with a diameter of 4.5 inches. At the moment, the product range allows you to choose absolutely any model, depending on the wishes of the user. Scooters are inexpensive, the average price is 14 thousand.


Rating of the best gyro scooters of 2019

Opens the list of Hiper ES 80, which is characterized by build quality, but it affects the weight. Engineers emphasized operating comfort and performance. The maximum speed of 10 km per hour, with an electronic installation of 700 watts. The version cannot be called a racing one, but the speed is suitable. The diameter of the wheels is 8 inches.

Hiper ES 80

The main advantage is ease of use. No problems when cornering or maneuvering, the controller works great and avoids injuries. The vehicle is able to cope with minor road defects, which will not be superfluous. Separately, I want to note the price - only 10 thousand rubles.

The best scooter in 2019 can be safely called a 10-inch model SMART BALANCE AMG 10. Price - 8 thousand rubles.

  • turbocharged engine with a 700 W twin engine
  • of additional features there is the ability to connect a portable speaker
  • plastic case
  • the model is suitable for experienced users, beginners run the risk of not managing


The main advantage of AMG 10 is quality and reliability. Being a modification of the version of SUV 10, she took all the best and got rid of bugs and other shortcomings.

Best Premium Scooter

At the top of the ranking is the Razor Hovertax 2.0. His status is evidenced by his price - 32 thousand rubles. At the moment, Hovertax 2.0 is the only version that can be carried in an airplane as baggage, because it does not have a lithium-ion type battery or any other. It has a removable electrical unit from LG. Even if transportation is not planned, it is still convenient to be able to change the battery almost on the go.

Razor Hovertax 2.0

  • the perfect balance is created between the power plant and the balance when driving
  • when turned on, Razor itself builds a horizontal indicator, which eliminates manual adjustment
  • there is no feeling that the vehicle is moving jerkily, the whole process is as smooth and powerful as possible
  • high price
  • modest power, only 350 watts at maximum load

In terms of power, the Chinese have long come forward, but Razor replaces this with quality.

Best off-road scooters

An off-road gyro scooter can be considered if its wheel diameter is 10 inches or more. In this case, such vehicles can be compared with a small scooter that can move on uneven surfaces and tall grass. Also, the model will be able to overcome a small obstacle.

In such models, two negative factors are immediately distinguished - dimensions and weight and pricing policy.

Smart Balance Wheel SUV 10 can be safely called an off-road gyro scooter, because its cross-country ability is impressive. The model on an electric motor is capable of speeds up to 16 km / h. Battery life without recharging is almost 21 hours. As an additional option, you can connect speakers and LED type headlights.

Smart Balance Wheel SUV 10

  • patency
  • assembly material
  • sound quality
  • additional illumination
  • suspension quality
  • dimensions and weight - model weight 12.5 kg
  • the availability of a hoverboard (its cost is from 25 thousand rubles)
  • lack of a quick charge function, which requires almost 8 hours to charge from 0 to 100

Hoverbot C-5 Premium is equipped with wheels whose size exceeds 25 cm. Such equipment allows the model to move freely on grass up to 10 cm, asphalt with defects. Also, with sufficient dexterity, the owner will be able to call on low steps. The device is perfect for relaxing outside the city and walking in the park.

  • non-slip rubber pedals
  • patency
  • connection to smartphone via software
  • balancing
  • speed of movement is up to 12 km per hour
  • dimensions and weight
  • cost from 30 thousand rubles

Which gyro scooter is better to buy

For a child under 7 years old with a small complexion, a model with a maximum speed of 8 km per hour is suitable. This minimizes the risk of a fall or injury.Also in favor of this version is the size and weight. However, do not forget that children grow quickly, because the scooter will have to be updated later.

For the girl, a 6.5-inch version is suitable. Such vehicles belong to the middle category, and in everything (price, weight, speed, dimensions, etc.). Of the minuses - such a vehicle will not be able to ride on poor surfaces.

For adolescents aged 10-17 years, a tool with 8 inch wheels is suitable. It is more convenient to move on uneven surfaces, but the dimensions, weight, cost are also higher.

For an adult, the best option would be a vehicle with 10-inch wheels. Larger wheels allow you to move more smoothly and more control the process of riding. Also in such versions there are components that normalize the balance. Speed ​​of movement is up to 25 km per hour. The only drawback is the cost, the duration of a full charge.

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