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Rating of the best septic tanks for a summer house and a country house

Private houses or cottages may not be connected to a centralized sewage system, and this is a very important communication system for both temporary stay and year-round use. Septic tanks can help solve this problem. Among the variety of designs offered, it can be very difficult to choose the right system. A septic tank rating with a brief description of the features and technical specifications will help inexperienced users figure this out.

CategoryNameprice, rub.Short description
The best budget septic tanks for summer cottagesSprout58100The model is designed specifically for summer cottages. Equipped with a sump with optimal dimensions (1 m3) section.
Tank 175000Utilizer design simplified to the limit.
DKS-OPTIMUM (M)22000It can be installed in any type of soil. Equipped with a high-strength sump.
Termite Pro58900A great option for a cottage for 3-4 residents. The body of this septic tank consists of polyethylene.
TRITON-ED-350043500It does not require a connection to the mains, it is possible to use a battery or generators as an alternative power source.
The best domestic septic tanksEurobionFrom 65000The system is considered reliable, it works properly even after a long period of inactivity.
PoplarFrom 72000Open access to primary sections simplifies the treatment system.
Aster122000It guarantees a high degree of wastewater treatment (about 75%).
TankFrom 37900High-performance models capable of cleaning about 1200 liters per day.
TritonFrom 37000It can process from 450 liters per day (Mini) to 750 liters per day.
TopasFrom 93000All models under this brand consume little power.
TverFrom 22000Sewerage can be cleaned both chemically and biologically.

What is a septic tank, what is it for, what happens

A septic tank should be understood as a treatment plant consisting of: a reservoir; perforated pipe construction. It is used for household and sewage.

The tank is used to receive wastewater. The second part - pipes with filters, are used for soil post-treatment of the contents, laid on a layer of crushed stone.

Varieties of models

Operating principle

Wastewater initially flows through sewer pipes into the septic tank for post-treatment in the ground. The process of purification occurs in stages.

Stage 1

After the wastewater enters the septic tank, the initial settling of the contents occurs with minimal oxygen access. At this stage, fermentation occurs with the reproduction of anaerobic microbes. As a result, heavy fractions settle to the bottom of the tank, fats rise to the top, effluents are clarified. The primary sedimentation process cleans effluents by approximately 60%.

Stage 2

Water after the first stage of purification, although it becomes technical, is still unsuitable for discharge into the ground. Additional cleaning is required through the perforated pipe structure. At this stage, aerobic bacteria develop in the wastewater, water passing through the soil is cleaned of all kinds of impurities. This process cleans drains by 90%.

Important! Cleansing must take place completely. Partial treatment is not able to fully ensure the quality of water discharged into the ground.In addition, it is prohibited by regulations and the law.

The principle of operation of the treatment system

Models of utilizers and their features

To understand which septic tanks for giving are better to buy for the house or giving, it is necessary to understand their modifications and varieties. Each species has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Types of materials used

They can be made with different materials.

  • Reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete rings go on sale ready-made. They are characterized by high reliability, strength, durability. Difficulties in installation can arise only in the use of special equipment.
  • Monolith. The design is made on site. It is filled in manually, construction of formwork is required.
  • Brick. Brick or foam block designs. They are installed at the bottom of a previously dug pit, sealed with a clay composition or any other modern materials.
  • Steel. Metal tanks are famous for their high strength and cost. However, they undergo corrosion processes, therefore, they cannot serve for a long time. It is possible to extend the life by high-quality waterproofing of the tank.
  • Polymer. Lightweight, relatively inexpensive. The downside is that the polymer can not withstand too low temperatures, it is vulnerable to mechanical damage to rodents living in soils.
  • Fiberglass. Durable, modern material with low weight. Absolutely inert to the influence of chemical compounds. Fiberglass containers are considered one of the most durable and reliable for the construction of a septic tank.

The complex of implemented functions

Septic tanks on sale are divided into 3 varieties:

  1. Cumulative. May have one or more storage tanks in communication with each other. Needs timely pumping of effluents.
  2. Sedimentation tanks. Such models are equipped with a system of soil wastewater treatment. Purify contents up to 75%.
  3. Deep biological cleansing. Consist of several sections-wells. In them, the effluent undergoes phased decomposition. The processes are carried out mechanically and chemically. Residual organics may be discharged into the ground or ponds.

Attention! The most budgetary and easy to use storage models of septic tanks for summer cottages.

Volatile and non-volatile septic tanks

The energy consumption of a septic tank for cottages or a country house is an important factor, both for choosing the best septic tank and for proper wastewater treatment. Conventionally, they are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Non-volatile. Acquired in cases where there are problems with a stable supply of electricity to the site or in order to save energy. This category includes storage models and septic tanks.
  2. Volatile. They work only by supplying electricity. They use it a little. This includes aerators, pump structures. The degree of waste mass provides maximum. Cost more than previous options.

The best septic tank for a country house is autonomous. It does not require laying an additional path of power supply. The service is inexpensive and very rare. The degree of purification of wastewater, although small, but their throughput is high. Homeowners and gardeners prefer to choose them for their ease of use.

Sectional device

How to choose a septic tank

The choice of a good wastewater disposal system in the country is influenced by several factors about which the average user should know:

  • the frequency of people living in the house;
  • financial opportunities;
  • number of households;
  • the area of ​​the plot on which it is supposed to be placed;
  • groundwater level.

Some more important nuances:

  1. Choosing a septic tank for a private home should be one that requires minimal maintenance. The simpler the modification, the less intervention / control the design requires, the easier the life of its owner.Ideally, if all the manipulations on the maintenance of the treatment system can be performed by a home master, that is, the owner of a septic tank.
  2. In the selection of septic tanks for giving, you need to give preference to non-volatile models. Many owners live here inconsistently, so it is not advisable to buy expensive volatile constructions. If the choice fell on the volatile model, then a powerful battery or generator can serve as the energy carrier.
  3. When choosing the best septic tank for a new country house, you need to pay attention to the service life. The service life of the treatment plant and structure should match as much as possible. Average longevity is about 80 years. This suggests that it is better not to choose a septic tank with a metal tank.
  4. Before you give preference in favor of a particular brand, you need to familiarize yourself with the reviews of those who have experienced them in practice.

Attention! When buying systems with a bio-purification function, it is advisable to order their installation. Since it is very difficult to correctly install such systems on their own, and with complete incompetence it is impossible.

The best budget septic tanks for summer cottages

Drainage systems for cottages are simple mobile designs. They are small in size and easy to install. Usually consist of a sump and additional filtration. They cannot boast high efficiency indicators, but they are very easy to maintain. According to customer demand, experts created a rating of the 5 most purchased models from the budget category.


The model is designed specifically for summer cottages. Equipped with a sump with optimal dimensions (1 m3) section. It has a small weight (about 60 kg). It can take drains throughout the summer season. It will be necessary to pump out waste mass no more than once every 1-2 years. The main advantages of the model are:

  • strength, reliability
  • reliable sealing that seals odorless fumes
  • simplicity in operation.
  • not yet identified

It looks like this from the inside

Tank 1

The youngest of the models of the line of non-volatile septic tanks Triton Plastic. Utilizer design simplified to the limit. It has 2 well-chambers: for primary purification of waste mass and secondary (biological). Despite its small size, it can treat about 600 liters of wastewater in 1 day.

  • degree of purification - up to 80%
  • Infra filter for tertiary treatment
  • small sizes
  • easy installation
  • reliability and durability
  • pumping out has to be done - once in 1-2 years

Tank -1 - appearance


An affordable and versatile model designed for a small family of 3 people. It can be installed in any type of soil. Equipped with a high-strength sump. The tank is designed for 1.55 cubic meters of waste mass, divided into several sections. Cleaning involves several steps, including aerobic. For 1 day it can process 200 liters of effluent into water. Sludge in tanks accumulates slowly. The services of a suction pump will have to be used about 2 times over 1-3 years.

  • low cost
  • trouble-free installation
  • high level of sewage treatment
  • reliable, durable tank
  • tightness does not allow to completely keep unpleasant odors inside the case

This kind of septic tank looks like

Termite Pro

A great option for a cottage for 3-4 residents. The body of this septic tank consists of polyethylene. The volume of waste mass that it can take is 3.5 cubic meters. The weight of the product is 115 kg. Therefore, difficulties arise in the installation in the form of using a truck crane. Sewer sewage goes through several stages of treatment: from sedimentation to biological filtration. Purified water is supplied to the soil only after passing through all stages of filtration.

Sludge is pumped out 1 time over 3 years.Needs flushing of the filter element.

  • good tightness that does not allow odors to go out
  • capacious tank
  • multi-stage wastewater treatment
  • the need to use special equipment when installing a septic tank

Termite Pro


A relatively inexpensive sewage disposal plant for a country house or cottage with year-round living. The model refers to non-volatile. Productivity is 700 liters of waste mass per day. Pumping is performed every year 1 time. It does not require a connection to the mains, it is possible to use a battery or generators as an alternative power source. It can fully satisfy the needs of a family of 4-6 residents.

For better wastewater treatment, the organization of a drainage system or the use of an infiltrator is required.

  • the horizontal layout of the septic tank of this brand allows you to limit the digging depth of the pit
  • it is necessary to install the structure away from the structure, since it will not be possible to completely get rid of odors

Triton ED horizontal

It is difficult to say which septic tank is better, from among those proposed. It depends on the user's monetary abilities and personal preferences.

Attention! The rating of septic tanks for summer cottages proposed above is purely subjective. It and in no case should not be regarded as an advertising campaign or a guide to choosing a model. Before choosing the best model, consult with specialists or managers of the site-seller.

Rating of domestic offers

Despite the fact that the production of treatment facilities for local sewage systems in Russia has begun recently, some of the companies have already established themselves as reliable manufacturers. Their quality is not inferior to European standards. In addition, domestic models are cheaper than imported ones. According to consumer surveys, several companies were recognized as the best manufacturers of treatment facilities in the Russian market.


Due to the introduction of membrane technology in the septic tanks of its own production, the Yubas production association has earned a worthy place in the rating of domestic manufacturers. Their systems are considered reliable, they work properly even after a long period of inactivity.

Eurobion in a section, the scheme of work


These septic tanks are produced by the Eco-Grand brand. Their models are famous for their high level of sewage treatment (99%). The manufacturer uses a non-standard scheme in the production of its products. Namely, open access to the primary sections simplifies the maintenance of the treatment system. Garbage from them can be removed on their own, without using a suction pump.

Varieties of septic tanks Poplar


It specializes in the production of septic tanks. Offers products under the brand name "Unilos". It guarantees a high degree of wastewater treatment (about 75%). It produces several varieties of treatment facilities according to the degree of complexity. Stations are supplemented with special compressors responsible for the quality of cleaning. The purification process is carried out in several stages.

Septic Astra


The quality of this line of septic tanks is the responsibility of the Russian manufacturer Triton Plastic. This company produces septic tanks with varying degrees of performance:

  1. Compact sizes with the possibility of processing up to 600 liters per day.
  2. High-performance models capable of cleaning about 1200 liters per day. In terms of parameters, their products are similar to classic recycling stations using multistage technology.

Range of treatment facilities Tank manufacturer Triton Plastic


Products of the same company. They have several configurations and cleaning methods. They can process from 450 liters per day (“Mini”) to 750 liters / day.

Dimensions Triton


All models under this brand consume little power. Designs consist of 4 wells.They carry out all stages of purification, including anaerobic. The degree of wastewater treatment is 98%.

Topas - top view


These septic tanks are manufactured by the Engineering Equipment Trading House. The peculiarity of these designs is that sewage can be cleaned both chemically and biologically. Each station is equipped with a 4-level water clarification technology. It may, depending on the model, recycle 750-1500 cubic meters of effluent in 1 day.

Tver in the cut

Well established in the domestic market and the company Rostock with the Leader.

Which is the best of the septic tanks listed above is for everyone to decide. There are no clear parameters and standards here. The main thing is that it satisfies all user requests, is easy to maintain / use, is inexpensive, and has served for a long time.

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