home-Ratings-15 best models of manufacturers of thermal underwear

15 best models of manufacturers of thermal underwear

Over the past few years, thermal underwear has begun to be in great demand among different categories of citizens. Previously, this “smart” wardrobe item was used mostly by athletes, but now it is bought by men, women, and children for everyday wear in winter. No matter how expensive and comfortable outerwear is, it is still not able to retain the warmth of the human body for a long time. Next, we present the rating of thermal underwear and a description of each model.

What it is

Thermal underwear is a special type of underwear that retains heat, maintains the optimal temperature of the human body, and reduces sweating. It is light, almost “merges” with the skin, reliably fitting it and not restricting body movements.

Thermal underwear is worn under the bottom of basic clothing, and thanks to its tight-fitting structure, it is not noticeable to the prying eyes.

How to choose

To choose the right warming underwear, you need to adhere to the selection criteria:

  1. The size. The parameter must exactly match the size of the buyer. During the fitting, thermal underwear should tightly fit the body, while not restricting movement and not pushing anywhere.
  2. Season. Underwear with the prefix “thermo” is designed for any season. More dense material - for the cold, thin - for the summer. The purpose of the latter is to remove excess moisture.
  3. Price. The cost of products is different. But a good product cannot be cheap if there is no seasonal discount. The pricing is influenced by the material, quality of tailoring, weaving, additional inserts, brand.
  4. Manufacturer. Well-known sports brands will be more expensive.

Some manufacturers supplement their underwear with anti-bacterial absorbent tabs and leggings. Its action is aimed at eliminating the smell of sweat.

By appointment

First you need to understand what it will be used for: for daily leisurely walks or for winter sports and recreation. Each linen operates in a different way: one intensively protects from the cold, the other carries out thermoregulation and absorption of moisture.

Thermal underwear for sports


Although warming underwear is worn under the basic clothes and it will not be visible to others, many manufacturers still pay a lot of attention to its design.

There are models in the style of "unisex" and most of them. Such models are sewn in a standard cut in neutral colors.

Men's sets look more sporty, adapt to the characteristics of the male body, favorably fitting the body relief. Colors are selected in a dark palette, in khaki or with light, but not bright inserts.

Women's sets are more fitted, tight-fitting, emphasizing the features of the female body, if the underwear is selected in size. The colors are different: bright, pastel, dark, with various decorating inserts.

Female kit


Clothing made of synthetics, for example, polypropylene, is preferable for an active lifestyle, when body temperature rises and sweating intensifies. A product made of synthetics and natural material maintains an optimal body temperature, but at the same time removes excess moisture to the outside - this thermal underwear was created for those involved in winter sports. There is linen made of natural wool, designed for those who are not used to actively moving in the cold. It will keep warm for a long time.

Which company is better

Confidence in the manufacturer is an important criterion when choosing thermal underwear. Men prefer firms that focus on simplicity and quality. For women, design is equally important. Which firms are considered the best by buyers?

For men:

  • Craft
  • X-Bionic;

For women:

  • Decathlon;

For children:

  • Lassie;
  • Reima

The presented firms have a price-quality ratio, design variety. Next, imagine thermal underwear, the rating of which is based on consumer demand.

The best manufacturers of thermal underwear for women

Warming underwear for women combines comfort and appearance. In the manufacture of underpants, greater compaction is done in the pelvic and reproductive female organs. Most often, the composition of the laundry is full of wool in order not only to warm it intensely, but also not to cause irritation on the skin.

A variety of women's thermal underwear is not only in the color scheme, decoration and cut, but also in the choice of types of clothing: underpants, t-shirts, mini-shorts, body suits, sets.

Lingerie example


The manufacturer has a whole line of underwear warming for women - Warm and Light. High quality combined with low price, which cannot but attract. The line has various forms of clothing:

  • T-shirts with short sleeves;
  • T-shirts with long sleeves (sweatshirts);
  • body;
  • pants;
  • shorts mini.

Decathlon has several advantages:

  • price not exceeding 3,000 rubles;
  • color variety;
  • stylish design;
  • tight fit, repeating the structure of the body;
  • a large percentage of wool in the composition;
  • Seamless technology that makes products "imperceptible" on the body.

The disadvantages include the deformation of products from frequent washes.

The size range allows you to purchase items from the Warm and Light line available for each customer.

Decathlon Warm and Light


The Polish company is actively engaged in the production of any form of women's thermal underwear:

  • T-shirts
  • T-shirts
  • busts;
  • seamless underpants;
  • blouses
  • trousers are long and short, etc.

The price of Brubeck is more than democratic: from 900 rubles. There are models for any season. Classic models are made from synthetic material, but there are products from fleece, wool, cotton, bamboo.


  • price;
  • hypoallergenic materials;
  • variety of forms;
  • seamless texture.

No cons found.

Brubeck Kit


Swedish-made heating underwear produces clothing for athletes and people engaged in outdoor activities. The technology of three-layer tailoring allows you to play sports with comfort:

  1. The first layer is the one that comes in contact with the skin. It collects the perspiration product, leaving the body dry and not hypothermic. The layer is breathable.
  2. The second layer is designed to retain heat. It is elastic, adapts to the characteristics of the female body, conducts sweat to the upper layer of linen.
  3. The third layer protects against external factors: wind, rain and cold. He does not absorb moisture, but on the contrary, removes it from the inside.

Pluses of the female Kraft thermal underwear:

  • inconspicuous seams;
  • a variety of sets and individual items;
  • design variety;
  • linen adapts to any features of the figure.

There are no cons.

Craft Kit

The best companies of thermal underwear for men

Since men are subject to greater physical exertion, then sewing thermal underwear is done taking into account this feature. The material is able to absorb and remove more sweat.


The company of the Swiss-Italian tandem is engaged in the creation of linen using its own technologies. The principle is that the finished product not only brings comfort, but also improves the work of the muscular and cardiac systems.

Attention deserves the external performance of kits and individual elements. Futuristic sports design using dark colors in contrast with bright lines.


  • serial variety of kits for different loads;
  • high quality;
  • durability;
  • quality materials.


  • high price: from 10 000 rubles.

Thermal underwear X-Bionic


German-made models combine high quality and stylish design. The peculiarity of the company is that for its heating products it uses the wool of merino sheep, and only the first shear. In such thermal underwear, frosts for men are not terrible.


  • seamless structure;
  • natural composition;
  • protection against the cold.


  • price tag.

Lingerie NORVEG


The Russian company “Nordman” produces two-layer thermal underwear for men who are not used to actively moving in the cold. Inexpensive and practical, it is created from raw materials supplied from European countries.


  • low price;
  • good quality;
  • tight fit, creating the effect of a "second skin".

No cons revealed.

Nordman kit

The best thermal underwear made in Russia

Domestic production in many respects is not inferior to a foreign company and makes them good competition.


One of the favorite athletes-skiers and climbers is a Russian company. Reasonable price and excellent quality are the main criteria for which goods from the Sivera brand are valued. Products have an identification mark: Old Slavonic names of models. Marking is indicated only by abbreviations: P - underpants, B - collar, etc.

Thermal underwear is available in three versions: for the hot season, for cold weather and for moderate activity.

Women's T-shirt Sivera

Dr. Wool

High-quality Russian brand, focusing on the composition of products. Thermal underwear is sewn from merino wool. The company allows you to choose something for men, women, children and even babies.

The widest choice: there are models of different layers, designed for moderate and intense loads, for different seasons.


  • 7 lines of linen released;
  • continuous development of new technologies;
  • warranty from the manufacturer;
  • natural materials.

No cons revealed.

Thermal underwear Dr. Wool


Russian manufacturer, originated in the USSR. Engaged in the production of tourist and military thermal underwear. Modern technologies, high-quality materials are used, clothes are tested in the laboratory.


  • low price;
  • good quality;
  • modern materials;
  • wide choose.

No cons found.


The best thermal underwear for everyday wear

Underwear heating is suitable not only for individual cases, but also for everyday wear.


Seamless, lightweight, warm-keeping thermal underwear from the Polish company is made in a futuristic sport form, suitable for both men and women. A feature of each product is antibacterial treatment, which absorbs the smell of sweat and allows the skin to breathe.


  • wide price variety;
  • there is a series for motorcyclists;
  • high quality materials;
  • tight and soft fit.

There are no cons.



The company from the Finnish creator focuses on synthetic materials for thermal underwear. Natural raw materials are either not used at all, or in small quantities. This feature allows the body to remain dry even under intense load, removes moisture to the outside, and after washing the product dries quickly.

Each item of linen is equipped with silver antibacterial impregnation, which does not allow bacteria to multiply. Such impregnation is durable.


  • price diversity;
  • seamless technology;
  • fitted cut;
  • practicality.

No cons found.



The Finnish manufacturer creates thermo models for men, women and children for daily use. And it doesn’t matter how active the type of activity will be: just taking a walk or playing sports.

The composition of the linen is synthetic materials in tandem with natural ones. Wool, cotton, acrylic, polyester, viscose are used. Linen retains heat and retains moisture.


  • large selection of colors and sizes;
  • high quality materials;
  • repeated washing does not lead to deformation;
  • thin, barely noticeable seams.


  • high price.


The best thermal underwear for cold weather fishing hunting

Thermo clothing for fishing and other passive outdoor recreation is intended for greater warming of the body, while not intended for active action.


The brand of the Russian company produces a wide range of heating clothes. It will perfectly warm in the cold, especially when physical activity is not intense. Colors do not sparkle with variety - black, khaki and gray. A series has recently been released for a female audience.


  • microfleece material, capable of warming at a temperature of -40⁰C;
  • retains 85% of body heat;
  • allows you to put on less clothing;
  • acceptable price.

There are no cons.


Nova tour

Nova Tor fishing underwear models are universal for men and women. The Double Wool collection retains heat with low activity in the cold. There is a “frost-resistant” series, heating at a temperature of -30⁰С.


  • does not deform with long wear;
  • acceptable price;
  • reliably keeps heat.


  • meager color variety.


Thermo sets from "Thermoline" are designed for a relaxing outdoor recreation. The three-layer system retains body heat and remove moisture to the surface of the laundry. Composition: merino wool and acrylic.


  • practicality in sock;
  • wear resistance;
  • different sizes.


  • not suitable during sports.


It is not worth saving on thermal underwear, since its price completely depends on the material and its quality as a whole. A variety of manufacturers allows you to make the right choice of current options.

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