home-Ratings-The best varieties of tea - what to look for when choosing

The best varieties of tea - what to look for when choosing

Tea is a drink made from the Camellia sinensis plant. It boasts an ancient history and incredible popularity. It is believed that the first tea was prepared in China in the presence of the then emperor.

In the shops of the world you can find many varieties of the popular drink: green, black, white, puer, oolong and so on. Although they are all made from the same plant, there are specific differences between them.

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
Best black teaPrincess Nuri Alpine138Consists of small-sheet raw materials. Tea produced in Sri Lanka.
Princess Nuri Ceylon Pekoe166The packaging is packed large-leaf raw materials produced in Sri Lanka.
The best black tea bagGreenfield kyanyan sunrise297Teas of this brand are made in Kenya.
Tess pleasure192Raw materials are packaged in bags and packaged according to certain tastes: apple, lemon or rose hips.
Best green teaGreenfield flying dragon157In the packaging, large-sheeted raw materials of Russian production.
Ahmad tea jasmine265Tea leaves have a characteristic taste of jasmine.
Best Green Tea BagsTea Han with salt and pepper instant270The taste of the drink resembles black pepper.
Greenfield green melissa288Sachets are packaged in packages with specific tastes: lemon balm, lemon or mint.
Popular varieties of puerYIGUEShen Puer830The taste of fruit with light extraneous notes.
Puer Shu "Prune"308Invigorates and relieves fatigue.
Popular varieties of mateParjarito tradicional1390One serving of tea leaves can be used up to 15 times.
South American Tonic Tea180A rich set of vitamins and minerals.
Popular Oolong varietiesGreenfield Milky Oolong111Tea bags are packaged to taste: milk or mallow.
Teacher Dairy550Stabilizes the work of the stomach.
Popular varieties of white teaClipper Organic white tea with peppermint265It has a strong mint flavor.
Curtis white bountea112Fragrant raw materials are packaged in pyramids, and packaged in packs with specific tastes: pitaya, rose petals and apple.

How to choose the best tea: selection criteria

When choosing a drink, the following characteristics should be considered:

  1. Specific taste preferences and cost level. The price of one package starts from an innocuous budget amount, and reaches the value of several salaries of the average person. Therefore, if a tea fan goes bankrupt for an expensive drink, for the sake of which he will have to give up many things, then he will not bring long-awaited satisfaction. Most likely, a person will have high expectations from an expensive purchase, which may not justify the taste. Therefore, each person should focus on their own income, and remember that all varieties of tea are made from one plant. The same goes for taste. You need to get used to any tea. Even the most expensive variety can cause not the most pleasant sensations in an inexperienced person. No less important is the brewing of the drink. Perfectly prepared tea is an art. His sensation is a melody that is yet to fall in love.
  1. Freshness. By this word they mean not the expiration date, but the storage time of the tea. Properly prepared leaves can be stored for several decades. But over time, they lose their qualities: the aroma disappears, the taste becomes less pronounced, the color changes. There are teas that only get better over time. For other species, the rule applies: the closer the production date to the time of purchase, the better.
  1. The quality of the leaves. Bad tea cannot make good tea. But for this, special knowledge is needed that will tell you what raw material a tasty and aromatic drink will be made from. Each tea variety has its own selection rules.
  2. The taste and aroma of tea. These are the main qualities for which the drink itself is bought. Their perception depends on the specific preferences of any person. That is, what one lover of tea will like may hate another. But there is a certain middle ground that all manufacturers adhere to in the manufacture of raw materials for the drink.

Which tea is better to choose: tea labeling

On packages with tea, all the information that buyers are looking for at the time of choosing a drink is indicated. It is partially encrypted using special markings, but its study will not be difficult.

Among the specific data you can see the production date and expiration date. For the last indicator, a couple of years from the date of manufacture of the raw materials are allocated. But, the fresher the leaves, the more aromatic and tastier the finished drink. The weight of one package is standard (in grams): 50, 100, 250 or 500.

Tea producer country

Well-known Russian manufacturers:

  • “Orimi trade” - produces Greenfield, Tess, and “Princess Noori” brands (Kandy, Java, Gita);
  • “Unilever” - Lipton brand, Conversation, Brooke Bond;
  • “May” - brands “Lisma”, Curtis, “May Tea”.

Foreign suppliers:

  • "Dilmah" - Ceylon tea from the island of Sri Lanka;
  • “Twinings”, “Ahmad”, “Riston”, “Akbar” - English-made products.

The country where tea is packaged

This line shows the place where the raw tea was grown. Therefore, if different countries are indicated in the manufacture and production, then this is a fake of a famous brand.

Manufacturing methods

  • Ortodox - Tea made by hand to minimize the number of damaged leaves. Sometimes this marking is changed to "classic".
  • "CTC" - a special machine twisted tea leaves.
  • "Pure" - a raw material of a certain variety, not mixed with other types of leaves.
  • “Blended” - several varieties are mixed in one tea. This method is used to obtain a unique taste or aroma.

The size of the tea leaf

The markings show the size and taste characteristics of tea leaves. With their help, you can choose raw materials of suitable quality:

  • FOP - large leaves with buds;
  • FP - large-sheeted raw materials with tips;
  • LooseLeaf - medium-sized leaves;
  • BP1 - medium-sized raw materials with large particles;
  • BP2, or BOPF - tea from medium-sized leaves, where small pieces and dust are visible;
  • Bigleaf - large-leaf raw materials without kidneys;
  • BOP - medium-leaf raw materials for high-quality tea;
  • BPS - low-grade raw materials from medium leaves;
  • OP - large succulent leaves collected from the tops of plants;
  • P - ordinary large leaves;
  • PS - low-grade tea from large leaves;
  • Wholeleaf - whole large leaves.

This list can be supplemented with abbreviations of small-leaf tea:

  • PD, PF - raw materials with large particles;
  • F, FD, FNGS - medium quality tea;
  • D - low-grade raw materials from tea dust;
  • RD, SRD, SFD, GD - in fact, these are production wastes.

For this kind of tea, raw materials are twisted in the form of granules or packaged in special bags. If the size of the leaves allows, they can be compressed, and later sold as tablets.

In many cases, the production of high-grade tea leaves waste. Then, raw materials are harvested from them, which is practically not inferior in quality to the more expensive drink. Such packs can be recognized by the corresponding markings: GOPF, BFOP, BOPF.

Standard abbreviations may be supplemented by less common markings. Their goal is to inform the consumer about the additional characteristics of tea:

  • B - strong tea from broken and twisted raw materials;
  • Longleaf - raw materials from long leaves;
  • F (Flowers) - as part of tea, fragrant leaves growing only next to the buds of the plant;
  • F (Fanning’s) - high-quality seeding, which is packaged in tea bags;
  • T - raw materials with plant buds, giving the finished drink a light aroma and delicate taste;
  • G - the best leaves of a tea bush;
  • S (Special) - raw materials from many varieties, created to obtain a certain taste and smell;
  • S (Souchong) - leaves from the bottom of the plant;
  • FBOPF - strong and fragrant tea from medium-sized leaves;
  • BOP1 - raw materials with long leaves and a bright taste of the finished drink;
  • FTGFOP - a high grade of large-leaf raw material that contains many buds (tips);
  • TFBOP - average quality leaf tea with tips;
  • GBOP - high quality strong leaf tea.

Best black tea

Tea black Princess Nuri Alpine

Black tea Princess Nuri Vysokogorny - took 1st place in the Yandex Market rating. Buyers gave him 5 points. Packing - 100, 250 grams. Cost - from 41 to 138 rubles.

Consists of small-sheet raw materials. Tea produced in Sri Lanka.

Low pricePaints a mug
Unusual tasteDust
One serving of tea leaves can be used several timesSuspicion of additives about which the manufacturer was silent

Tea Princess Nuri Ceylon Pekoe

Among the best varieties, Princess Nuri Ceylon Pekoe black tea received an equally worthy mark - 5 points. The packaging is packed large-leaf raw materials produced in Sri Lanka. This tea is classified as Ceylon. Cost - from 134 to 166 rubles.

Sealed packagingAdditives dramatically change the taste
Low price
Raw materials from leaves, without impurities

The best black tea bag

Tea Greenfield Kenyan Sunrise

The rating of packaged black teas was led by Greenfield Kenyan Sunrise. Yandex Market awarded him the maximum score - 5 points. Cost - from 111 to 297 rubles.

Teas of this brand are made in Kenya.

Convenient packagingThe presence of dyes
Pleasant tasteWithout smell
Saturated color
Economical consumption

Tea Tess Pleasure

The second place was taken by Tess Pleasure black tea. His score is 5 points. Raw materials are packaged in bags and packaged according to certain tastes: apple, lemon or rose hips. Country of origin - Russia. Cost - from 59 to 192 rubles.

Low priceLaxative effect
Convenient packagingTaste for an amateur
Good composition, no visible impurities

Best green tea

Greenfield Flying Dragon Tea

The leading place in the list of green teas is Greenfield Flying Dragon - 4.5 points. In the packaging, large-sheeted raw materials of Russian production. Cost - from 73 to 157 rubles.

Beautiful infusion with the taste of herbsno
Packaging tightness


Tea Ahmad tea Jasmine

Ahmad tea Jasmine green tea - number 2. Its result is 5 points. Coarse raw materials are packed in China. Tea leaves have a characteristic taste of jasmine. Cost - from 97 to 265 rubles.

Tonic effectTaste for the amateur
Soft smack with fleeting bitternessLeaf crumb

Best Green Tea Bags

Tea Han with salt and pepper, 3 in 1

Among packaged green teas, 1st place was occupied by Tea Han with salt and pepper, 3 in 1. The rating is 5 points. The taste of the drink resembles black pepper. Cost - from 229 to 270 rubles.

Convenient packagingChemical composition
Powder infusionThe taste of tea does not include sweet additives
Original tasteHard to find on sale


Tea Greenfield Green Melissa

Green tea Greenfield Green Melissa took 2nd place. He was rated 5 points. Sachets are packaged in packages with specific tastes: lemon balm, lemon or mint. Place of production - China. Cost - from 232 to 288 rubles.

Convenient packagingThe presence of flavorings
SoothesHigh price
Tonic effect

Popular varieties of puer

Tea YIGUEShen Puer

Yandex market gave the first place to tea IGUEShen Puer. Buyers rate it 5 stars. Standard packing - 100 or 357 grams. Manufacturer - FUJIAN PROVINCE GUANG FU TEA. Cost - from 830 rubles.

Cost-effectivenessHigh price
The taste of fruit with light extraneous notesInaccessibility
Rich nutrients

Puer Shu Tea

2nd place - Puer shu "Prune" tea. His well-deserved rating of 5 stars. The place of production of pressed raw materials is FUJIAN PROVINCE GUANG FU TEA. Packing - 357 grams. The cost is 308 rubles.

Unique palatabilityExpensive price
Invigorates and relieves fatigue.The need for suitable water
RelaxesAny mistake in cooking technology will ruin the drink

Popular varieties of mate

Tea Mate Parjarito Tradicional

First place buyers give tea to Mate Parjarito Tradicional. Rating - 5 stars. Place of production - Paraguay. Cost - from 280 to 1390 rubles.

One serving of tea leaves can be used up to 15 timesDrink is contraindicated for allergy sufferers
Pleasant smell of herbsSpecific taste
Tones the bodyHigh price
Benefit for health

Mate - South American Tonic Tea

In second place was Mate - South American tonic tea. He was rated 5 stars. Cost - 180 rubles.

Improves moodHigh price
Kills cancer cellsDoctors do not recommend nursing women
Reduces smoking and alcohol addictionDrink is contraindicated in people with diseased kidneys or stomach.
A rich set of vitamins and mineralsToo frequent use threatens with side effects

Popular Oolong varieties

Oolong Tea Greenfield Milky Oolong

The first place on the pages of Yandex Market was taken by Greenfield Milky Oolong oolong tea. Score - 5 points. Tea bags are packaged to taste: milk or mallow. Production Territory - China. Cost - from 67 to 111 rubles.

Low costThe need for special water
Pyramid bagHigh flavors
Grassy aroma
Delicate taste

Tea Oolong Teacher Dairy

In second place was Teacher Dairy Oolong Tea. The characteristic taste of milk allowed him to get 5 points. Place of production - China. Cost - 550 rubles.

Milk flavor and aromaTea is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and people with a sick stomach
Favorably affects skin conditionDrinking a drink is not advisable for pregnant and lactating women.
Stabilizes the work of the stomach
Cheers up
Strengthens blood vessels
Tonic effect
Low calorie content

Popular varieties of white tea

Tea Clipper Organic white tea with peppermint

1st place - Clipper Organic white tea with peppermint white tea. Score - 5 points. Fragrant sachets taste like peppermint. The cost is 265 rubles.

Inside the package, the bags are packed in foilTea is contraindicated for allergy sufferers
Strong mint flavor
Many antioxidants

Tea Curtis White Bountea

The second place went to Curtis White Bountea. Buyers rated it 4.5 points. Fragrant raw materials are packaged in pyramids, and packaged in packs with specific tastes: pitaya, rose petals and apple. The country of origin is China. Cost - from 62 to 112 rubles.

Convenient packagingThe presence of flavorings
Large particles of fruit and leaves
No visible dust


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