home-Ratings-TOP best antiperspirants for women

TOP best antiperspirants for women

Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis) is one of the reasons for complexes in women. They are embarrassed that others will notice wet marks on their clothes, try not to raise their hands on people, buy clothes of certain colors and materials. Choosing the right remedy for sweating will solve these problems. In the article we will discuss the principle of their action and present a rating of the best modern antiperspirants for women.

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
Rating of the best female antiperspirantsVichy Antiperspirant Roller995Absorbed in a few minutes. Does not leave spots on fabric.
Dabomatic Dry RU Ultra353The mechanism is based on the reaction of an aluminum salt with a skin protein that narrows the excretory ducts of the glands.
Odorless Rexona Spray130Eliminates unpleasant odor due to antibacterial components.
Nivea Spray Effect Powder Fresh141The aroma is pleasant, but very sharp. Therefore, it is not recommended to spray it in a closed confined space.
Stick Secret Naturel cream282It is quickly absorbed and has no color when applied.
Roller DNC Flavourless, propolis and linden171Suitable for skin with high sensitivity.
Premium Summer Shades Homework Ballpoint290It has a pleasant floral aroma. Available in an unusual bottle.
LION, solid, Ban Medicated Deodorant, soap scent769As a part - particles of the powder providing dryness and velvety.

What is an antiperspirant?

Antiperspirant - a means to reduce sweating. The basis of his work is the active ingredient, most often it is aluminum salts. Aluminum partially blocks sweat glands and usually reduces, but does not completely eliminate, sweating.

Most deodorants also contain a perfume composition to combat the smell of sweat.

In fact, pure sweat does not smell. It is decomposed by bacteria on the skin, resulting in a bad smell. Thus, the use of antiperspirant without perfumes cannot eliminate the smell completely. A person will still sweat a little. Antiperspirant blocks no more than 20-30% of the glands, and a large physical load can make its use ineffective.

Exercise reduces the effect of antiperspirants

Sweaters can use deodorant slightly instead. It is simply a scented product that fights odor. Its action is associated with the disinfecting effect of alcohol in its composition. For this, even the usual rubbing of the body with alcohol is suitable.

In most cases, people start using antiperspirant or deodorant during puberty, when sweat glands under the armpits are activated. If the child does not sweat profusely, there is no need to buy an antiperspirant. Some children use it unnecessarily. While the baby's armpits are dry, it is better to use a deodorant if desired.

Health safety

Antiperspirants have a number of common side effects: rash, burning and skin irritation. Unfortunately, they are quite common. According to a study published in 2014 by Dr. David M. Pariser and Angela Ballard, 26% of people who use the drug had undesirable reactions. Of these, 9% had severe side effects. This indicates that antiperspirants are not suitable for everyone.

Irritation after application

Some women care about the dangers of aluminum products. For many years, scientists have argued that antiperspirant causes breast cancer. This theory has not been proven, but still causes concern. If you want to play it safe, discard it in favor of a natural female deodorant, tissue pads, often shave the problem area.

Choosing the right brand is based on matching the needs of your body with the varieties and composition of products. To do this, answer the following questions:

  1. How often do you sweat? Are you sweating all day? Or only with increased loads and in hot weather?


  2. How sensitive is your skin? If you get irritation or redness of the skin with regular use of antiperspirant, you should look for products that do not contain aluminum.
  3. Do you prefer flavored or odorless? Flavors cause a different reaction in humans. This is verified empirically. Some even annoy the scent of talcum powder. Someone likes a very perfumed antiperspirant, but it will cause constant sneezing. You need to find out what the allergy is about, and not to buy body cosmetics with it in the composition.
  4. How strong effect do you need? For those who sweat profusely, light or medium antiperspirants are not enough. The reason is that some of them contain alcohol and other ingredients that evaporate quickly. They work short-term and only 20%. Others, with strong antimicrobial effects, last longer and reduce sweating by 30%.

A drug that provides a high degree of protection, and its composition

Natural compounds

Aluminum compounds are the main ingredients for most antiperspirants.

But aluminum and its salts cause side effects. If you are looking for an alternative to aluminum compounds, check also the content of zinc compounds. Zinc can be the same annoying element.

People with psoriasis and eczema do not tolerate these compounds. Antiperspirants that use alum and / or other mineral salts instead of aluminum compounds are sold as “natural” or “organic” antiperspirants.

There are other reasons for switching to natural products: allergic reactions to artificial components, their inefficiency, refusal to use synthetic reagents.

Natural product example

Decide on the form of release - which one is better

It is difficult to say which form of antiperspirant protects better. The choice depends more on your preferences.

  • Aerosol: sprayed onto the skin of the armpits and after drying leaves powdery traces. They provide the best protection. Aerosols can be used by several people at the same time. They are ideal for the gym or locker room, as the applicator never touches the skin.
  • Ball: the liquid from the bottle is easy to apply, but leave a feeling of coolness and dampness upon first use. They eliminate odor well.
  • Gel: They are a thick liquid and also eliminate odor well.
  • Solid: available as a dry white powder. They leave marks on clothes.
  • Crystalline: made from natural mineral salts and do not contain potentially hazardous aluminum compounds. This is a choice for teens, lovers of organic cosmetics, people with sensitive skin.
  • Napkins: available in individual disposable packaging. They are ideal for travel or to keep handy on those days when you forget to apply your regular deodorant. They can be shared with others.

Release Forms

How to apply antiperspirant


  1. Take a shower or bath in the evening. Wash your body and armpits with an antibacterial soap. Pat your skin with a soft towel.
  2. Apply a thin, even layer of antiperspirant to the armpits after drying. The application of a thick layer does not carry additional benefits.
  3. Allow antiperspirant to dry before putting on clothes.This will prevent stains on clothing.
  4. In the morning, apply a layer of antiperspirant again. Allow antiperspirant to dry before putting on.

Attention! No deodorant fights the existing stench. Therefore, in no case do not apply antiperspirant to wet smelling armpits! The smell of sweat mixes with perfume, it becomes acrid. Clothes will become greasy.

If you are on the go, and there is no access to water or it is impossible to swim, use wet wipes. Wait for the armpits to dry after them and apply the product.

Spray application

Rating of the best female antiperspirants

Buyers, choosing a brand, are guided by advertising offers, prices, reviews on the Internet. We present a rating of antiperspirants based on the demand for them.

Vichy Antiperspirant Roller

The price is 995 rubles.


The manufacturer promises:

  • control of excessive sweat for up to 48 hours;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor;
  • lack of discomfort during the application;
  • drying effect;
  • hypoallergenic composition, lack of alcohol and parabens

Dermatologists tested. The product is suitable for everyday use.

It is sold in packs of 50 ml. It has the appearance of a clear liquid with a fuzzy odor resembling a marine one, disappearing when dried. Absorbed in a few minutes. Does not leave spots on fabric. In women, sweat still appears, but does not smell.

The relatively high price is offset by economical consumption.

Dabomatic Dry RU Ultra

The price is 353 rubles.

Dabomatic Dry RU Ultra

It is a liquid without color and perfumes. The mechanism is based on the reaction of an aluminum salt with a skin protein that narrows the excretory ducts of the glands. A worthy competitor to its predecessor:

  • recommended for normal and excessive sweating, under stress;
  • application on palms, feet;
  • economical consumption;
  • safety, lack of absorption in the blood.

The effect lasts for several days. Children under sixteen, pregnant and lactating, must first consult a doctor. When applied, there is a burning sensation that disappears as it dries.

His “fellow” producer Dry RU Sensitive (247 rubles) is recommended for sensitive skin.

Odorless Rexona Spray

The price is 130 rubles.

Rexona Spray

It is found on the shelves of all supermarkets. Its availability and price attract customers.

According to the description, this is a miracle remedy:

  • eliminates unpleasant odor due to antibacterial components;
  • the composition includes 90 percent of the caring substances;
  • provide freshness during the day;
  • withstands stress and stress;
  • Does not stain fabric.

In practice, it really has no smell, but when sprayed, “heaviness” is felt in the air. Small dust marks remain on the skin, which is enough to brush away with a hand. The product will cope with the problem in people with low and normal sweating. Deodorizing properties at a high level. For its price, it’s not a bad choice.

Nivea Spray Effect Powder Fresh

Price - 141 rubles.

Nivea Spray Effect Powder Fresh

Its properties:

  • has a fresh aroma;
  • when applied, a powder cat with very small particles leaves a trace;
  • evaporates quickly, does not make the skin sticky;
  • gives the skin velvety and soft.

The lid of the bottle has pressure protection (like the previous brand).

The aroma is pleasant, but very sharp. Therefore, it is not recommended to spray it in a closed confined space. After application, the clothes smell pleasantly for several socks.

The "Effect of powder" has an analogue, available in the form of a roller. It creates an unpleasant stickiness.

Stick Secret Naturel cream

The price is 282 rubles.

Stick Secret Naturel cream

It has the consistency of a cream that:

  • promises to protect against sweat from morning to evening;
  • quickly absorbed and has no color when applied;
  • It has a pleasant neutral aroma that does not interrupt eau de toilette.

Consumers leave good reviews and recommend buying.

Flavourless DNC roller, propolis and linden

Price - 171 rubles.

DNC roller

It is positioned as a natural product, but has the same aluminum in the composition. Although it copes with its functions successfully:

  • reduces perspiration and fights odor during the day;
  • natural composition cares for the body;
  • suitable for skin with high sensitivity;
  • easy to apply, does not evaporate for long;
  • Don't stain clothes.

Packed in an unusual box.

Premium Summer Shades Homework Ballpoint

The price is 290 rubles.

Premium Summer Shades Homework Ballpoint

It has a pleasant floral aroma. Available in an unusual bottle. Plant extracts take care of the delicate area.

The liquid is sticky, dries for about five minutes. Leaves a film invisible to the eye.

LION, solid, Ban Medicated Deodorant, soap scent

Price769 rubles.

LION, solid, Ban Medicated Deodorant, soap scent

Japanese goods with a high price tag. Its relevance at this price indicates good quality:

  • has a high concentration of active substances;
  • recommended as an intensive anti-hyperhidrosis treatment;
  • in the composition - powder particles, providing dryness and velvety;
  • plant extracts increase the reproduction of beneficial bacteria;
  • antimicrobial agents slow down the development of odor producing bacteria;
  • does not stain clothes;
  • odorless.

With severe hyperhidrosis, not amenable to correction by conventional hygiene products, the use of highly concentrated pharmaceutical products is recommended. They are sold by prescription. It is necessary to consult a doctor to establish the causes of pathology and the selection of treatment and prevention.

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