home-Ratings-We select the best stretch ceilings by material, type, manufacturers

We select the best stretch ceilings by material, type, manufacturers

How to make a ceiling? This question is asked by many during the repair. To whiten, paint, paste on wallpaper, ceiling tiles - all these are obsolete, long boring technologies. In the country’s market, the stretch ceiling fabric is gaining popularity, which opens up great opportunities for us to choose in color, texture, shape. Easy, fast tensioning process, reliable materials, the availability of multi-level structures, color preservation, size over time - the advantages of modern technology. They will allow you to make high-quality repairs, which will look stylish for a long time.

CategoryManufacturersprice, rub.Short description
European stretch ceilings







PVC from 200 rubles / m2

fabric from 550 rubles / m2

A wide selection of textures, colors, good quality products.
Russian stretch ceilingsSaros designfrom 500 rubles / m2The company produces canvases with a large selection of colors, different sizes, performs calculations, develops design projects.
SKINfrom 140 rubles / m2It produces material for suspended ceilings in a small color range and a limited width of not more than 14 m.

Chinese stretch ceilings





from 100 rub./sq2Chinese materials differ in quality, price. You can find goods that are not inferior in characteristics to European ones.

How to choose a suitable stretch ceiling? What parameters should be guided? What materials to purchase? What are the best manufacturers of suspended ceilings? Let's try to understand in detail.

The ceiling serves as a decoration

Type of web

The following materials are used in the technology of suspended ceilings:

  • PVC film (polyvinyl chloride). Its thickness is 0.15-0.35mm. Affordable film for the price, therefore, the most popular for decoration.
  • Fabric based on polyester material with polyurethane, 0.25mm thick. Polyurethane gives durability, additional fabric strength, resistance to mechanical damage (gusts, cuts, stretching). Eco-friendly material that makes it possible to install suspended ceilings in large apartments, houses.
  • Fiberglass. Dear stuff, rare on the market. It has good strength characteristics, impervious to moisture.

Typical characteristics of materials:

  • The outer surface of the canvas. The surface can be glossy, matte, satin. Fabrics matte only.
  • Strength resistance to mechanical stress (cuts, punctures). Tissue stronger.
  • Resistance to low temperatures. Film coatings do not withstand low temperatures, lose their properties, become brittle, crack. Fabric-based coatings can be used in rooms where there is no heating. Withstand up to -300C. The frost resistance parameter must be specified before placing an order.
  • Moisture resistant. The parameter which is better for a film coating than for a fabric one. However, the fabric ceiling breathes, does not create the effect of a thermos, therefore it is often used in children's rooms.

Summary table of advantages, disadvantages of materials for suspended ceilings:

Raw materialprosMinuses
  • water resistant
  • low price
  • large selection of colors, shapes, textures
  • can be used for the 2nd time
  • does not pass air
  • does not withstand temperatures below 00WITH
Polyester fabric
  • increased strength characteristics
  • environmental friendliness
  • passes air, creates a microclimate in the room
  • withstands temperatures below 00WITH
  • poor moisture resistance
  • high price
  • reusable
  • you can change the pattern, color
  • environmental friendliness
  • high price
  • by reservation
  • after installation additional painting is required

Color scheme

Shops offer the buyer a huge selection of colors for the ceilings. There is no limit to fantasy. The choice is able to realize the most daring design projects.

However, the choice of color should depend on the purpose of the room to be trimmed, in order to minimize its effect on the owners.

The traditional color for the ceiling has always been considered white. White color fits the classic style of repair, furniture. It gives the room a dimension, increases the height of the ceilings. In this color, pastel colors are often used in the corridor, bedroom, kitchen, living room, etc. To diversify, give brightness to a calm tone, a dull pattern is applied to the surface.

White color - creates an atmosphere of calm peace

Bright juicy colors - used for decoration of children's rooms, studios. Such ceilings are often used in bathrooms.

Bright colors for children's rooms - the best solution

The bedrooms are decorated in calm pastel colors to give the room a spirit of solitude, peace.

In the offices, designers use dark colors (mostly brown). However, too dark a color will depress, cause depression. It is necessary to maintain balance.

In such an office, the business spirit is ensured!

Red color - a color that increases energy, giving contrast to the interior, but you can get tired of it, so there should be few red elements in the room.

In houses, apartments with high ceilings, glossy stretch ceilings of dark colors look spectacular. For example, purple, black, steel colors.

A discreet drawing makes the room more spectacular

With a multi-level design, combinations of various colors are often used, thereby giving the room a zest, originality.

Sophisticated design - the highlight of the room

The name of a roomColour
Living roomsThe largest room in the house where the owners spend the most time. For the ceiling, various types of materials, colors, designs are used. The basic rule is a harmonious combination with furniture and walls. Preferably - calm tones with bright accents.
Children's roomsBright colors are chosen for children to recreate the atmosphere of childhood, cheerfulness. A stronger blade should be mounted to prevent damage during games. A breathable canvas is preferable, as it creates its own microclimate.
KitchensThe colors used are very different, depending on the volume of the kitchen, the preferences of the owners. Glossy material is preferred, which is easy to clean from contamination.
BathroomsA material is selected that can withstand high humidity, temperature extremes. A film web that is highly moisture resistant is commonly used. The colors are very different.
CabinetsTo give the room massiveness, efficiency, ceilings are made in dark colors. It is better to use breathable materials so that the air in the room is not stale.
CorridorsBasically, this type of room is small in size, so light tones are used to visually increase the space. Any material.

The texture is matte or glossy.

When choosing the texture of a stretch ceiling, it should be noted that the fabric material is always matte. Characteristics reflecting light in film canvases vary depending on their composition - 5 ÷ 70%.

Which coating texture to choose depends on the availability of money, the preferences of the owners.

Types of Invoices:

  • Matte finish. Appearance is similar to a plastered surface. Give the room sophistication, elegance.This coating is suitable for large rooms with good lighting. It goes well with classic furniture, stucco elements, and antiques. White and pastel colors are in great demand.
  • Glossy finish. Glossy coating is used in modern interiors. This is a ceiling of active people who are not afraid to experiment. Such material increases the room, therefore it is often used in small apartments. Glossy material involves a huge selection of colors. The brighter the tone, the better it is reflected in the ceiling. Even the black color does not look gloomy, but, on the contrary, gives contrast to the room.

Matte and glossy combination

Fastening system

The fastening system affects the longevity of operation, appearance, the ability to reinstall, the price component.

Mounting systems are:

  • Traditional / harpoon. The main element is the harpoon, which inserts the coating into the groove of the pre-installed profile. The gaps are closed with a plastic insert. Such fastening makes it possible to reassemble and dismantle the ceiling.
  • Gapless / harpoon. More expensive than the first, but the appearance is more aesthetic, since there is no gap between the wall and the profile.
  • Wedge-shaped. It is applied to fabric coverings. The canvas is fixed with spacer wedges.

When installing a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to foresee the placement of curtain rods in advance. Choose, mark the right places, fix the wooden blocks of the required size, so that after the installation of the ceiling coating it was easy to install curtain rods for curtains, curtains.

Lighting options

The stretch ceiling is ideally combined with a built-in lamp, a chandelier. However, before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the operational features of both of them, in order to avoid the formation of waves on the ceiling, warpage of the material due to temperature differences.

We will name the options for the lamps used.

Classic incandescent lamp

There are limitations in use, due to its heating to a high temperature:

  • PVC - no more than 40W, fabric base - no more than 60W;
  • The gap for ventilation air flows between the ceiling and the wall is from 10 cm.

Classic bulbs have an affordable price, but are short-lived.


Application Requirements:

  • PVC - no more than 20W, fabric base - no more than 35W;
  • Clearance for ventilation - from 5cm.

The increased resource of halogen lamps allows you to save on money spent. Luminaires with such lamps are suitable for illuminating the working area.


Lamps of this type are not subject to heat, therefore there are no restrictions on their installation. LED lamps are the best kind of lamps for installation in luminaires on suspended ceilings. They can be selected as the main source of illumination of the room or additional. They can create the effect of additional lighting, highlighting a particular area, emphasizing it, creating a transfusion of light on glossy stretch ceilings.

Such lamps are the most economical option, as they can work up to 5 years.

LED lights add sophistication to the stretch ceiling

Rating of manufacturers

So I want the stretch ceiling to serve for a long time, do not lose color brightness, do not stretch, not be faded. The durability of the service, the quality of the material, the installation depends on the manufacturer, price. On the Russian market they sell goods of a local manufacturer, as well as European and Chinese.

European stretch ceilings

Ceiling coatings produced in European countries are common in Russian stores. A wide selection of textures, colors, good quality products make them leaders that are difficult for local companies to compete with. Among them stand out French manufacturers offering a huge number of colors of stretch linens. Their price is higher than Chinese, Russian manufacturers. The difference in price will be between standard canvases and custom-made ones.

Companies producing material for suspended ceilings: French Clipso, Belgian Poliplast, German Lackfoliе, ​​Italian Cerutti, except for them Barrisol, AlkorDraka.

The price will depend on the type of ceiling covering: PVC from 200 rubles / m2, fabric from 550 rubles / m2.

The applied drawings look especially bright, spectacular

Russian stretch ceilings

Few materials are produced in Russia for ceilings. This market has not yet been developed. The industry leader is Saros Design. Saros Design was founded in 1996. in Moscow. The company has several production branches in Russian cities, as well as in Ukraine. The company produces canvases with a large selection of colors, different sizes, performs calculations, develops design projects, applies drawings of various complexity using its own equipment.

The price ranges from 500 rubles / m2.

In Kazan, the ISKOZH plant, Ivanovsky NIIPIK produce material for suspended ceilings in a small color range and a limited width of not more than 14 m.

Price from 140 rub./m2.

Chinese stretch ceilings

Chinese materials differ in quality, price. You can find goods that are not inferior in characteristics to European ones. In other cases, stumble upon a fake. In order not to fall for frank cheapness, you should buy a canvas of reliable Chinese manufacturers who have long been working in this area.

The leaders of this industry: MSD, HALEAD, Gline, the quality of products that are not inferior to European manufacturers. Prices are much cheaper.

The price on the official websites of representatives from 100 rubles / sq.2.

Leader among Chinese stretch fabric manufacturers

Prices are approximate and only for the material. To them it is necessary to add measurement, installation, additional components. The average price in Russia of a stretch ceiling of a room is 18m2 - 9000-10000 rub.

Important Note! The ranking of the best manufacturers of suspended ceilings is information that is for reference only. In no case is an advertisement, does not call to buy or order goods.

Types of ceilings

Thanks to the imagination of designers, a large selection of stretch linens, ceilings can be works of art. Multi-level constructions with the effects of 3D, starry sky, and soaring are gaining popularity.

Figure imitating the sky with stars.

All these effects are achieved thanks to various designs, colors, lighting, installed in certain places. There is no limit to fantasy, perfection.

Stretch ceiling in the house - speaks of the taste of its owners, the desire to master modern materials, technologies. It gives non-standard to the interior, making the rooms interesting, bright.

Fantasy has no limit!

The owner can be the designer of his own house or apartment, come up with an original, unusual design of the ceiling, get away from obsolete, boring paints, wallpaper, lime. With a wide selection of colors, textures, designs, any design that seemed impossible could be realized. There is no limit to imagination. From an ordinary apartment, a private house, you can make repairs, which have no analogues.

On the official websites of manufacturers, you can choose your favorite design option, and experienced consultants will help you develop a personal project. In order to avoid the purchase of fake materials, poor-quality installation, you should contact specialized stores, official websites of leading companies so as not to redo or regret the money spent in the future.

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