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10 best intimate hygiene gels

Hygiene procedures are very important to maintain the health of the genitals. The use of ordinary soap is not suitable for this, since a special PH level must be maintained in this area. Therefore, it is recommended to use a special gel for intimate hygiene. It has a special composition, therefore, does not violate the microflora of the vagina.

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
Best Intimate Hygiene GelsEpigen950It contains lactic acid, therefore it normalizes the microflora of the genitals.
Belita50Thanks to its natural composition, it perfectly cleanses the skin and mucous membranes, protects against inflammatory diseases.
Green mama250Tea tree oil protects against infections, and lactic acid normalizes the level of PH.
Bio flora290Decoctions of herbs, fruit enzymes and lactic acid have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Sebamed350For sensitive skin.
Sage110The natural composition allows it to be used for daily care.
Moon jasmine95Available in a convenient bottle with a dispenser.
Uriage Gyn-8920It relieves itching, inflammation and irritation, but is not suitable for continuous use.
Malavit303For gentle cleansing and normalization of microflora.
Planet Organics250In addition to gentle cleansing, it has anti-inflammatory and aseptic effects.

What is it needed for

To protect the genitals from various infections, an acidic environment is maintained in the intimate area. In addition, there is a special microflora. Therefore, for the hygiene of this area, it is not advisable to use a regular shower gel or soap. They disrupt the acid-base balance, therefore, they can contribute to the development of various diseases.

Means designed to cleanse the intimate area gently care for the skin and mucous membranes. They do not cause dryness or irritation, protect against exposure to chlorinated water or from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

Features of the composition

When choosing gels for intimate hygiene, you need to pay attention to their composition. They should contain the following components:

  • lactic acid with lactobacilli;
  • extracts of herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage;
  • panthenol;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins D, A and E;
  • glycerol.

Good hygiene products in this area should contain a minimum of synthetic substances, foaming components, it is better that there are no antibiotics, preservatives or dyes.

Such products must have a natural composition

Beneficial features

Recently, all doctors recommend abandoning the usual soap when caring for the intimate area. It overdries the mucosa, can cause irritation on the delicate skin of the genital organs. In addition, all cosmetics violate the acid-base balance of this zone.

Special gels for intimate hygiene have many useful properties:

  • gently cleanse delicate skin and mucous membranes without causing irritation or itching;
  • support the natural microflora of the genital organs, protecting them from the penetration of bacteria;
  • eliminate unpleasant odor, prevent its appearance;
  • relieve inflammation or irritation of the external genital organs resulting from improperly selected linen or panty liners.

How to use

For hygiene of the intimate area you need to use special tools, but, most importantly, do not overdo it. Many doctors note that thrush or other diseases of the external genitalia can arise from frequent washing, as it removes the natural protective lubricant. Therefore, you need to use with such funds no more than 2 times a day.

For such a tool to benefit, you need to use it correctly

The gel foams under a stream of water, then with a light movement is applied to the intimate area. It does not need to rub or try to apply deeply. After processing the skin, it must be washed off with water. The genitals should be blotted with a soft towel or napkin.

You should not use such funds for individual intolerance or the presence of allergic reactions. And in case of serious gynecological diseases or after operations, special therapeutic agents prescribed by a doctor are needed.

Best Intimate Hygiene Gels

It is impossible to say unequivocally which intimate hygiene gel is better in each particular case. It depends on the purpose of its use, on personal preferences or the presence of dermatological problems. The products of all cosmetic brands on sale are of two types: with a moisturizing or cleansing effect. When choosing them, you need to consider for what purpose they are used.

You need to try to choose funds on a natural basis

But besides this, there is a rating of the best gels. It is compiled by the popularity of such funds and by the presence of positive reviews.

  • Epigen is a gel with a mild cleansing effect. Suitable even for little girls, as it does not cause irritation or allergies. It contains lactic acid, therefore it normalizes the microflora of the genitals. Its disadvantage is the high price of 950 rubles.
  • Economical and inexpensive is Belita cream gel. It costs only 50 rubles, but thanks to the natural composition it perfectly cleanses the skin and mucous membranes, protects against inflammatory diseases. True, cases of individual intolerance are sometimes observed.
  • Green Mama also has a natural composition. Tea tree oil protects against infections, and lactic acid normalizes the level of PH. It costs only 250 rubles.
  • Foam Bio Flora is well suited for daily care. It has a delicate texture and natural composition. Decoctions of herbs, fruit enzymes and lactic acid have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Its cost is 290 rubles.
  • For sensitive skin, it is better to use the Sebamed remedy. It does not have alkali, dyes or synthetic components. Plant extracts help maintain microflora balance. It costs 350 rubles.
  • Sage has a good moisturizing effect. The cost is only 110 rubles and a large package makes it available to everyone. A natural composition allows you to use it for daily care.
  • Softening gel Lunar jasmine has a delicate pleasant aroma. Available in a convenient bottle with a dispenser. It costs 95 rubles.
  • Means Uriage Gyn-8 based on thermal water and a special treatment complex is used only to fix problems. It relieves itching, inflammation and irritation, but is not suitable for continuous use. And its cost is quite high - 920 rubles.
  • For gentle cleansing and normalization of microflora, you can use Malavit gel. It moisturizes, does not cause irritation, maintains a natural PH balance. It costs 303 rubles.
  • A feature of the Planet Organics gel is that it has a natural composition. The main component is aloe extract. Therefore, in addition to gentle cleansing, it has anti-inflammatory and aseptic effects. It costs 250 rubles.

Some gels for intimate hygiene have a healing effect.

To avoid various diseases of the external genitalia, you need to choose the right means for their cleansing. They will help maintain the normal microflora of the vagina and protect it from infection.

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