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Choosing the best exercise bike for home

Being overweight is an exciting issue for women and men. A slender figure, toned muscles - the dream of many. Some want to lose weight, others maintain the results achieved by training, while others train to maintain health. Choosing the best exercise bikes for weight loss, gain muscle tone, recovery from heart and vascular diseases. Its loads are considered effective, suitable for all ages.

CategoryTitleprice, rub.Short description
The best magnetic devices in price and qualityBody Sculpture BC-1720G12000Device with pulse measurement, battery life. The power source is batteries.
Evo Fitness Spirit16000Seat adjustment is available not only vertically, but also horizontally. There is an adjustment for uneven floors.
Vertical Sport Elite SE-3008800Lightweight model with 8 load programs. Convenient adjustment of the seat, steering angle.
The best electromagnetic simulatorsElectromagnetic Hasttings Spider SB40030000The electromagnetic bicycle ergometer has 24 loading programs. The maximum allowable user weight is 135kg.
Bicycle ergometer Hasttings DBU6034000The screen displays data on speed, distance traveled, calories lost, cadence.
Hasttings RB400 UFO36000The horizontal type ergometer has a comfortable adjustable seat that allows you to distribute the load.
The best inexpensive magnetic exercise bikesArmed HJ-0862500The device allows you to train in any conditions, small rooms. Convenient in storage, transportation.
Indigo Ireb 0808M7000The vertical design provides a long-awaited result in a quick time. The maximum weight is 100kg.
DFC 917ES17800The simulator has a vertical seat adjustment, straps on the pedals, compensators on uneven floors.

Home exercise bike will not only help to lose weight, acquire a slim figure, but also strengthen blood vessels, internal organs, lungs, heart. With it, you will feel better, have a good mood, a new sense of life will appear, which many lack, among the city bustle, eternal lack of time, a lot of work. But choosing exercise bikes for the home, you should know which is better.

Choosing the right simulator is no easy task!

Types of exercise bikes

Before choosing a suitable simulator, you need to study what models manufacturers offer, how they are divided, design features.

Classification of models by:

  • The braking / loading system.
  • Accounting for physical activity.
  • Landing.

Loading systems are divided into:

  • Electromagnetic.
  • Belt.
  • Magnetic.
  • Pads.

By landing there are:

  • Portable - no handles, seats.
  • Vertical - an imitation of a conventional bicycle.
  • Hybrid - landing changes.
  • Horizontal - there is a device that supports the back.

Accounting for the degree of loading is carried out in each type of simulator.

Before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics, parameters of the device.

Display example

Which exercise bike is better - magnetic or electromagnetic

Both devices are similar in terms of the loading system - slowing down the movement of the flywheel with a magnet (the closer the magnet, the greater the load on the pedals).

This design is reliable, durable, since the components are not under load.

Important! The advantage of an electromagnetic device over a magnetic device in accurate automatic load control. You only need to select the desired option on the control panel.

In a magnetic device, the adjustment is made by a wheel that rotates by hand.

Electromagnetic exercise bikes are elite devices for cardio training. They possess:

  • ergonomic;
  • a large number of program modes;
  • the ability to configure for your own parameters;
  • modern, fashionable design;
  • noiselessness;
  • ride smoothness;
  • reliability;
  • durability.

Despite the benefits of electromagnetic devices, energy costs should be considered. You need to place such a simulator near a power outlet or battery. Worth mentioning is the high price.

Simulators of this type are loved by professional athletes, they are recommended to people with heart diseases, so that the health of the trainee is always under control.

Magnetic models are cheaper, on the market you can choose the desired model from the proposed huge range.

If you make an effort, search, you can buy a convenient, multifunctional, best exercise bike for the home for a small price.

Vertical or horizontal

When choosing which exercise bike is better - vertical or horizontal, you need to consider their characteristics:

  • The vertical simulator loads all parts of the body. It resembles an ordinary bicycle, the saddle is adjustable in height. The frame is made powerful to absorb additional loads, so during active training, you can ride it while standing.
  • Horizontal - preferred for those who have back problems, but want to fight with excess weight. On such a simulator, the load goes to the legs, the training process occurs, reclining or lying down. It is able to reduce weight in combination with proper nutrition.

Simple exercise bike

Simple exercise bikes have a low price, some of them without a seat, handles, in fact, it's just spinning pedals. They are simply put on the floor, the trainee takes a comfortable position, resting his feet on the pedals, begins to twist them. Everything is simple. The main advantages of such models: small dimensions, light weight, low price.

Portable exercise bike

For small people - this is the best solution in the choice. Home sports are popular. People who do not have the opportunity, time to go to the gym are happy to do at home. The portable device is convenient in that it can be easily folded, removed after training.

Its advantages:

  • compact sizes, which allows you to train in small rooms;
  • light weight;
  • affordable price.

However, we must not forget that such simulators do not have the strength, functionality, as stationary.

Portable device - the best solution for saving space

Exercise bike for the elderly

Not all device models are suitable for older people.

Preferred options:

  • Horizontal - to relieve stress from the spine. The necessary load is adjusted, the design allows you to relax, thanks to a comfortable chair during training to get maximum pleasure.
  • Mini-simulators - used in rehabilitation cases. Compact, easy to use, lightweight. You can train your legs, shoulders, arms.

Training on vertical models is also suitable, but here you need to follow the recommendations of doctors so as not to harm your health.

The use of a hybrid type will allow you to change the load, the position of the seat. Before starting classes, you need to configure the desired loading system, adjust the seat. Strictly follow the instructions of the doctors.

Note! When choosing a model of an exercise bike for home training, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the body, the recommendations of doctors. General cases are described on the Internet.

Additional functions

The manufacturer complements the models with various features. The quality of the training process depends on them. Are they needed? To judge users.

Additional features shown on the display:

  • Exact training time, ambient temperature;
  • degree of loading;
  • pulse.

Varieties of sensors:

  • wireless photoelectronic;
  • on the steering wheel;
  • mounted on the chest, in the ear.

The sensor plays a secondary role in training, but it depends on how easy it is to handle, the training process is so enjoyable.

The best magnetic devices in price and quality

The best vertical Body Sculpture BC-1720G exercise bike

Device with pulse measurement, battery life. The power source is batteries. The maximum weight is 100 kg. The device displays: at what frequency the pedals rotate, calories, speed, approximate distance traveled. The heart rate sensor is located on the steering wheel.

The number of programs is 18, of which 3 are heart rate dependent.

Comfortable seat adjustment. There are stands for books. Manufacturer's warranty is 1 year.

Price: 12000 rub.

Easy-to-use magnetic simulator

Evo Fitness Spirit

This model is one of the top home exercise bikes. Vertical design with pulse measurement, battery life. The most maintained weight - no more than 120 kg.

Levels of loading - 8.

Seat adjustment is available not only vertically, but also horizontally. There is an adjustment for uneven floors. The display shows: current speed, cadence, distance, calories burned.

Warranty - 3 months.

Price: 16000 rub.

Unusual color, attractive design

Vertical Sport Elite SE-300

Lightweight model with 8 load programs. Convenient adjustment of the seat, steering angle. There is a heart rate sensor, which is located on the steering wheel. The display shows: speed, distance, calories.

Warranty period is 1 year.

Price: 8800 rub.

Bright color - calls for training

The best electromagnetic simulators

Electromagnetic Hasttings Spider SB400

The electromagnetic bicycle ergometer has 24 loading programs. The maximum allowable user weight is 135kg. The display shows: calorie consumption, distance, speed, pedal rotation. The heart rate sensor is located on the steering wheel. Steering wheel adjustments (tilt angle, height), seats (vertical, horizontal) are available.

Warranty - 1 year.

Price: 30000 rub.

Reliability, durability

Bicycle ergometer Hasttings DBU60

The vertical device has 32 load levels, 13 built-in programs. Maximum weight load - 130 kg. During training, measures the pulse. The screen displays data on speed, distance traveled, calories lost, cadence.

Stylish ergonomic design, black color distinguishes it from other models. Convenient steering wheel adjustment, seats.

Warranty period is 1 year.

Price: 34000 rub.

Space design, lots of functions - the pleasure of training provided

Hasttings RB400 UFO

The horizontal type ergometer has a comfortable adjustable seat that allows you to distribute the load. The user's weight should not be more than 135 kg.

Built-in training programs - 24 pcs., Which allows you to configure the right one. Heart rate dependent - 1 pc. The heart rate sensor is located on the steering wheel. The display screen displays the current speed, cadence, distance traveled, calories burned.

Wireless cardiac sensor connection.

Manufacturer's Warranty: 1 year.

Price: 36000 rub.

Horizontal design for load balancing

The best inexpensive magnetic exercise bikes

Portable exercise machine Armed HJ-086


  • low weight (no more than 4 kg);
  • durable
  • robust construction;
  • small dimensions.

The device allows you to train in any conditions, small rooms. Convenient in storage, transportation.

The power source is batteries.

Price: 2500 rub.

Economical version of the simulator

Indigo Ireb 0808M

The vertical design provides a long-awaited result in a quick time. The maximum weight is 100kg. Levels of loading - 8 programs. The display shows the calories spent, speed, distance.

Warranty service for 1 month.

Price: 7000 rub.

There are no contraindications for health - the simplest model for classes will do!

Vertical DFC 917ES1

The simulator has a vertical seat adjustment, straps on the pedals, compensators on uneven floors. The weight of the trainee is no more than 120kg. The display shows: calories burned, speed, distance.

Warranty: 1 year.

Price: 7800 rub.

Bright compact model with a minimum set of functions

Important Note! The rating of the top exercise bikes for the home contains an informative character, serves to improve consumer awareness. In no case is advertising, direct calls to purchase the listed models.

Additional recommendations based on the foregoing:

  • To reduce weight, we recommend models with a weighted flywheel that will withstand increased loads. No need to save on sensors. If dieting is added to training, the result will not be long in coming.
  • For cardio training, according to the doctor’s recommendations, you need to choose models with sensors so that during training you can monitor your own sensations depending on the degree of loading. An observation log should be kept.
  • To maintain the body in good shape, if there are no contraindications, you can purchase the simplest mechanical or magnetic simulator with a minimum package of functions that will perfectly support health, muscle tone, and will not allow you to gain extra pounds.

Before buying, choosing an exercise bike for training at home, you need not only to choose a trainer among the large model range that meets all the criteria for it. But it is necessary to take into account the state of health of the trainee, so as not to overdo it later and harm him, for this it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctors. The store is worth taking into account the advice of sales consultants in choosing a device to train with pleasure. Otherwise, the simulator will gather dust abandoned in the corner. In this case, regrets about wasted money cannot be avoided.

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